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Esprits Criminels
#112 : Traque sans merci

Résumé : Une fille a été enlevée dans un parc. Le kidnapping s'est déroulé en plein jour, dans un quartier calme, sans que personne ne remarque quoi que ce soit. L'unité soupçonne tout d'abord le père de la vicime d'en être l'auteur. Mais l'homme fournit rapidement un alibi aux enquêteurs.


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Titre VO
What Fresh Hell ?

Titre VF
Traque sans merci

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 11.01.2006 à 21:00
15.92m / 5.7% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Plus d'informations | N°012

Réalisateur de l'épisode : Adam Davidson
→ Scénariste de l'épisodeJudith McCreary

→ Les acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
- Thomas Gibson ... Aaron Hotchner
- Mandy Patinkin ... Jason Gideon
- Matthew Gray Gubler ... Spencer Reid
- Lola Glaudini ... Elle Greenaway
- Shemar Moore ... Derek Morgan
- A.J. Cook ... Jennifer Jareau
- Kirsten Vangsness ... Penelope Garcia

→ Les autres acteurs présents dans l'épisode :
- Judith Scott ... Charlotte Russet
- Dwier Brown ... William Copeland
- Tracey Needham ... Marilyn Copeland
- Ned Vaughn ... Donald Curtis
- Time Winters ... Kirk Lomax
- Kevin Breznahan ... Martin Jones
- Katie Cecil ... Billie Copeland
- Eric Christie ... Sergent
- Len Cordova ... Hal Greene
- Kathleen Mary Carthy ... Helen Godfrey
- Brooke DeBetties ... Connie

Une fille a disparu, Spencer Reid nous sort les statisques qui inquiètent puisque le temps est compté pour retrouver la fille avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Lorsqu'ils arrivent sur place, ils découvrent que les parents sont séparés et que l'un pensait que la fille était chez l'autre. Seulement le père n'a pas d'alibi jusqu'à ce que Gideon le fasse avouer: il a un cancer qui a réapparu et était en traitement lors de l'enlèvement.  L'équipe repart vers le parc et une autre fille indique qu'elle a suivi un homme recherchant sa chienne. Et les voisins sortent une liste de pédophiles des alentours.

Le DSC dresse alors un profil: un voisin d'apparence normale, auquel on ne prête aucune attention. Il a dans les 30 ans, il est mal à l'aise socialement ce qui le rapproche des enfants. C'est son premier enlèvement parce que la fille a disparu dans les alentours. Il a probablement une chienne récemment disparue et appartient à l'entourage car il connait les enfants.

Le DSC se sépare alors. Penelope analyse les délinquants sexuels reconnus du coin mais aucun ne correspond au profil. Ellie se rend chez les parents réunis. Le père est hyper stressé et les voisins lui apportent la liste des délinquants sexuels. Il pète un cable et va en tabasser un avant que l'équipe ne le rattrape et le calme. Il s'avère que la liste est exacte mais incomplète. Le tabassé n'est pas pédophile mais quelqu'un ayant sollicité une prostituée.

Un corps est retrouvé. Heureusement, ce n'est pas celui de la fillette. Le DSC décide alors de passer à un autre plan: Par la conférence de presse, l'équipe va lancer un appel à témoin, prétendant que le suspect est témoin pour que quelqu'un les contacte.

Spencer a alors l'idée de se pencher sur la liste des personnes absentes lors de l'enquête de voisinage puisque le suspect évite les contacts avec les adultes, souhaite rester discret et n'aurait pas pu contrôler sa nnervosité face à un policier. Un appel d'un voisin révèle la position du supect, croyant qu'il est témoin. Il a un pick up vert, la lumière est là et il va tous les jours au parc. Il avoue également que ce voisin/suspect à une chienne morte il y a 6 mois.

Toute l'équipe rapplique mais la flic locale refuse l'intervention sans un mandat. Gideon s'en moque et défonde la vitre. Le problème: rien. Pourtant le suspect correspond au profil, il y a même des vidéos illégales de pornographie infantile. Mais aucune trace de la fillette. Pourtant Gideon est persuadé qu'elle est là, dans la maison. Heureusement, il trouve du matériel d'isolation sur un balai et décide d'aller voir au grenier où se trouve la fillette intacte.

Marilyn Copeland: She's wide open over here… There ya go… Nice pass… Carmen! You just fouled the halfback. Dos you play like that tomorrow, we're gonna get beat by penalty kicksok?

Billie Copeland: I don't see why I can't go.

Marilyn Copeland: I told you. We have a game tomorrow.

Billie Copeland: So what? I'm not playing.

Marilyn Copeland: You are still a member of this team, and they deserve your support.

Billie Copeland: Then I'll get dad to drive me back in time for the game.

Marilyn Copeland: No. Yey, come on, guys. Pass the ball!

Billie Copeland: Why? I wanna spend time with dad.

Marilyn Copeland: Of course you do. He doesn't make you do anything.

Billie Copeland: God, you can be such a...

Marilyn Copeland: Billie... You have a bad attitude… And I want it gone by the time we head for home. I suggest you run it off. Laps… Now.


Billie Copeland: Dad? Where are you? Can you talk to mom... Please? We're fighting. Again. I really want to stay with you for a little while. I know what you're gonna say, but... Can we at least have a family meeting? Call me back. Bye.


Billie Copeland: Don't worry, mister. If she's old, she can't go too far. I know what it's like to lose your dog. Where'd you look? Are you ok?


Jason Gideon: Yeah.

Penelope Garcia: Thank you for the flowers. "I know I can be challenging, but your work is appreciated. J. Gideon." I appreciate the appreciation. And BTW, you're not challenging. Well, no, you're totally challenging, but you're not challenging at all in a bad way. Sir… Hey, is this your family?

Jason Gideon: Yeah. Sort of.

Penelope Garcia: Great… Thank you… Hey.

Jennifer Jareau: Hey.

Jason Gideon: What the hell does BTW mean?

Jennifer Jareau: Internet shorthand for by the way. You sent Garcia flowers?

Jason Gideon: No. You need something?

Jennifer Jareau: Missing child in Wilmington, Delaware…


Jennifer Jareau: 11-year-old Billie Copeland was last seen on the playground at 4:30 yesterday afternoon.

Aaron Hotchner: That's... 20 hours ago. Child abduction response plan says we get notified immediately. What happened?

Jennifer Jareau: There was reason to believe she was with her father. Her cell phone shows a call to him around the time of the disappearance.

Jason Gideon: So they've since ruled him out?

Jennifer Jareau: He called the mother about an hour ago.

Jason Gideon: That doesn't mean he isn't involved.

Jennifer Jareau: He's on his way to the finily home, so you can talk to him there. But the local police are now considering this a stranger abduction.

Derek Morgan: 20 hours late.

Spencer Reid: Long-term stranger abductions of children Billie's age are rare. They represent only of one percent of all missing cases per year. But they are usually more likely to be fatal. Of the children that are abducted and murdered, 44% die within the first hour… From that point forth, their odds of survival greatly decrease. 75% are gone after 3 hours. Virtually all of them are dead after 24.

Aaron Hotchner: Which means we have just under 4 hours to find her.

Jason Gideon: Shall we go?


Jason Gideon: The poet, W.H. Auden wrote, "Evil is unspectacular and always human. And shares our bed... And eats at our table."


Spencer Reid: She's been missing 21 hours.

Aaron Hotchner: We're gonna go meet with the lead detective at the park where the girl was last seen.

Jason Gideon: We need to know everything that's being done.

Jennifer Jareau: I'll find out what the press is running, see if I know any of them. We may need to manage what they put out.

Jason Gideon: Good. See what the uniforms know from the canvasses. Elle, I need you to be a liaison with the family.

Elle Greenaway: A liaison?

Jason Gideon: In a child abduction, the parents are likely to break down if we aren't careful.


Charlotte Russet: Put out a city wide alert. We've got multi-agency law enforcement running canvass. Body and evidence grid search is up and running on foot with canine units. Talked to the press twice. Gave 'em a description of the suv and the suspect and formed a round the clock volunteer manned hotline service.

Derek Morgan: Did you run a background check on these volunteers?

Charlotte Russet: On-going but no red flags yet. I had to make a call on this one, you know? Looked like a family thing.

Aaron Hotchner: Any witnesses?

Charlotte Russet: Witnesses have her talking to a white male, mid-30s, carrying a leash... Right about there.

Aaron Hotchner: Just a leash? No dog?

Charlotte Russet: No dog.

Derek Morgan: Lost dog is a common ruse. Especially with children.

Charlotte Russet: A short time later, a green SUV sped out of the parking lot over there. We have an amber alert on it.

Derek Morgan: According to preliminary reports, mother and daughter had an argument during soccer practice?

Charlotte Russet: Billie wants to spend more time with her father. It's a pretty fresh divorce. I get the impression that our victim is in the middle of it.

Aaron Hotchner: Unsub could have been hunting during practice. Crowded park at 4 p.m.'s a target-rich environment.

Derek Morgan: Angry, upset little girl needs someone to talk to.

Charlotte Russet: How would he know she was upset?

Aaron Hotchner: Finding vulnerable kids is what these guys are good at.

Charlotte Russet: Russet. Yeah. Where? We'll be right there… Uniforms just located another kid who might have talked to the suspect yesterday. It's a couple blocks from here. Let's go.


Billie's voice: Good boy.

Detective Russet: We're looking for a white male in his 30s who drives a late-model green SUV. If anyone has seen anything suspicious, we have a hotline set up at the Wilmington police department. Billie Copeland is an 11-year-old girl. The last time she was seen, she was in a track suit and a blue soccer uniform.


Marilyn Copeland: They've been running that over and over again for the past 2 hours. The press wants to talk to me. I just-I don't think I can face it.

Elle Greenaway: Why don't you just tell me what happened?

Marilyn Copeland: Um... I was focused on practice, and... Billie was... Being a pain as usual, giving me attitude… So I told her to run it off… I sent her away.

Elle Greenaway: How long have you been divorced?

Marilyn Copeland: Um... It's been final for 6 months, but we haven't lived together for over a year.

Elle Greenaway: You seeing anyone?

Marilyn Copeland: Between work and Billie… When would I have the time?

Elle Greenaway: Not one date? Any men coming over to the house?

Marilyn Copeland: I- I had a few casual dates after work, but they never came to the house. Billie still hopes that her father and I will get back together.

Jason Gideon: How did Billie's dog die, Mrs. Copeland?

Marilyn Copeland: Uh... It was hit by a car 2 weeks ago. How did you know that?

Jason Gideon: Shrine in the room. Helps her grieve?

Marilyn Copeland: Her father did that for her.

Jason Gideon: They get along well?

Marilyn Copeland: Best of friends. She calls him every night, tells him about her day, asks about his. He's a cancer survivor, so he takes time off from work, pulls her out of school for father/daughter field trips. Says we all need to stop and enjoy life. But he forgets that he has responsibilities, that they both do. Which makes me the bad guy. And she blames me for the divorce. Blames me for everything… I should have just let her go with her father. I'm sorry.

Jason Gideon: She's pretty fragile.

Elle Greenaway: The last thing she did was fight with her daughter. Can you imagine what that feels like?

Jason Gideon: Mr. Copeland's here.


Jennifer Jareau: Big response.

Spencer Reid: Yeah.

Jennifer Jareau: My friends in the press eat this up.

Spencer Reid: They have a lot of on-air hours to fill.

Jennifer Jareau: 'Scuse me…


Jennifer Jareau: Look who's here. Came all the way down from New York, huh?

Hal Greene: A missing little girl is always goa be news.

Jennifer Jareau: So did you get all the photos and everything you need?

Hal Greene: She's been missing since yesterday. How come you guys just got here?

Jennifer Jareau: We'll have a press conference.

Hal Greene: When?

Jennifer Jareau: Soon.

Hal Greene: Come on, JJ. Give me something, huh? For old times' sake.

Jennifer Jareau: Ok… You may wanna rethink that tie.


Marilyn Copeland: I have been calling you all night!

William Copeland: I'm sorry, Marilyn. I turned my phone off.

Marilyn Copeland: How could you turn your phone off? What if Billie got sick or we needed you.

William Copeland: I said I was sorry!


William Copeland: What's being done to find my daughter?

Elle Greenaway: We're assessing that right now.

William Copeland: She's been missing since yesterday! What the hell have you people been doing since then?!

Jason Gideon: Where have you been, Mr. Copeland?

William Copeland: Me?

Jason Gideon: Where were you all day and all night?

William Copeland: I have a cabin in Brandywine valley.

Jason Gideon: Police tried you there.

William Copeland: Well, maybe I was out at the time.

Jason Gideon: Billie tried your cell phone yesterday afternoon.

William Copeland: Well, I shut it off sometimes. I like the solitude.

Jason Gideon: You didn't fight your wife for custody of your daughter. But you... You like being in her life.

William Copeland: I want her to grow up in her home with her friends around. This is the only place she's ever lived.

Jason Gideon: So you love her very much.

William Copeland: Yes.

Jason Gideon: Why do you waste any precious time we have left? You weren't at your cabin. You weren't at work or with friends. Police didn't call us until a little while ago because they thought your daughter might have been with you, that you might have taken your daughter… Until you can give us a satisfactory accounting of your whereabouts from the time your daughter went missing until… Would you help me understand why a devoted father who talks to his daughter every night suddenly turns his phone off, disappears for almost 24 hours?

William Copeland: I was... Busy.

Jason Gideon: It's 1:30. You called your wife at 11:30, found out Billie was missing.

William Copeland: So?

Jason Gideon: Well, Brandywine valley's 15 minutes away. Where were you, Mr. Copeland?

William Copeland: I- I was at Sloane Kettering hospital. In New York city. Dr. Baylan Mahal is the head of oncology. You can call him if you want.

Jason Gideon: I will… Had a relapse?

William Copeland: It's in my lymph nodes now. There's nothing more they can… Please find my daughter. Find my daughter.

Jason Gideon: Call Sloane Kettering.


Charlotte Russet: Good afternoon. I'm detective Russet. This is Special Agents Hotchner and Morgan from the FBI.

Aaron Hotchner: Hi, you guys.

Boy 1: Can I see your gun?

Helen Godfrey: This used to be a good neighbourhood. But this is what happens when you let pedophiles and sex freaks live wherever they want.

Charlotte Russet: Ma'am

Helen Godfrey: I have been searching the sex offender registry. Two of them live close. Not that you can tell exactly where from the map on the internet. Are you talking to them?

Charlotte Russet: Yes, ma'am.

Boy 2: What's a pedophile sex freak?

Derek Morgan: Hey, hey, kids, kids, listen up. Which one of you is Connie? Hey, sweetheart. Ma'am, do you mind if we ask your daughter a couple of questions?

Mother: no.

Derek Morgan: Why don't we step right over here, and the rest of you can go back to playing, all right?

Aaron Hotchner: Connie, I'm Agent Hotchner. Did you talk to a man yesterday about finding his dog?

Connie: Yeah. He said her name was Candy and that she was old. But I told him I couldn't help him 'cause I had to go home and have lunch. And if I'm late, I get grounded.

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah. Well, moms are like that.

Connie: And then when he came back, I was already late for soccer practice.

Derek Morgan: Connie, he came back?

Connie: Yeah. After lunch. He said his dog was still lost.

Aaron Hotchner: Do you think you'd recognize him if you saw him again?

Connie: I don't know.

Charlotte Russet: Would you like to go down to the police department and have a look at a book with some men's faces in it? It might help you recognize him.

Aaron Hotchner: Would that be all right?

Mother: Yes.

Connie: Okay.

Derek Morgan: Thanks, Connie… Came back to the same neighbourhood twice in one day. That's bold.

Aaron Hotchner: He's comfortable in the area.


Jason Gideon: What do we know?

Aaron Hotchner: We talked to a kid who had contact with the unsub.

Derek Morgan: Came back to the same street more than once.

Aaron Hotchner: Tells us he's at ease in the neighbourhood, comfortable talking to kids in plain view.

Derek Morgan: He lured Billie with a story about a lost dog.

Jason Gideon: She recently lost one of her own.

Spencer Reid: That indicates previous knowledge of the victim.

Aaron Hotchner: But it doesn't necessarily mean that she knew him, Only that he's aware.

Spencer Reid: It's not uncommon for predators like these to know kids that live around his area.

Aaron Hotchner: He's from the neighbourhood.

Charlotte Russet: Then we go door to door and ask for voluntary searchers.

Spencer Reid: Neighbourhood’s already crawling with uniforms. They're everywhere.

Jason Gideon: So far you followed the child abduction response plan to the letter.

Charlotte Russet: For the past few hours, yes.

Jason Gideon: So now we need to move past the guidelines.

Charlotte Russet: What?

Jason Gideon: Change tactics. If we don't, Billie isn't gonna make it past the next 24 hours… I want you to corral these clown. We're gonna need 'em-all of 'em.


Jason Gideon: Billie Copeland has been missing 22 hours. It is vital that we locate her in the first 24.

Aaron Hotchner: The unknown subject in this case is most likely a resident of one of the subdivisions around the park. We have cancelled the amber alert. We need to coordinate with all your officers to pull everyone off the street immediately.

Officer: That's crazy.

Aaron Hotchner: Just hear me out.

Officer: But it goes against court procedure. You guys wrote the damn thing.

Spencer Reid: Carp is just a guideline for immediate response to child abduction. Believe it or not, we're already late in the game, and we do know enough about this unsub to know that if he feels like we're closing in on him at all, he will kill Billie to avoid detection. If anything, we need to lessen the pressure on him.

Jason Gideon: The man fits in. 'cause nobody knows what he is. Can we really know our neighbours? He walks his dog... Does yard work. Solitary activities appeal to him. But if you watch closely, you'll see he pays a little too much attention to the neighbourhood kids… Largely goes unnoticed because he isn't perceived as a threat.

Aaron Hotchner: He's a white male, in his late 20s to 30s. He has a menial or temporary job. Socially marginalized and frustrated. He relates better to kids than he does to adults.

Elle Greenaway: This is not his first offense against children, but it is his first abduction.

Charlotte Russet: How do you know that?

Elle Greenaway: First-timers hunt closer to home. Experienced predators don't.

Aaron Hotchner: And he's had a recent stressor, a job loss or other setback. Unable to maintain a normal relationship, he'll have extensive pornographic materials in his home and on his computer. And while they won't all involve children, some of them definitely will.

Spencer Reid: Since he used the missing dog ruse and we believe him to be a regular fixture of the neighbourhood, it's quite possible that he truly does own or did at one point own a dog named Candy. We recommend cross-checking veterinary records with residents in the neighbourhood.

Aaron Hotchner: He will not inject himself into this investigation.

Charlotte Russet: Don't these guys like to know what the cops know?

Jason Gideon: No, not this type of unsub. He's hiding. He doesn't know what anyone saw… He doesn't know if there's any information about him out there. He's unlikely to walk in, ask us... "Can I help you?" But I can guarantee you he will be watching the news. So how we handle them is very important.

Aaron Hotchner: Check your canvass records. One of you may have had contact with him in the early stages.

Charlotte Russet: What about registered sex offenders?

Aaron Hotchner: We've got somebody working on that right now.

Jason Gideon: Ok, ladies and gentlemen, everyone clear on that? Good luck. Thank you.


Penelope Garcia: Penelope Garcia's house of "how may i save your ass today"?

Derek Morgan: You can give me sex offender registry for Wilmington, Delaware.

Penelope Garcia: Oh. That's always a fun group. Um... Morgan, did you hear that Agent Gideon sent me flowers?

Derek Morgan: No kidding.

Penelope Garcia: Jealous?

Derek Morgan: Sex offenders, Garcia.

Penelope Garcia: Ah... Wilmington, Delaware sex offenders. Worst of them all- level 3 offenders, zip. Nada. Got a couple of level 2s residing 6 and 12 miles from the abduction site... One of which was such a long sheet, he should probably still be in prison. But apparently has served his full freight. And another, paroled on 2 counts of sexual assault and rape 1.

Derek Morgan: Any child victims?

Penelope Garcia: No.

Derek Morgan: Come on, Garcia. Dig. Dig for me.

Penelope Garcia: Ah. You got a level 1. Dennis Jones. Lives a mile away. Solicitation of prostitution.

Derek Morgan: Naw, Jones doesn't fit the profile. The guy we're looking for probably couldn't perform with adults, pro or not.

Penelope Garcia: Well, give me a list of suspects and I can run a deep background.

Derek Morgan: No. It'll be way too late by then.


William Copeland: You took the police off the street.

Elle Greenaway: We believe your daughter was abducted by someone in the area and that she's probably still nearby.

William Copeland: Then shouldn't you be flooding the area with cops, knocking on doors?

Elle Greenaway: It's not that simple.

William Copeland: Yes, it is.

Marilyn Copeland: You're taking the meds again.

William Copeland: Look...What exactly are you people doing to help get my daughter back?

Marilyn Copeland: You're sick again, aren't you?

Elle Greenaway: We want you to meet with the press... Both of you.

William Copeland: Press conference. That's what you have? You just said you're already taking the press that's running off the air.

Elle Greenaway: I know. This will be different. Trust us, Mr. Copeland.

Marilyn Copeland: I'll get it.

William Copeland: Just tell Marilyn what you need us to do.

Marilyn Copeland: That was his second remission.

Elle Greenaway: I'm sorry.

Marilyn Copeland: Billie won't even talk to me anymore. How am I gonna tell her that her father's sick again?

Elle Greenaway: One thing at a time, Mrs. Copeland. Once we find your daughter, you'll figure it out.


William Copeland: Copeland: Can I help you?

Helen Godfrey: Mr. Copeland, I'm Helen Godfrey from a few blocks away. I have printouts on all the sex offenders in the area. I think if you just... Look at any of these…


Elle Greenaway: What the hell? Mr. Copeland? Mr. Copeland!

Helen Godfrey: There are sex offenders in the area. I thought he should know.

Elle Greenaway: Stupid… Hotch, we have a problem.


William Copeland: Dennis Jones? Are you Dennis Jones?

Dennis Jones: Do I know you?

William Copeland: Where's my daughter?

Dennis Jones: What?

William Copeland: You tell me where she is or I'm gonna kill you right here.

Dennis Jones: Dude... I got no idea what you're talking about.

William Copeland: Where is she? Where is she, you pervert?!

Derek Morgan: Mr. Copeland! Mr. Copeland, don't do it!

William Copeland: Get off of me! He's got my kid!

Dennis Jones: I got no kid!

Derek Morgan: Met it go! Stop moving!

William Copeland: Let him go! He's got my daughter.

Aaron Hotchner: Get inside.


Charlotte Russet: Well, that's it. No more uniforms in the neighbourhood. Are you sure this is the way to go?

Jason Gideon: I hope it is.

Charlotte Russet: You're taking a hell of a chance, aren't you?

Jason Gideon: All we can do is respond to what's in front of us.

Charlotte Russet: What if you're wrong?

Jason Gideon: Pfft. You know what program did the most harm to this country in terms of crimes like this, child abduction?

Charlotte Russet: No.

Spencer Reid: "Stranger Danger."

Jason Gideon: Flooded the schools with it.

Spencer Reid: I remember them coming to my classroom. It was officer friendly with "Stranger Danger" colouring books.

Jason Gideon: Taught a whole generation about a scary man in a trench coat hiding behind a tree. Then we learned that strangers are only a... Fraction of the offenders out there. Most are people you see every day your family, your neighbours, school teachers… You know the rest. Prepared our children for 1% of the danger, made them more vulnerable to 99%. So we've been wrong before. All we can do is learn from it, and hopefully be better next time.

Dispatcher: Unit 5-3-9.

Charlotte Russet: 9.

Dispatcher: 9, we have a marked unit calling for your presence at the river off route 6.

Charlotte Russet: What's this in reference to?

Dispatcher: They've located a body. Female.


Officer: The call is anonymous. Said there was a body in the water.

Charlotte Russet: Brown hair, brown eyes, about 4'10", 4'11"?

Officer: Yeah.

Charlotte Russet: Should have started the search earlier.

Spencer Reid: I'm sure you just did what you thought was right, detective.

Charlotte Russet: I can't. I can't. If it's her…

Jason Gideon: That's all right.


Aaron Hotchner: Mr. Jones isn't interested in pressing charges.

William Copeland: Am I supposed to be grateful? The bastard's a pedophile.

Aaron Hotchner: No, he isn't.

William Copeland: Did you check up on him? Did you ever search his house?

Derek Morgan: His sex offense was soliciting a prostitute. It had nothing to do with children.

William Copeland: But he's registered on…

Derek Morgan: Mr. Copeland, there are a lot of ways to get on that list. That's why accessing that type of information is supposed to be left up to law enforcement.

Aaron Hotchner: We understand your frustration and your anger, but you're jeopardizing our efforts to save your daughter's life. Every minute spent chasing you is time we're not spending on Billie. So either get control of yourself and follow our directions or stay out of our way.

Marilyn Copeland: What would you like us to do?

Jennifer Jareau: Make a public appeal for information regarding a witness driving a dark green SUV.

William Copeland: Isn't he supposed to be the suspect?

Aaron Hotchner: Yes, but when people hear suspect, they can't see the guy next door as a monster. They can't imagine their neighbour could do something like this.

Elle Greenaway: If he's a witness, he might be a hero.

Marilyn Copeland: But what if he thinks it's a trick? What if he panics or thinks it's too risky, and then he…

Jennifer Jareau: It's not just him that you'll be speaking to. It's his neighbours as well.

Derek Morgan: We've done everything we can to relieve the pressure on this man. We've taken the cops off the street. You won't have any standing with you on the dais. Only a local minister.

Aaron Hotchner: Hearing he isn't a suspect might calm him down as well. Right now he's under enormous stress. And we need him to believe, even if it's just for a little while, that we're way off the mark, that we're not close to arresting him.

William Copeland: Are you? Close to arresting him?

Aaron Hotchner: We need the public's help.


Jennifer Jareau: Ok, can I have everyone's attention? Please, if you could just take your seats... The Copeland family is here to make an appeal. As you all know, their 11-year-old daughter Billie is missing. So if you could just have a little compassion and patience. Mr. Copeland.

William Copeland: Yesterday ahem… Yesterday, at approximately 3 p.m., my daughter… Our daughter… Belinda Copeland “Billie” went missing from the recreation center. We are looking for a man, a witness, in a green SUV. There have been some reports that he is a suspect, but that was a mistake. He's not suspected of anything. We would like this man to come forward and tell us what he knows. We need your help. He may not even understand how important what he saw is. So anyone with information about this individual or his green SUV, please call the tip hotline… Thank you.

Reporters: Mr. Copeland! Mr. Copeland!

Marilyn Copeland: We'd like Billie to come home now. It'll be dark soon. Thank you.

Hal Greene: So the body located by police earlier today is not Billie's?

William Copeland: What?

Hal Greene: The female body…

Jennifer Jareau: There'll be no more questions. Thank you.

William Copeland: What body?

Jennifer Jareau: This conference is over… Let's discuss this outside.

William Copeland: What body?

Reporters: Come on, Mr. Copeland.

Jennifer Jareau: That'll be all for now. The conference is over.

Reporters: Mr. Copeland! Mr. Copeland!

William Copeland: Why didn't you tell us?


Jennifer Jareau: That your idea of compassion?

Hal Greene: I only asked a question. You're the ones who didn't tell the parents a positive identification hasn't been made.

Jennifer Jareau: Asking them about that was out of line, Hal.


William Copeland: Is there a body?

Elle Greenaway: Please just come with me.

Marilyn Copeland: Tell me right now did you find a body?

Derek Morgan: Mrs. Copeland…

Marilyn Copeland: Did you find Billie? Is my daughter dead?

Aaron Hotchner: A body was discovered. It's not Billie.

Jason Gideon: The body that was found was much older and has been dead a number of days. Looks like maybe a junkie or an overdose.

William Copeland: Are you sure?

Jason Gideon: Yes, I saw the body myself. It's not your daughter.

Marilyn Copeland: My god, I can't… I can't...

Elle Greenaway: Please just come with me.

Jason Gideon: What the hell was that about?

Derek Morgan: A report asked them about the body.

Aaron Hotchner: Probably heard it on the scanner.

Jennifer Jareau: I should have prepared them for that.

Jason Gideon: We don't have anything to tell them yet.

Spencer Reid: Billie's running out of time. So are the parents.

Jason Gideon: Come on. A little hope, huh? We'll make it.


Aaron Hotchner: How's it going?

Derek Morgan: The unsub's in here somewhere. You gotta bet that the police talked to him n their initial canvass.

Spencer Reid: Maybe not. Our unsub is a solitary individual. He isn't the type of guy to insert himself into an investigation. Wouldn't it make more sense that he wouldn't have answered the door during the initial canvass?

Aaron Hotchner: Neighbourhood was crawling with cops, canine units, search and rescues. Make him nervous and jumpy, he'd want to avoid them at all costs.

Derek Morgan: So then he couldn't allow anyone into his home to ask routine questions even if the girl was bound or gagged because it'd be too risky.

Spencer Reid: It's next to impossible to control breathing, speech patterns, body language when the body's under extreme duress. Maybe if we compare hotline tips with anyone who wasn't at home during the initial canvass…

Derek Morgan: Or didn't answer their door.

Spencer Reid: We'll find our unsub.

Aaron Hotchner: Let's get to it.

Derek Morgan: Sergeant. Yeah?

Aaron Hotchner: Here's what we need…

Derek Morgan: Everything that comes in here...


Marilyn Copeland: Oh, my god. Billie...

Elle Greenaway: You have to be strong now. You have to.

Jason Gideon: How we doing?

William Copeland: All her life... When my little girl needed help, she came to me. And now, when she needs me most... There's... Nothing.

Marilyn Copeland: When he got sick... He said he didn't want to make us watch him die. He wanted the divorce. And I let her believe that it was me because... I don't know. It seemed better than the truth that he was running away from us… So I lied to her.

Elle Greenaway: I think that's an incredibly courageous sacrifice.

Marilyn Copeland: Except now he's sick. And all i have left is a daughter who hates me.


William Copeland: I just... I can't just sit around here helpless.

Jason Gideon: When you were first diagnosed with cancer, you could have given up. You didn't.

William Copeland: But there was an enemy... Something to fight.

Jason Gideon: Yeah, but... There's a ghost enemy. Sneaks in... Ravages you before you even know it's there, and by the time you do know, you're already losing. You took on that one. Whatever will you summoned to fight that title, find it again, for Billie… Don't give up, sir.

William Copeland: But it didn't matter. I fought... And it came back… The cancer won.

Jason Gideon: I saw the pictures of you and her in her room… Pictures of you fishing, being there for her when her dog died, building a shrine to her pet. You think that extra time didn't matter?

William Copeland: Are you gonna find her?

Jason Gideon: The men and women I work with are the best in the world. They won't rest until I do. You have my word on that.


Derek Morgan: Yeah. It was worth a try. That's right. Thank you… Nothin'.

Officer: Agent Morgan?

Derek Morgan: Yeah.

Officer: This the kinda thing you're looking for?

Derek Morgan: Reid.

Officer: A Mr. Lomax has a neighbour with a green SUV, but he hasn't seen him all day. Says that's unusual. Thought he might have been out of town, but now he sees some lights on over there.

Derek Morgan: 1106 Springfield. where's our canvass sheets? 1106.

Spencer Reid: 1100 block. 1106... No answer.

Derek Morgan: Let's go talk with Mr. Lomax. Nice call.

Officer: Thanks. Good luck.


Derek Morgan: Mr. Lomax? Agent Morgan. Agent Reid. FBI.

Kirk Lomax: Holy smokes! That was fast.

Spencer Reid: Did you call in a tip about your neighbour, Don Curtis?

Kirk Lomax: Lives down the street. I saw the news thing, you know? I was thinking... Don drives a dark green Explorer, and he's at the park all the time. I figured like they said on the television maybe he knows something but he doesn't know that he knows it. Know what I mean?

Derek Morgan: Where's his Explorer now?

Kirk Lomax: It's usually in the driveway, but I haven't seen it today. Haven't seen Don either, which is kind of weird. We're always out front talking about the lawns. He never has any crab grass. I don't know how he does it.

Derek Morgan: Do you know if he has a dog?

Kirk Lomax: Used to. A big Golden Retriever. name was Candy. I think she died like 6 months ago.

Derek Morgan: Thank you, Mr. Lomax… Yeah, Hotch. Morgan. Better get over here right now.


Derek Morgan: Third house down on the right. We knocked on the door, but nobody's answering.

Spencer Reid: His neighbour said he's definitely in there.

Derek Morgan: He's got a green Ford Explorer in the garage.

Jason Gideon: Break down the door.

Charlotte Russet: No. We don't have probable cause.

Derek Morgan: He's got a green SUV. He had a dog that died recently. He spends time in the park.

Aaron Hotchner: Pretending he's not home.

Charlotte Russet: None of which are illegal. No judge is going to sign a warrant based on that information.

Jason Gideon: You're weighing the life of a child against the price of a door?

Charlotte Russet: I'm weighing the law against the price of a door.

Jason Gideon: The girl's in the house right now. The longer we stand here, the longer he has to finish her off.

Charlotte Russet: I'll call a judge. If we go in there without a warrant, all that evidence will get thrown…

Aaron Hotchner: We're aware of the rules of evidence. What do you propose that we do?

Charlotte Russet: We tow his car, we impound it, and we search it.


Derek Morgan: Gideon! Gideon, wait a minute! Gideon! Gideon, you need… Federal agents. FBI!

Aaron Hotchner: Federal agents! FBI!

Jason Gideon: Clear… Where is she?

Don Curtis: I don't know what you're talking about.

Jason Gideon: Where's Billie Copeland?

Don Curtis: Please don't hurt me.

Derek Morgan: Gideon...

Don Curtis: Please! Please put the gun down.

Derek Morgan: Gideon!

Jason Gideon: Get him out of here! Tear the place apart!


Officer: We went through everything the house, the garage. The girl isn't here.

Aaron Hotchner: What?


Spencer Reid: Just as we expected, he has an extensive collective of deviant photos and cartoon downloads.

Jason Gideon: Partitioned in separate folders?

Spencer Reid: Mm-hmm.

Jason Gideon: Access the internet history. Identify any pornographic sites, shut 'em down.

Spencer Reid: I'm uploading to Garcia as we speak.

Jason Gideon: Is it all porn?

Derek Morgan: It's a lot of home movies with a bunch of kids in it. This one-you need to see it.


Boy: No, I don't want to.

Don Curtis: Shh. Remember what I'll do if you tell.


Spencer Reid: Gideon, we searched the entire house-upstairs, downstairs. Everywhere. There's no sign of the girl or that she's even been here. It is possible that he moved her. Polly Klaas was found 25 miles from home, Danielle Van Damme 30, Samantha Runnion, 52. But keep in mind... We were 20 hours late getting involved.

Jason Gideon: Man doesn't take chances. He wouldn't drive around with a girl in the car. He took her, got her off the street as quickly as possible. Just keep looking.

Derek Morgan: On it.


Aaron Hotchner: Your tapes, your computer, are full of child pornography.

Don Curtis: Do you guys have a warrant? I didn't see a warrant.

Aaron Hotchner: You're going to prison. Right now for how long is up to you. It's in your best interest to help us.

Don Curtis: I want a lawyer.

Aaron Hotchner: Then we won't be able to talk to you anymore. We won't hear your side of the story, and we won't get Billie Copeland back to her parents… Now, you can help us. Make it right.

Don Curtis: Can you close the door? It's cold.


Aaron Hotchner: Curtis lawyered up.

Charlotte Russet: Of course he did.

Jason Gideon: That's the first smart thing he's done.

Aaron Hotchner: We broke into his house, and without Billie, we don't have the exigent circumstances. We need to make this stick. We may have to let him go.

Charlotte Russet: I told you we should have waited.

Aaron Hotchner: I know. We made a call, and if there are any recriminations, we will take full responsibility.

Jason Gideon: Hotch. He's the man.

Aaron Hotchner: Jason, I agree, but we may have been overly hasty.

Charlotte Russet: Hasty? You know as well as I do unless we actually find him in this house, any evidence we find is fruit of the poison tree.

Jason Gideon: Insulation… There it is… Hotch, get me up here… Up. Go. Go.


Jason Gideon: She's here. Hey, Billie. my name's Jason. I'm here to take you home, sweetie. Your mommy and daddy are very worried about you.

Billie Copeland: I wanna go home. I wanna go home.

Jason Gideon: Let's go see your mom and dad, huh? Oh, i forgot. I took that for luck. Let's bring it back to where it belongs, ok? Let's go see your mommy and daddy. Hotch! Here she comes. Here you go, sweetie. Watch your arm. Watch your arm.


Jason Gideon: "Measure not the work until the day's out and the labour done." Elizabeth Barrett Browning.


Derek Morgan: I got absolutely nothing.

Jennifer Jareau: Aw, nothing.

Spencer Reid: Sss... 2 pair... Of aces.

Derek Morgan: Oh, get outta town! Why you always winning? Nuh-uh!

Jennifer Jareau: 'Cause he cheats.

Spencer Reid: Poker? It's mathematics, it's statistics.

Aaron Hotchner: He's from Vegas.

Derek Morgan: House rules.

Spencer Reid: There's that. Too.

Jennifer Jareau: All right, shuffle.

Jason Gideon: Hey, Hotch.

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah?

Jason Gideon: Did you send flowers to that tech room girl... Garcia... And say they were from me?

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah.

Jason Gideon: Why?

Aaron Hotchner: Jason, people need to know that they're important, and sometimes you forget that.

Jason Gideon: I already sent her a gift. An mp3 player. They last longer. Unless you drop them or the battery dies, whichever comes first.

Aaron Hotchner: So she got 2 gifts.

Jason Gideon: What if she thinks I'm sweet on her? Maybe not, huh?

Elle Greenaway: I think the Copelands are gonna stay together.

Jason Gideon: Oh, good.

Elle Greenaway: He's dying.

Jason Gideon: He's having a difficult time.

Elle Greenaway: Billie's kind of used to him not being there. So maybe...it would be better if they stayed apart.

Jason Gideon: No, it wouldn't.

Elle Greenaway: How do you know?

Jason Gideon: I know… I just know.

Kikavu ?

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