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Esprits Criminels
#210 : Les leçons du passé

Résumé : Une arme chimique de destruction massive a été découverte par une équipe des Stups dans une zone à risque. Gideon, Reid et Prentiss se rendent à Guantanamo pour interroger le chef religieux d'une cellule terroriste. S'ils veulent déjouer l'attentat qui se prépare, les agents devront obtenir les aveux du prisonnier en moins de 48 heures. Les connaissances en langue arabe de l'agent Prentiss sont un précieux atout durant l'interrogatoire pour comprendre les différents comportements du suspect.


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Lessons Learned

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Les leçons du passé

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Prentiss (Paget Brewster) est un nouveau membre qui a rejoint l'équipe de la BAU.

Prentiss (Paget Brewster) est un nouveau membre qui a rejoint l'équipe de la BAU.

Jason Gideon et Prentiss.

Jason Gideon et Prentiss.

Le Dr. Reid (Matthew G.-G.).

Le Dr. Reid (Matthew G.-G.).

Les agents du FBI Spencer Reid et Jennifer Jareau (A.J. Cook) avancent sur l'affaire avec leur nouvelle collègue, l'agent spécial Emily Prentiss (Paget Brewster).

Les agents du FBI Spencer Reid et Jennifer Jareau (A.J. Cook) avancent sur l'affaire avec leur nouvelle collègue, l'agent spécial Emily Prentiss (Paget Brewster).

Emily Prentiss travaille avec l'équipe de la BAU afin de résoudre au plus vite une question d'attentat qui pourrait causer de très nombreux morts.

Emily Prentiss travaille avec l'équipe de la BAU afin de résoudre au plus vite une question d'attentat qui pourrait causer de très nombreux morts.


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 22.11.2006 à 21:00
16.56m / 5.8% (18-49)

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Plus d'informations | N°032

Réalisateur de l'épisode : Guy Norman Bee
→ Scénariste de l'épisodeJim Clemente

→ Les acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
- Thomas Gibson ... Aaron Hotchner
- Mandy Patinkin ... Jason Gideon
- Matthew Gray Gubler ... Spencer Reid
- Paget Brewster ... Emily Prentiss
- Shemar Moore ... Derek Morgan
- A.J. Cook ... Jennifer Jareau
- Kirsten Vangsness ... Penelope Garcia

→ Les autres acteurs présents dans l'épisode :
- Anthony Azizi ... Jind Allah
- Meredith Monroe ... Haley Hotchner
- Lauren Stamile ... Bonnie Ryan
- Kevin Chapman ... Andy Bingaman
- Roger Ranney ... Ken Norwood

La DEA débarque dans une maison et y trouve une arme chimique de destruction massive. Le DSC est appelé à la rescousse pour interroger un des responsables de la cellule terroriste car un des messages interceptés indique qu'il se passera quelque chose dans 2 jours. Le DSC doit se rendre à Guantanamo pour l'interroger. Gideon se rend à Guantanamo avec Prentiss qui étudiera les nuances de ce qu'il prononcera en arabe tandis que Reid analysera son comportement. Hotchner et Morgan rendent visite au DEA qui a découvert l'arme chimique.

Gideon va voir le responsable de la cellule dans une pièce vide. Ils sont étonnés de le voir marqué de coups. Gideon intervient lors d'un interrogatoire musclé dans le but de représenter le contraire de ces interrogateurs habituels. Il lui offre une tenue et s'excuse pour les traitements infligés. Le détenu arrête ses prières et jauge Gideon. GIdeon lui explique qu'il veut connaitre ses croyances. Il lui explique qu'il est persuadé qu'un jour, tous les hommes vivront ensemble en dépit de leurs croyances. Il lui explique également qu'il respectera ses droits.

En fouillant la maison, Morgan découvre une liste de produits chimiques et Garcia explique que cela sert à fabriquer de l'anthrax. A Guantanamo, Prentiss comprend à son accent qu'il est egyptien. Gideon joue cette carte et surprend le détenu. Un jeu de questions sur le pire ennemi de l'autre commence. Gideon explique que le pire ennemi est l'ignorance. Puis il s'en va pour le laisser prier en paix. A Quantico, Garcia trouve un mail qui pourrait correspondre à un message caché. JJ transmet l'info à Hotchner.

Gideon offre de l'eau au détenu et lui demande pourquoi il ne tient pas en compte les actes de défense passive de Mahomet. Le détenu répond avec les versets de l'épée, une interprétation non reconnue du Coran. S'entamme alors un débat sur l'interprétation du Coran et sa position sur la violence. Le détenu conclut en expliquant qu'à 8 ans, il a perdu la moitié de sa famille suite à une bombe tombé sur le bazar où sa famille se trouvait et que depuis ce jour, il a consacré sa vie à la vengeance au nom d'Allah.

Morgan et la DEA se rendent sur les lieux du message caché mais il n'y a rien. Gideon va donc expliquer son plan au détenu. Reid constate une réaction bizarre comme si il était soulagé. Gideon ordonne à Morgan de sortir en vitesse. Ils courrent vers la sortie mais la maison explose. Heureusement, tout va bien pour eux sauf un agent du SWAT mort.

Gideon retourne voir le détenu et lui explique qu'un de ses agents est mort. Le détenu semble ravi. Il y a toujours des morts à la guerre d'après lui. Et qu'il dirait aux parents du mort: "où étiez vous lorsque mon fils est mort ?". Reid et Prentiss comprennent que lors de l'attentat, il parlait de son fils et non de lui. Grâce aux infos de Garcia, le DSC apprend sa véritable identité.

Le détenu fait encore le malin, persuadé que les différents doivent se régler dans la violence, ce que refuse Gideon qui laisse prier et lui demande si il peut revenir le voir le lendemain. Reid étudie son parcours et découvre qu'il a préché sa religion et a recruté en prison des américains qui en veulent au gouvernement pour fabriquer sa cellule. Gideon décide alors qu'il faut impérativement travailler avec les infos de la CIA en dépit des protocoles pour éviter un véritable massacre. Puis il retourne voir le détenu qui s'étonne que Gideon le place au même niveau que lui, comme un être humain.

Garcia découvre qu'une entreprise hollandaise aurait perdu de l'anthrax, 20 grammes soit la possibilité de tuer 250 millions de personnes. La CIA envoit à Garcia la liste des suspects. Un suspect colle. Hotchner et Morgan se rendent chez lui. Ils y découvrent 6 morts dans un lavo rudimentaire, tous tués d'une balle. Ils découvrent également des résidus d'anthrax et 4 étiquettes de sacs à dos.

Gideon retourne voir le détenu avec Reid ce coup-ci. Il semble plus à l'aise et se permet même de plaisanter. Gideon lui demande quand tout cela sera terminé et le détenu répond "quand Allah le décidera". Reid explique alors tout ce qu'il a découvert sur lui. Cela surprend le détenu. Gideon exige une réponse sur le lieu de l'attentat puis Gideon reçoit un message par son oreillette.

L'attentat a eu lieu. Gideon entre alors dans une nouvelle discussion et arrache alors l'aveu du lieu où se déroulera l'attentat. C'était un piège. L'attentat doit avoir lieu dans un centre commercial géant qui va être inauguré. Un seul correspond dans un périmètre proche de la maison du labo. Hotchner cherche à dissimuler sa panique car sa femme et son fils sont censés être dans ce centre commercial pour faire des photos.

Morgan, Hotchner, la DEA et le SWAT infiltrent le centre commercial pour les coincer par surprise. Ils n'ont pas le choix et ils abattent 3 terroristes, le quatrième étant abattu en s'enfuyant et il tombe dans la baie vitrée. Hotchner rentre en vitesse et découvre que sa femme et son fils sont restés à la maison. Gideon, Reid et Prentiss reviennent en avion et Gideon leur explique qu'ils n'ont pas gagné la guerre. Mais Prentiss a gagné la confiance de Gideon qui l'invite à jouer aux échecs après avoir battu Reid.

Bonnie Ryan: Go, go, go!


Agent 1: Clear.

Agent 2: Clear.

Agent 3: We're cleared here.

Bonnie Ryan: Surveillance had them all going inside 45 minutes ago. Did anyone bail out on the perimeter?

Agent 4: No, ma'am. All secure out here.

Agent 2: Boss, this isn't a meth lab.

Bonnie Ryan: So why an escape tunnel?

Agent 2: Need to take a look at this.


Aaron Hotchner: Hotchner… When? Did they raise the terror alert? No, that's probably best. All right, get everybody in now. I'll be there in a minute.

Haley Hotchner: What's going on?

Aaron Hotchner: Nothing. I just have to go to the office.

Haley Hotchner: It's 6:15, and you're talking about a terror alert? It's bad, isn't it?

Aaron Hotchner: I don't know yet.

Haley Hotchner: Please don't lie to me.

Aaron Hotchner: It might be. I may not be home tonight. I mean, I might be home late.

Haley Hotchner: I know.

Aaron Hotchner: Shoot. I forgot. Tomorrow is the day we... Scheduled to take Jack to have his pictures taken.

Haley Hotchner: Don't worry about it. I'll reschedule.

Aaron Hotchner: No, no, no. Go ahead and take him, and I'll do my best to be there, okay?

Haley Hotchner: Just come back safely.

Aaron Hotchner: I will… Bye.


Aaron Hotchner: Everybody, meet Agent Prentiss.

Penelope Garcia: The other day.

Jennifer Jareau: I've been filling her in on protocol.

Derek Morgan: Derek Morgan.

Emily Prentiss: Emily Prentiss.

Aaron Hotchner: We can make nice later. What do we know?

Jennifer Jareau: The DEA raided what they thought was a hardened meth lab right here, in Northern Virginia, but they found this instead.

Derek Morgan: That could be a dispersal device for a chemical weapon. Sophisticated.

Jennifer Jareau: Homeland security's thinking Al Qaeda.

Spencer Reid: They've developed devices that span the spectrum of sophistication, some as simple as soda bottles and paint cans.

Emily Prentiss: They're called al ikhteraa. Literally "the invention".

Spencer Reid: They are.

Aaron Hotchner: Do we know what the biological or chemical agent is yet?

Derek Morgan: No, not yet.

Jennifer Jareau: The cell members bailed out through a tunnel. The DEA recovered a Nextel 2-way and managed to intercept a message. That's not the transcript. It's...

Emily Prentiss: No, it's in Arabic… Our friends surprised us and eloped. We can no longer wait for the wedding as planned. We can deliver our gift at the next crescent… I lived in several middle-eastern countries growing up.

Jason Gideon: Next crescent?

Emily Prentiss: Muslims sometimes use a lunar calendar. I'd have to look it up...

Penelope Garcia: Next crescent moon is in two days.

Jason Gideon: So whatever they're attacking, it's happening in less than 48 hours.

Emily Prentiss: That sounds like it, sir.

Jennifer Jareau: Payment for the Nextel is linked to this man… Jind Allah.

Emily Prentiss: Literally "soldier of God".

Derek Morgan: That's pretty poor operational security for a sophisticated plot.

Jennifer Jareau: Two months ago, Jind Allah was captured leaving the U.S. Using a forged Pakistani passport via Richmond international airport. He's been held as a ghost detainee in Guantanamo Bay ever since.

Penelope Garcia: So technically, he doesn't exist.

Jason Gideon: Soldier of God isn't a name.

Emily Prentiss: No, it's most likely a name taken on for the Jihad, meaning struggle. Extremists claim it's a holy war.

Spencer Reid: Yet the words "holy" and "war" never appear together in the Qu'ran.

Jason Gideon: Do we know his real name?

Penelope Garcia: CIA interrogators have gotten nothing out of the guy.

Jason Gideon: They need us to break him.

Jennifer Jareau: We do know from past intercepts that he's a recruiter. He came into this country to assemble the omega cell, a sleeper cell with an unknown mission.

Derek Morgan: We have 48 hours to do what the CIA hasn't been able to manage in two months.

Jason Gideon: We could be looking at the first attack on our soil since 9/11.


Aaron Hotchner: Hey.

Jason Gideon: Car here? I told Reid 5 minutes.

Aaron Hotchner: I think you should take Prentiss with you to Guantanamo.

Jason Gideon: Excuse me?

Aaron Hotchner: She could be of help.

Jason Gideon: I don't know enough about her abilities. There's plenty for her to do back here.

Aaron Hotchner: I don't know what she's capable of either, but we've got to find out sooner or later.

Jason Gideon: It's an interrogation, not a training exercise.

Aaron Hotchner: She's the only member of the team fluent in Arabic.

Jason Gideon: There are other translators.

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah, but they haven't studied behaviour.

Jason Gideon: She ever has her ready bag yet?

Aaron Hotchner: My guess is there isn't much this woman's unprepared for.

Jason Gideon: Car leaves in 4 minutes.

Emily Prentiss: Yes, sir.


Jason Gideon: Dale Turner mused: "Some of the best lessons are learned from past mistakes. The error of the past is the wisdom of the future."


Emily Prentiss: Excuse me, sir. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate...

Jason Gideon: Do not thank me.

Emily Prentiss: Sir?

Jason Gideon: It's not a favour.

Emily Prentiss: Of course. I know that.

Jason Gideon: You're coming to do a job.

Spencer Reid: Do you think the interrogation of Jind Allah will work in time?

Jason Gideon: Interrogation's the most dynamic form of profiling.

Emily Prentiss: That's not an answer… Sir.

Jason Gideon: He's been locked away in Gitmo. He doesn't know we raided the cell's safe house. That's an advantage for us. The main thing is to get him talking about anything. Then his language and body movements will betray him… It's like this you focus on the way your opponent holds his piece. How quickly and firmly he places it. Then you watch his face and body. It'll telegraph a player's strategy, his... Training, maybe his motivations.

Emily Prentiss: Is that what you need us to do?

Jason Gideon: No. I need you to listen. You're fluent in Arabic. I won't know the nuances like you. Every word, every phrase. Be on the lookout for subtext, ulterior meanings.

Spencer Reid: What do you want me to do?

Jason Gideon: I want you to watch for tells. Non-verbals, micro-expressions. Watch him when he's comfortable and relaxed, then note the behavioural changes when he's under stress. If we can establish a baseline, we'll be able to read him once I challenge his belief systems. Before I can get him to give up where or how they'll attack, I'll first have to cause him to reveal something of himself… Game over.

Spencer Reid: What are you talking about?

Jason Gideon: Gitmo's runway is perpendicular to Cuban airspace, so approaching aircraft have to negotiate a... Last minute 90 degree right turn in order to land. They call it the Gitmo twist.

Spencer Reid: I was winning.

Emily Prentiss: Actually, he would have had you in 3.


Bonnie Ryan: Bonnie Ryan.

Aaron Hotchner: Aaron Hotchner.

Bonnie Ryan: DEA team. We ran this raid.

Derek Morgan: Derek Morgan. This must have slowed you down some?

Bonnie Ryan: Hell enough for them to get out through the tunnel.

Aaron Hotchner: They must have done escape drills.


Ken Norwood: Hey, Morgan.

Derek Morgan: Hey, Kenny. Been a minute, man.

Ken Norwood: Yeah.

Derek Morgan: We good in here?

Ken Norwood: Yeah, don't worry about it. Everything's been rendered safe.

Derek Morgan: These guys weren't messing around. Hotch, these tubes surround what would be the explosive charge… And this cylinder right here? It's gotta be where they put whatever bio or chem agent they plan on dispersing.

Ken Norwood: That's a happy thought.

Derek Morgan: Yeah. Tell me about it.


Derek Morgan: Looks like a 4 man cell.

Aaron Hotchner: They assimilated into the community.

Derek Morgan: Just like any other suburban gangster wannabes rolling at the mall.

Bonnie Ryan: Who do you think we're dealing with?

Aaron Hotchner: Most likely middle-eastern males in their early twenties.

Derek Morgan: Judging by that device out there, they're looking at significant targets: military installations, government buildings.


Andy Bingaman: You must be the BAU boys. And gal. Pardon me.

Jason Gideon: I'm Jason Gideon.

Andy Bingaman: Andy Bingaman, FBI.

Jason Gideon: Agent Prentiss, Dr. Reid.

Andy Bingaman: I'm the intelligence supervisor here at Gitmo.

Jason Gideon: You guys having a hard time getting Jind Allah to talk?

Andy Bingaman: Not only can't they get him to budge, but 2 weeks ago, word got out that one of the other detainees was spilling secrets… Jind Allah managed to have a 3 minute conversation with him in the shower line. That night, the other detainee committed suicide.

Emily Prentiss: He's reciting the Qu'ran from memory. He's most likely a Hafez.

Andy Bingaman: He must have done it a dozen times since he's come to this facility.

Spencer Reid: Some Muslim children are able to do it since age 12.

Andy Bingaman: Two months of interrogation, that's all the CIA's been able to get out of him.

Spencer Reid: There are cuts and bruises under his right eye socket.

Jason Gideon: What kind of tactics are they using?

Andy Bingaman: I control the actions to the detainees, but I can assure you, my protest about their methods has been ignored.

Jason Gideon: Let the interrogation proceed normally. I'm gonna interrupt and demand they stop harassing.

Andy Bingaman: Maybe I should tell them in advance.

Jason Gideon: No, it's better if they don't expect it.

Spencer Reid: The reaction will be more visceral, more believable.

Andy Bingaman: Go ahead with phase 2 as planned.

Agent: Copy that.

Andy Bingaman: You really gonna put a show on for these guys?

Jason Gideon: No, no for them. For Jind Allah… He's needs to see me as a complete contrast to what he's come to expect from his captors.

Emily Prentiss: It's the best way to jump start him into talking. We have less than 36 hours.

Andy Bingaman: Have at it.

Jason Gideon: You two ready?

Andy Bingaman: Yeah, this way.

Jason Gideon: Thank you.


Agent: Do you understand? Every day... Who the hell are you?

Jason Gideon: Supervisory Special Agent Jason Gideon. I'm an FBI behavioural analyst. It's time to show this man some respect.

Agent: You gotta be kidding me.

Jason Gideon: You have orders from Agent Bingaman to leave so I can speak with this detainee alone… I'm sorry for the treatment you've suffered. If you don't mind, I'd like to spend some time with you.


Emily Prentiss: He stopped his recitation. He's sizing Gideon up.


Jind Allah: If I don't mind?

Jason Gideon: Like to get to know you as a person. Your faith, your ideology.

Jind Allah: To what end?

Jason Gideon: Studying human behaviour is what I do.


Derek Morgan: If these guys are fundamentalists, you'd think they'd have Qu'rans, prayer mats.

Bonnie Ryan: No. We didn't find any of that here.

Aaron Hotchner: They must have at least one other location.

Derek Morgan: Ryan. Hotch.

Aaron Hotchner: What is it?

Derek Morgan: That looks like a list of chemicals. Let me check with Garcia.


Penelope Garcia: Go, doll.

Derek Morgan: Hey, I'm gonna read off a list to you. These are chemicals.


Jason Gideon: I'd like to believe, with greater understanding one day, we can come to a peaceful resolution of our differences.

Jind Allah: Is that so?

Jason Gideon: Look, I don't know what you've done or what you may have planned to do… But unlike the other detainees here, you have the education, intelligence to convey the nuances of your culture. That's what interests me.

Jind Allah: Until, I don't give you what you want. Then you will resort to other tactics.

Jason Gideon: I swore an oath to uphold the United States constitution, no matter where I am, no matter who I deal with.


Derek Morgan: You're sure? All right.

Aaron Hotchner: What'd she say?

Derek Morgan: Garcia says this looks like a list of additives needed to weaponize anthrax.


Emily Prentiss: Could they get enough anthrax?

Spencer Reid: The letter sent to senator Tom Daschle's office in 2002 only contained two grams of purified spores, enough to kill 25 million people if effectively distributed.

Jason Gideon: Are you willing to have a chat with me?

Jind Allah: Go ahead. Gideon. Let's chat.

Emily Prentiss: He's from Egypt. Cairo.

Spencer Reid: You sure?

Emily Prentiss: No, he could be Yemeni, but odds are he's Egyptian.


Jind Allah: What type of name is Gideon?

Jason Gideon: American.

Jind Allah: I often forget that in your culture, you put your country first and your god last.

Emily Prentiss: Sir, he was born and raised in Egypt. They pronounce "J" sounds as a "G".

Jason Gideon: You don't consider yourself Egyptian as well as Muslim?

Jind Allah: Egyptian. In two minutes, you know more about me than those thugs found out in two months.

Jason Gideon: They and I have... Very, very different motives and methodologies.

Jind Allah: And yet your country relies on them to protect you from us.

Jason Gideon: Sometimes they're their own worst enemy.

Jind Allah: Yeah. Who is your worst enemy, Agent Gideon?

Jason Gideon: It's not a who.

Jind Allah: It's a what.

Jason Gideon: Ignorance.

Jind Allah: You're a very honest man.

Jason Gideon: And you? Must have become a Hafez by what, age 10?

Jind Allah: 9.

Jason Gideon: Any person with the discipline and dedication to memorize the entire Qu'ran by age 9 must have a very serious reason to choose a life of violence.

Jind Allah: Perhaps… We are through already?

Jason Gideon: No, not at all. The sun is about to set. Mecca's in that direction. I'll have a prayer rug and water bowl sent in.


Jennifer Jareau: What the heck is going on here?

Penelope Garcia: The NSA is routing all messages to us for language analysis. You know, rumour has it, much to my chagrin, that during national security emergencies, our fair country turns all of its satellites homeward and records all electronic traffic in the whole U.S.A.

Jennifer Jareau: Is this even legal?

Penelope Garcia: Yeah, I don't really want to think about that right now. Somewhere in this slew of chatter could be a shred of something that could save a whole lot of lives.

Jennifer Jareau: All right, well, cross reference gift with wedding allusions. They'll be consistent with their code.

Penelope Garcia: Here's something. It rained all over the wedding, but the gift is waiting in the barn.

Jennifer Jareau: When was that call made?

Penelope Garcia: Looks like just over two hours ago.

Jennifer Jareau: Let's run the words "barn and wedding" through.

Penelope Garcia: The wedding will now be held at Vincent's barn off Link and Annandale.

Jennifer Jareau: Wrap the gift for delivery.

Penelope Garcia: That's not a gift I wanna get.

Jennifer Jareau: I'll call Hotch.


Aaron Hotchner: Yeah, JJ.

Jennifer Jareau: We think we just found the cell's backup location. It looks like a construction site in Annandale, Virginia. Sounds like they may have another device ready to arm.

Aaron Hotchner: I'll get Agent Ryan to organize another raid. And notify Gideon and Reid.

Jennifer Jareau: Okay.


Jason Gideon: Can I offer you some water?

Jind Allah: I offer you some first… They only kept it there to show me what I could not have.

Jason Gideon: I'd like you to explain something to me… How can you ignore the fact that Muhammad preached passivity while he was in Mecca? "Do no violence".

Jind Allah: His later message from medina was perfectly clear. "When violence come upon you, you must fight back with violence."

Spencer Reid: He's quoting from the Hadith, not from the Qu'ran. It's called the verse of the sword. They argue that it cancels out earlier teachings.

Jason Gideon: Verse of the sword. Just someone's spin on the words of the prophet. It's not even part of the Qu'ran.

Jind Allah: But it does say in the Qu'ran fight and slay the infidels wherever you find them and seize them in every stratagem of war.

Jason Gideon: Unless they repent. Establish regular prayers and practice regular charity.

Jind Allah: Is it your intention, Mr. Gideon, to become a man of faith and revert to Islam?

Jason Gideon: I am a man of faith. I have repented, I pray regularly, and I practice charity. I have never committed violence against you, so how is it that my faith would allow you to live and worship as you please, and yours would take my life and snuff it out?

Jind Allah: You are simply misguided people of the book. But if you revert to Islam...

Jason Gideon: A billion Muslims. One billion Muslims manage to practice their faith in peace... For Allah is surely merciful.

Jind Allah: You... Inquired about my childhood earlier. I will tell you... That it was a happy one until... One day... A bomb fell out of the sky and levelled the bazaar that I was in with my family. I was only 8.

Jason Gideon: Must have been horrifying for such a young boy.


Emily Prentiss: He's opening up about himself.

Spencer Reid: Maybe. We need to verify what he's saying, though.


Penelope Garcia: Speak.

Spencer Reid: Garcia, I need you to check something for me. I'm looking for a stray bombing in a bazaar somewhere in Egypt approximately 30 years ago.

Penelope Garcia: Okay, great. That's not too obscure.

Spencer Reid: I don't need you to give me details. We're just trying to set a baseline for Jind Allah's truthfulness. I need to know if it happened at all.

Penelope Garcia: When I know, you'll know.

Spencer Reid: Thank you.


Jind Allah: When the rubble was cleared... Half... Of my family was dead. It was on that day that I swore my life to vengeance for Allah.

Jason Gideon: And for that very reason, those holding you here can never let you leave. Your only hope is to tell me so I can hopefully one day share your struggle with the world.

Jind Allah: Your government won't even admit that I exist. How possibly can you tell my side of the story?


Ken Norwood: Hey, guys, we want silence tonight. No coms.

Bonnie Ryan: Let's be careful. We don't know what to expect. Ready?

Derek Morgan: Ready.

Aaron Hotchner: Let's do it.


Derek Morgan: Clear! This place is completely empty. We missed them again.


Spencer Reid: You got Gideon, Prentiss, and me.

Aaron Hotchner: It's Hotch. We're at cell location number 2. No cell members, no lab, no dispersal devices. We're still looking for escape tunnels.

Jason Gideon: Call us.

Spencer Reid: We're running out of time. The attack's supposed to take place in less than 24 hours.

Emily Prentiss: So getting Jind Allah to talk is our only chance of finding them.

Jason Gideon: Time I confronted him with the truth.

Emily Prentiss: What are you going to do?

Jason Gideon: Show him my hand.


Jason Gideon: I'm going to give you the respect of telling you what just happened. A team of agents raided an omega cell location. Actually, both of them… Our men are in place in Annandale as we speak. You gain nothing by remaining silent.

Jind Allah: Jihad is forever.

Spencer Reid: Something's wrong. His hands… Gideon, something's wrong. This guy seemed relieved by what you just told him.

Jason Gideon: Excuse me.


Aaron Hotchner: What's the problem?

Jason Gideon: Get everybody out of there. Now! Now! Now!

Aaron Hotchner: Everybody out. It's a trap. Now! I said out! Go!


Penelope Garcia: How did a terror cell get its hands on anthrax without a single lab reporting a security breach?

Jennifer Jareau: Would we know if a foreign lab had a breach?

Penelope Garcia: A foreign lab? Actually, no.

Jennifer Jareau: Garcia, isn't Annandale where Morgan and Hotch are?

Penelope Garcia: That's not a gas main explosion… Please pick up. Please pick up. Please pick up.

Derek Morgan: Yeah, it's Morgan. Hello? Garcia, can you hear me?

Penelope Garcia: We saw the explosion on TV.

Derek Morgan: Yeah, I know. We lost a S.W.A.T. agent.

Penelope Garcia: Oh, God.

Derek Morgan: Don't worry. Don't think you're gonna get rid of me that easy.

Penelope Garcia: Do you need anything?

Derek Morgan: I know who to call if I do. Thanks, baby doll.

Jennifer Jareau: They're all right?

Penelope Garcia: Yeah. We lost a S.W.A.T. agent.


Bonnie Ryan: Son of a bitch.

Aaron Hotchner: Sorry about Kenny.

Bonnie Ryan: Yeah, me, too.

Aaron Hotchner: The chatter was a set-up. They knew we'd be listening.

Derek Morgan: They led us straight here.

Bonnie Ryan: Just tell me you know where to look next.

Aaron Hotchner: Not yet.


Spencer Reid: They're okay?

Jason Gideon: We were right about the trap. It was rigged to explode. A S.W.A.T. agent was killed.

Emily Prentiss: Was anthrax involved?

Jason Gideon: No.

Spencer Reid: Then that's not the final target.


Jind Allah: You look troubled, my friend.

Jason Gideon: You killed one of my men.

Jind Allah: I was here with you.

Jason Gideon: The second location was a trap… One of my agents was killed in the explosion.

Jind Allah: This is war. We expect casualties. Shouldn't you?

Jason Gideon: He was a good man.

Jind Allah: Well... If he would convert, there would be no reason for him to fear death.

Jason Gideon: What do you say to his family?

Jind Allah: I say… Where... Were you to mourn... When my son was murdered?


Emily Prentiss: His son?

Spencer Reid: Did you see that? When he told the story about his childhood, the bomb landing in the bazaar, his behaviour changed.

Emily Prentiss: We know he was lying. Garcia couldn't find any record of a bombing during the time Jind Allah was a boy.

Spencer Reid: Exactly, but this time when he mentioned his son, he looked at his hands, like he had to concentrate to control his anger.

Emily Prentiss: That first story wasn't about him. It was about his son.

Spencer Reid: Which means it must have been more recent.


Penelope Garcia: Garcia.

Spencer Reid: I need you to look for a bombing again in Egypt, but this time anything in the last ten years.

Penelope Garcia: On it.

Spencer Reid: We're looking for civilian casualties, an 8-year-old boy.

Penelope Garcia: Okay. I'm cross referencing bombings and child victims… Seven years ago, in the heart of Cairo, Egyptian government blamed Hezbollah, but conspiracy theories on the street claimed it was a joint U.S.-Israeli strike that went astray… Your ghost detainee's name is Jamal Abaza.

Spencer Reid: How about his son's name? Do you have that?

Penelope Garcia: Amir Abaza. 8. Killed in the blast.

Spencer Reid: All right. Find out everything you can on that. I'll get back to you soon… We know his real identity.


Jamal Abaza: It appears that there will be no peaceful resolution to our difficulties after all.

Jason Gideon: I haven't given up that hope. It's time for your Salut-ul-Isha prayers. May we speak again tomorrow?

Jamal Abaza: You are asking me?

Jason Gideon: Yes.

Jamal Abaza: Tomorrow, then.


Penelope Garcia: Jamal Abaza's been in the U.S. for a while. He volunteered as the prison imam at the Dearfield correctional center three years ago.

Spencer Reid: How could the CIA not know that?

Emily Prentiss: They're focused overseas. We're domestic.

Penelope Garcia: Yeah. They probably sent a request for a domestic information search, and it's somewhere making its way through channels.

Spencer Reid: If he was a prison imam, he must have recruited militant Islamic society members. M.I.S. Is an atypical prison organization. They pick up an amalgam of ethnicities.

Jamal Abaza: The Qu'ran says... That my lord...

Spencer Reid: This fool knows that slip through the cracks, the ones that traditional groups won't accept. Outside these walls, you need to understand... It's made up largely of American citizens. American citizens with a reason for hating the government.

Jason Gideon: We're looking at home grown terrorists.


Agent 1: What the hell do you want?

Jason Gideon: The name Jamal Abaza. Does it mean anything to you?

Agent 2: Abaza was an imam in Cairo. He preached Jihad to his followers, but he fell off the grid seven years ago.

Jason Gideon: That's because when his son died, he took the Jihad name: Jind Allah. He came to America to recruit sleeper cells.

Agent 1: You're telling us that that detainee in there is Jamal Abaza?

Jason Gideon: Amazing what you learn when you talk to people.

Spencer Reid: He was also a prison imam in Virginia three years ago. Are you familiar with the militant Islamic society?

Agent 2: They're home grown?

Emily Prentiss: We know the cell that Abaza put together has access to anthrax, but we can't find any reports of any going missing in the States.

Agent 1: We have protocols that we have to follow.

Jason Gideon: You really going to allow a terrorist attack on U.S. soil because of protocols? I told you what I learned in there because you and I, FBI, CIA, right now we have the ability to break through all the protocol and share information.

Agent 1: Let me see what we have.

Jason Gideon: Coordinate with Agent Jareau and Penelope Garcia at Quantico… Please.


Spencer Reid: Think it'll work?

Jason Gideon: I don't know.

Emily Prentiss: CIA's tough. They play it pretty close to the vest.

Jason Gideon: Well, if we don't all work together, more people are gonna die. A lot more.


Jennifer Jareau: How goes with the CIA?

Penelope Garcia: I don't know what Gideon said to them, but they are feeding me information like crazy.

Jennifer Jareau: They sure do generate intelligence.

Penelope Garcia: Yeah. Hopefully not too much to interpret.


Jason Gideon: Slept well?

Jamal Abaza: For the first time since I've been here.

Jason Gideon: Good.

Jamal Abaza: Until yesterday, I was not permitted regular prayer.

Jason Gideon: We receive comfort from our prayers.

Jamal Abaza: We?

Jason Gideon: Human beings. I say something wrong?

Jamal Abaza: You placed us on the same level.

Jason Gideon: Aren't we?

Jamal Abaza: Well, here... I am thought of as less than human.

Jason Gideon: And in your Jihad, I am.

Jamal Abaza: Gideon... What do you really want from me?

Jason Gideon: I already told you. I want to understand you.

Jamal Abaza: And if that is not possible?

Jason Gideon: Then that would be my loss. It's almost time for your midday prayers. May I return later?

Jamal Abaza: I look forward to it.

Jason Gideon: Thank you.


Jennifer Jareau: Most of these tips are so new they haven't even been authenticated yet.

Penelope Garcia: Yeah, but there's nothing in the established information that's remotely helpful. Wait a minute. Anthrax.

Jennifer Jareau: What?

Penelope Garcia: Genimmune. A Dutch biotech firm reported that they may have had a security breach involving anthrax last week.

Jennifer Jareau: May have?

Penelope Garcia: They're still doing a security and inventory sweep, but they may be missing up to 20 grams of lab grade anthrax.

Jennifer Jareau: 20 grams.

Penelope Garcia: Could potentially kill a quarter billion people.


Spencer Reid: He seems much calmer than he was yesterday. May make any reading of his body language less accurate.

Jason Gideon: I know.

Emily Prentiss: Is that what we want?

Jason Gideon: I hope so.

Emily Prentiss: Well, isn't that the exact opposite of... He hopes so? We have less than ten hours before the new crescent moon rises.

Spencer Reid: Nine.

Emily Prentiss: Aren't you worried?

Spencer Reid: I've been with him long enough to trust him.


Jennifer Jareau: CIA is funnelling you their Dutch terror watch list.

Penelope Garcia: Okay, I can cross reference that with any port of entry information we have as well as customs and immigration enforcement.

Jennifer Jareau: You know, it would sure be a lot easier if there was a centralization of all this information.

Penelope Garcia: Oh, dream on, JJ. No one wants the other kids peeing in their sand box… Tariq Muhammad. Dutch citizen, Islamic convert. Travelled here 4 days ago under his original name. Andre Janssen. And we have the address he listed on his customs form.


Derek Morgan: Thank you. We just got a lead.

Aaron Hotchner: Got a name?

Derek Morgan: And an address.


Derek Morgan: How does a terrorist cell exists right here in Mayberry?

Agent: Infrared scanning still shows no one inside. We're doing a soft entry in case it's booby trapped.


Agent 2: Sir, get in here!


Agent: We have 5 deceased males and what looks to be a crude lab, all shot in the head execution style.

Aaron Hotchner: Any anthrax on the scene?

Agent: Only residue. There's also packing and tags from 4 new backpacks. All right, listen up.

Derek Morgan: Backpacks?

Aaron Hotchner: They're already on the move. We're too late.


Jason Gideon: Have you finished?

Jamal Abaza: As you said, the sun is set.

Jason Gideon: Yes. I'd like you to meet a colleague of mine. Dr. Reid. May we speak?

Jamal Abaza: Of course. I have a little time… That was a joke. I have all the time. Please.

Jason Gideon: A joke. Well, we're making progress.

Jamal Abaza: Yes, progress. That is true.

Jason Gideon: Is there no way for this thing to end? This Jihad?

Jamal Abaza: The Jihad will end when Allah wills its end.

Jason Gideon: Then how will you know that it is Allah's will?

Jamal Abaza: When the Jihad ends.

Jason Gideon: I have been lying to you.

Jamal Abaza: Of course you have.

Jason Gideon: My colleague has been outside watching us as we talked on monitors. Watching your body language, trying to figure you out.

Jamal Abaza: Were you successful?

Spencer Reid: Somewhat… Your name is Jamal Abaza. Your son Amir was killed in 2003 in the bombing at the Mahfouz bazaar in Cairo. Since then, you've been recruiting M.I.S. members in prison by convincing them that U.S. Economic policies are exploiting third world nations and turned them into extreme fundamentalists by promising a better existence with Allah.

Jamal Abaza: I would say that you were more than somewhat successful.

Jason Gideon: But I did not learn where your M.I.S. cell was going to make an anthrax attack in the U.S. At the new crescent tonight.

Jamal Abaza: I have no knowledge of such a thing.

Jason Gideon: Yes, you do, Mr. Abaza. And there is still time… What? Are you sure?


Jamal Abaza: Something has happened?

Jason Gideon: How could you? You choose to contort Islam into an excuse for a life of violence. You have perverted your faith to justify murder.

Jamal Abaza: Now we are finally chatting, Gideon.

Jason Gideon: You accuse Americans of being puppeteers of the third world, yet you used your own people's faith tonight to make them dance for you. Why? Why is it always those who profess to be the most fervent believers in this war? They always manipulate other people to die for them.

Jamal Abaza: Does your president go into battle? Or does he send your children?

Jason Gideon: Tonight... All those innocent people.

Jamal Abaza: There is no such thing, Gideon. They were infidels. And they were engaged in activities that spread American policies over the entire world. Your incessant need to own things, material things… Your capitalism rests on the back of third world countries. No one's hands are clean. No one is innocent.

Jason Gideon: Those people tonight, they were innocent. They never hurt you.

Jamal Abaza: They hurt me by existing. Yes, the infidels shall fall at the hands of the righteous. And that is when the Jihad will end.

Jason Gideon: So you are ready to murder 4 billion people.

Jamal Abaza: America has learned nothing from the past. You harden targets like your power plants, but you leave the soft root for our taking. What has happened tonight will affect your economy for years, the way September 11th affected air travel. And maybe the next time a giant shopping center opens, people will think twice before going. And maybe next it will be a school. Hey!

Spencer Reid: You can shut the video feed down now, Garcia, thanks.

Jamal Abaza: Has the sun not set yet?

Spencer Reid: No.

Jamal Abaza: No...


Emily Prentiss: A shopping center. A mall. It's a grand opening tonight not long after sunset. That gives you about an hour.

Jason Gideon: God help us if they don't make it.


Derek Morgan: Let's hope we have somewhere to go.

Jennifer Jareau: Grand opening of the USA mall today. It's the third largest in the country, and it's right smack in the middle of McLean, Virginia.

Aaron Hotchner: Let's move.


Derek Morgan: What's going on with you? You look like you've seen a ghost back there.

Aaron Hotchner: Haley's supposed to take Jack to the new mall to have his portrait taken.

Derek Morgan: Well, go ahead and call her.

Aaron Hotchner: It's a breach of security.

Derek Morgan: You'll lose Haley and Jack, screw this job. You won't have a life.

Aaron Hotchner: I can't reach her.


Aaron Hotchner: Morgan, I'm going to find the security office.

Bonnie Ryan: Morgan!

Derek Morgan: Right here… Looks like loading dock security.

Bonnie Ryan: Should we evacuate?

Derek Morgan: No, no. We'd have mass panic. Let's go.


Aaron Hotchner: Hello? FBI.

Security guard: FBI?

Aaron Hotchner: Are these all your security cameras?

Security guard: Yes, sir.

Aaron Hotchner: What's this camera here?

Security guard: That's the roof. East end.

Aaron Hotchner: Morgan, I've got 4 guys on the east end of the roof. What's on that side of the roof?

Security guard: Nothing.

Aaron Hotchner: No access doors to the mall?

Security guard: Not unless you go through the air vents.

Aaron Hotchner: Morgan, it's the air vents.


Derek Morgan: They're going for the air vents.


Derek Morgan: Don't move! Put the devices down and put your hands where I can see them! Gun!


Journalist: Police tonight foiled an apparent robbery attempt at the new USA mall, which presumably have marred an otherwise successful grand opening.

Aaron Hotchner: Haley?

Haley Hotchner: Hey, in here. You're home. Did you see that there was an attempted robbery at the new mall? I'm glad I cancelled Jack's photos. I just decided I wanted you to be there. It's better if we do it as a family… Is everything ok?

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah, everything's perfect.


Jason Gideon: Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: “In order to learn the most important lessons of life, one must each day surmount a fear.”


Emily Prentiss: When did you know you were gonna have to trick him?

Jason Gideon: The first time I talked to him.

Emily Prentiss: You realized you couldn't break him?

Jason Gideon: Well, I realized he was too smart to have had that Nextel phone registered to him accidentally. He drew us there. He wanted our presence at Gitmo to confirm that he was successful.

Emily Prentiss: And that's when you started moving up the time of his prayers.

Jason Gideon: If I'd used an actual clock, he might have caught on.

Spencer Reid: So it was all a chess game.

Jason Gideon: We won this round... But you heard him. Jihad never ends… Mate.

Spencer Reid: I quit. Yield. Surrender. Capitulate. I'm gonna take a nap.

Jason Gideon: Prentiss.

Emily Prentiss: Sir?

Jason Gideon: You play?

Emily Prentiss: Yes, with pleasure.

Kikavu ?

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