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Esprits Criminels
#105 : Soeurs jumelles

Esprits Criminels, saison 1, épisode 5 (1X05) - Broken Mirror (Soeurs jumelles)

Résumé : La fille d'un procureur, Cheryl, est kidnappée. Alors que les agents mettent en place tout ce qu'il faut pour prendre contact avec le suspect, le comportement de ce dernier interroge. Celui n'a en effet pas demandé que le FBI n'intervienne pas, et ne réagit pas comme un preneur d'otages traditionnel. Les premiers échanges avec lui s'avèrent compliqués pour la soeur jumelle de la victime, qui doit tout faire pour rester calme.

Petit à petit les désirs du suspect s'éclaircissent lorsque celui-ci essaye lors de l'échange d'une rançon de kidnapper la deuxième soeur. Ce comportement commence à traduire ses véritables intentions, mais un élément reste à ce stade incompréhensible : il semble savoir tout ce qu'il se passe chez la famille de la victime sans pour autant être présent.


4 - 16 votes

Titre VO
Broken Mirror

Titre VF
Soeurs jumelles

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Esprits Criminels - Extrait VO : I don't know everything

Esprits Criminels - Extrait VO : I don't know everything


Esprits Criminels - Extrait VO : I can actually read this fast

Esprits Criminels - Extrait VO : I can actually read this fast


Esprits Criminels - Ep. 1.04 - Bande-annonce VO

Esprits Criminels - Ep. 1.04 - Bande-annonce VO


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Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) et Morgan (Shemar Moore) écoute un enregistrement.

Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) et Morgan (Shemar Moore) écoute un enregistrement.

Aaron Hotchner (Thomas Gibson) et son ami Jason Gideon (Mandy Patinkin) travaillent ensemble.

Aaron Hotchner (Thomas Gibson) et son ami Jason Gideon (Mandy Patinkin) travaillent ensemble.

L'agent Elle Greenaway du FBI discute avec la soeur d'une victime pour la sauver.

L'agent Elle Greenaway du FBI discute avec la soeur d'une victime pour la sauver.


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 19.10.2005 à 21:00
12.79m / 4.6% (18-49)

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Plus d'informations | N°005

Réalisateur de l'épisode : Guy Norman Bee
→ Scénariste de l'épisodeJudith McCreary

→ Les acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
- Thomas Gibson ... Aaron Hotchner
- Mandy Patinkin ... Jason Gideon
- Matthew Gray Gubler ... Spencer Reid
- Lola Glaudini ... Elle Greenaway
- Shemar Moore ... Derek Morgan

→ Les autres acteurs présents dans l'épisode :
- Elisabeth Harnois ... Cheryl/Trish Davenport
- Robin Thomas ... Evan Davenport
- Matt Letscher ... Vincent Shyer
- Meredith Monroe ... Haley Hotchner
- Matt Newton ... Jordan

Trish Davenport: Bye

Jordan: You know, I really…

Trish Davenport: No, no, no. Do not start with the "I love you's."

Jordan: I do.

Trish Davenport: You only say it when you're drunk.

Jordan: That's not true.

Trish Davenport: Oh, ok. I'm driving.

Jordan: I'm not drunk. I'm just buzzed a little bit.

Trish Davenport: "Buzzed a little bit" is something that drunk people say to convince themselves that they're not drunk… Yeah. No, no, no, no, no. Touch your fingers to your nose.

Jordan: What?

Trish Davenport: Do it.

Jordan: All right, come here.

Trish Davenport: Your fingers. Walk a straight line.

Jordan: Ohh! All right.

Trish Davenport: Ok, you can drive.

Jordan: All right. Thank you very much.

Trish Davenport: Slowly though, no speeding.


Jordan: Hey.

Trish Davenport: Eyes on the road, Casanova.

Jordan: Just tell me you love me.

Trish Davenport: I do love you. Now get your eyes on the road…Jordan!

Jordan: Are you ok?

Trish Davenport: Yeah.

Jordan: What the hell's he doing just sitting in the middle of the road?


Trish Davenport: Maybe he had a breakdown and he couldn't move it… Jordan? Jordan We should go. We could just turn around and go back the way we came.

Jordan: Why didn't they just pull it off the side of the road?

Trish Davenport: Jordan? Jordan, can we please just go? Come on.


Jordan: Do you have the keys?

Trish Davenport: No, didn't you leave them in the car?

Jordan: Yeah, I think. I don't know.

Trish Davenport: They have to be here somewhere.

Jordan: Trish?


Derek Morgan: So what happened with you and J.J. at the redskins game?

Spencer Reid: Top secret.

Agent: Derek, hey. I put the transcript from the last prison interview on your desk.

Derek Morgan: Ok. It wasn't classified rush. You could have sent it inter office.

Agent: I could have.

Spencer Reid: Must be tough, man.

Derek Morgan: Not really.

Spencer Reid: What do you mean? You don't do anything and these women are throwing themselves at you.

Derek Morgan: Strictly off-limits, Reid.

Spencer Reid: There's no code of conduct that says agents can't socialize.

Derek Morgan: Well, see my code of survival says never mess with a woman who carries a gun.


Aaron Hotchner: So it sounds like bed rest isn't turning out to be very restful.

Haley Hotchner: Bed rest is more like bed agony. But in 10 minutes, I get to switch to my right side. That'll be a thrill.

Aaron Hotchner: Honey, just try to relax and get a little rest, ok?

Haley Hotchner: Of course. I love you.

Aaron Hotchner: Bye.

Elle Greenaway: Everything all right?

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah. The doctors are worried about Haley's blood-sugar levels. They're worried about pre-eclampsia and I'm worried she's not gonna last 6 weeks in bed.

Elle Greenaway: She wants out of the hospital.

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah. Is it here?

Elle Greenaway: Yeah.


Aaron Hotchner: Reid, Morgan document's up on the screen regarding the kidnapping of Trish Davenport.

Spencer Reid: Have you read them yet?

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah, got a copy from the document examiner.

Derek Morgan: What's it say?

Aaron Hotchner: That we've got until 8:00 tonight.


Spencer Reid: "You will follow instructions carefully. You will do this to ensure the safety of your daughter. You will wait for the call. You will answer the call at 8:00 P.M. You will write down the instructions and follow them to the letter."

Aaron Hotchner: That gives us less than 9 hours to get to Connecticut work up victimology on Trish Davenport and prepare her father for the ransom drop.

Jason Gideon: How do we know the letter's real?

Aaron Hotchner: The handwriting is a match for Trish's. He dictated it to her, and they found saline on the paper.

Jason Gideon: Her tears.

Derek Morgan: He never says "I." He doesn't say "I will call." He says, "you will answer the call." He's distancing himself from the kidnapping. If he said "I", he'd be taking responsibility for it.

Aaron Hotchner: There's also another missing element.

Elle Greenaway: No mention of the police. Ransom notes almost always forbid police involvement.

Aaron Hotchner: So is he expecting law enforcement to get involved?

Jason Gideon: Well, if he's expecting us, let's not disappoint him.


Jason Gideon: Euripides said "when a good man is hurt all who would be called good must suffer with him."


Aaron Hotchner: Everyone familiar with the father?

Spencer Reid: Evan Davenport, U.S. Attorney, executive assistant southern district, New York. Widower assigned U.S. Marshals 3 times in the past 10 years due to death threats.

Derek Morgan: Is the protective detail still current?

Aaron Hotchner: Around the clock, but Trish declined protection when she turned 18.

Derek Morgan: Too bad for the boyfriend.

Spencer Reid: But why kill him?

Derek Morgan: Well, if I'm gonna kidnap someone I know I have to take out whoever's with them… It says here she's got a sister.

Aaron Hotchner: Cheryl.

Derek Morgan: Any problems? Were they close?

Spencer Reid: Yeah. They're identical twins.


Evan Davenport: Please, come in. I have 6 people on my staff. I have 3 bodyguards. They've all had polygraphs. Everybody's been vetted.

Aaron Hotchner: And they all have alibis for the night of the kidnapping?

Evan Davenport: All accounted for by the local FBI field office. Cheryl flew in yesterday. I'm just making sure that she's not alone even for.. Sorry. I just feel like I'm suffocating here. I just want somebody to tell me that she's ok.

Jason Gideon: Dr. Reid... What do the statistics tell us?

Spencer Reid: If you follow their instructions and give them the money your daughter will be returned.

FBI Tech: Done. This house is bug free.

Vincent Shyer: All right, bring it in!

Evan Davenport: So, what are your theories so far about this kidnapper?

Jason Gideon: That he targeted you for a reason. Every line of the letter starts with the word "you." He's angry at you probably feels like you owe him… That everything you own, you don't deserve.

Aaron Hotchner: And from the language in the ransom we most likely believe that he's working alone.


Derek Morgan: What's she doing?

Aide: Lying on the road.

Derek Morgan: Yeah, I see that. But why?

2nd Aide: She's trying to get a feel for what happened to her sister.

Derek Morgan: By lying on the ground?

Aide: The girl spent her teenage years perfecting ways to ditch her bodyguards.

2nd Aide: We're just happy she's in our line of sight.

Derek Morgan: Cheryl Davenport?

Cheryl Davenport: Shh! Just a minute. No, I'm not crazy. I'm lying here for a reason… He dragged her from the car… This is where she fell. Trish is a fighter. She wouldn't have gone quietly not even with a gun pointed at her.

Elle Greenaway: She's right. There are nail marks on the car seat.

Derek Morgan: So you believe your sister's still alive?

Cheryl Davenport: I know she's still alive.

Elle Greenaway: You know the way twins know.

Cheryl Davenport: Not the "I can feel my twin's pain" crap. If you stick her with a needle, I don't cry out. But if something is bothering her, if something is wrong I can feel it. Even from 1,000 miles away at college.

Elle Greenaway: You study physics, right?

Cheryl Davenport: If you're asking why a science major would believe in something non-scientific I don't. I just know what I feel… My feeling is that my sister is still alive.


Evan Davenport: They're not entirely identical. They're mirror twins. Some of Trish's organs are on the right side that should be on the left. Doctors assured us that it wasn't life-threatening.

Spencer Reid: Situs inversus.

Jason Gideon: They had self-defense training?

Evan Davenport: Yeah. I insisted on it. The protective detail rankled when they hit puberty and I was sure that they would refuse their bodyguards when they left for college. Excuse me. Can you actually read that fast?

Spencer Reid: Our conscious minds can process 16 bits of information per second. Our unconscious, however, can process 11 million… Yes, I--I can actually read this fast.

Evan Davenport: If whoever took her wants me to blow cases or suppress evidence or stand down, I...

Jason Gideon: What makes you think it's someone you prosecuted?

Evan Davenport: Well, I have  money, but I don't have millions. I mean, what else could it be?

Jason Gideon: In our experience, Mr. Davenport every case is different.


Cheryl Davenport: What is he doing?

Elle Greenaway: He's role-playing.

Cheryl Davenport: How does that work?

Elle Greenaway: Well, he's--he's trying to think like the kidnapper. He's trying to get a sense of him through his behaviour.

Cheryl Davenport: Well, that doesn't sound very scientific, does it?

Derek Morgan: Ok. She was rarely without the boyfriend. Well, I know in order to get to her, I got to take him out… He was collateral damage… Or was he? Shot was to the face. That's personal… Kill the boyfriend... Get him out of the way so I can get her alone.


Spencer Reid: This button answers the call this button makes everyone in the room silent. It'll flash red. You'll be able to hear his side of the conversation. He won't be able to hear us.

Vincent Shyer: We'll be running the trace through the field office but you're in good hands with agent Gideon and his team.


Elle Greenaway: You think Cheryl's a whack job because she claims she can feel her sister's anxiety?

Derek Morgan: I never said whack job.

Spencer Reid: Actually there may be a physiological basis for it.

Derek Morgan: Don't ask.

Spencer Reid: Reversed asymmetry monozygotic eggs split late between 9 to 12 days. The DNA matches right down to the very last stranded code and there's sporadic documentation of shared physiological pain.

Derek Morgan: And you believe it?

Spencer Reid: No, I'm just saying it's possible. I don't know everything. I mean, despite the fact that you think that I do.

Derek Morgan: I never said that. When have I ever said that?

Spencer Reid: Every day since I met you.

Elle Greenaway: This morning at breakfast.

Aaron Hotchner: Yesterday when he beat you at cards. Um... We've got one minute.

Derek Morgan: Anybody ever heard of sarcasm?


Jason Gideon: Remember keep your voice even and calm and agree with everything he says.

Evan Davenport: He's late.

Aaron Hotchner: He'll call. Just try to relax. This is his strategy. He wants you on edge.

Jason Gideon: Remember to repeat any important information he gives you to make sure you understand. You try to keep him talking to reveal something about Trish or about himself.

Evan Davenport: This is Evan Davenport.

Kidnaper: Hello, Mr. Davenport.

Evan Davenport: Are you the man who has my daughter Patricia?

Kidnaper: I have your daughter.

Evan Davenport: Can I ask you…

Kidnaper: You may ask me nothing. This is not an interrogatory. You will listen only to my instructions.

Evan Davenport: Ok.

Kidnaper: But I will not give them to you.

Evan Davenport: I don't understand.

Kidnaper: I do not want to talk to you, Mr. Davenport.

Evan Davenport: Excuse me.

Kidnaper: I want to talk to her. I want to talk to Cheryl.


Evan Davenport: What's he doing?

Derek Morgan: What most of the offenders we catch try to do... Establish dominance.

Elle Greenaway: How long can we keep him on hold?

Aaron Hotchner: We can't put her on.

Cheryl Davenport: Why not? I want to help. I'll talk to him.

Derek Morgan: Cheryl doesn't have the authority that Davenport holds. He shouldn't want to talk to her.

Elle Greenaway: I think that she should speak to him.

Kidnaper: Do I need to repeat myself? I want to talk to Cheryl. Put her on the phone. Now.

Jason Gideon: No.

Elle Greenaway: I think she should speak to him. He wants to talk to her. The more he speaks, the more he reveals.

Derek Morgan: She is right, Gideon.

Cheryl Davenport: He has my sister.

Jason Gideon: No.

Kidnaper: I'm waiting.

Jason Gideon: Elle.

Elle Greenaway: Ok. This is Cheryl. Hello. This is Cheryl.

Kidnaper: I have Patricia by my side. I know her voice therefore I know her sister's. Get off the phone. I want Cheryl. I'll give you 60 seconds. If you don't put her on the phone I will hang up and you will never hear from me or Patricia again.

Jason Gideon: Prep her. Come on over here, please.

Kidnaper: 50 seconds.

Elle Greenaway: This guy's arrogant. Let him know that he's in control. Let him guide the conversation.

Kidnaper: 40.

Elle Greenaway: Use your sister's name. Say my sister Trish or her name's Patricia.

Kidnaper: 35 seconds.

Elle Greenaway: Talk about her. Let him get to know her through you. Don't veer off topic.

Cheryl Davenport: Got it.

Elle Greenaway: Agree with him.

Kidnaper: 25 seconds.

Elle Greenaway: Tell him that you understand him and as hard as this sounds, empathize.

Kidnaper: 20 seconds.

Elle Greenaway: Let him know that he didn't mean to hurt Trish or go this far and that he can fix it… He has a chance to show that he's a kind and forgiving person by letting your sister go.

Kidnaper: 10 seconds.

Elle Greenaway: And if you don't know what to say, I'll tell you.

Kidnaper: 3, 2, 1.

Cheryl Davenport: This is Cheryl.

Kidnaper: Hello, Cheryl. How are you?

Cheryl Davenport: I'd be a lot better if I knew that my sister... Patricia's ok.

Kidnaper: I can tell you have a lot of empathy, Cheryl. You care about others.

Cheryl Davenport: Yes, I do. And it sounds like you understand.

Kidnaper: You mean that I empathize?

Cheryl Davenport: Yes.

Kidnaper: I do. Very much. I empathize. I empathize with you, Cheryl. I know you want to be with your sister.

Cheryl Davenport: Yes, I want Trish back.

Kidnaper: Good. Tell me what you want, Cheryl. I'm very interested. Tell me all about yourself. What's your favourite colour?

Elle Greenaway: Don't answer that. Stay with Trish.

Cheryl Davenport: If I tell you, will you let me talk to my sister?

Kidnaper: Maybe. Maybe not.

Cheryl Davenport: I like blue.

Kidnaper: How ordinary. Do you like chocolate, Cheryl? Do... You... Like... Chocolate?

Cheryl Davenport: Yes.

Kidnaper: I do as well.

Cheryl Davenport: Please, let me talk to my sister… All I want to do is hear her voice. Please… Hello?

Trish Davenport: Cher...

Cheryl Davenport: Trish!

Trish Davenport: Cher, is that you?

Cheryl Davenport: Trish, it's me. I'm here. Are you ok?

Trish Davenport: Cher, I can't...

Cheryl Davenport: Where are you? What do you see?

Trish Davenport: I...I see the moon.

Cheryl Davenport: Trish!

Kidnaper: Have 500,000 ready.

Cheryl Davenport: Let me talk to her!

Kidnaper: $500,000 is what I'm owed. The Davenports will wait by the phone. You will receive a call with precise instructions in exactly 15 minutes.

Jason Gideon: Were your able to trace it?

Spencer Reid: No. He's probably using a disposable cell phone. They're impossible to trace.

Elle Greenaway: She said she could see the moon.

Jason Gideon: She sounded delirious.

Spencer Reid: She was sedated.

Jason Gideon: Could have been a light.

Derek Morgan: If he's keeping her drugged, it might mean he's not very strong. He might have to keep her weak just so he can dominate her.

Elle Greenaway: Or he's keeping her quiet.

Jason Gideon: Has Davenport told us everything about his staff?

Aaron Hotchner: Oh, yeah, we have detailed reports but we should probably revisit background on household staff aides and current docket.

Derek Morgan: Guys, she wasn't blindfolded.

Jason Gideon: No.

Derek Morgan: If she's seen his face, as soon as he gets that money...

Jason Gideon: He'll kill her.


Jason Gideon: He said owed.

Spencer Reid: $500,000. His demand sounded scripted, like he was reading it to us.

Kidnaper: $500,000 is what I'm owed.

Derek Morgan: But the rest of the conversation wasn't. He was his most relaxed just talking to Cheryl.

Evan Davenport: What does that mean?

Derek Morgan: Maybe he already knew her. How much time we got?

Spencer Reid: 6 minutes.

Aaron Hotchner: How quickly can you get the money?


Cheryl Davenport: Look, I know I shouldn't drink, but under the circumstances you'd think you could let this one slide.

Elle Greenaway: He's gonna call back. We need you at your best.

Cheryl Davenport: Have you had many cases like this?

Elle Greenaway: I've seen my share of abductions.

Cheryl Davenport: I don't know how you do it, this job. How do you stomach it?

Elle Greenaway: The men I hunt down are cowards. For the most part, they target the weakest members of society, women and children. There's nothing I'd rather do more than put the bastards away.

Cheryl Davenport: I just wish you could get 'em before they snatch someone.

Elle Greenaway: Trish is alive. You've trusted your feelings this far. Hold onto that.


Kidnaper: Everything will be done by Cheryl. Cheryl will gather the money packets. Only she will touch the money. Cheryl will make the drop. If she is wired, if you use a look-a-like, Patricia dies… Cheryl will get in her car. No one is to be in the car with her, no one is to follow her no air surveillance, no car surveillance of any kind will be tolerated… I will give directions over a cell phone as Cheryl drives. She must make the drop at exactly 3:00 A.M. She will follow each instruction to the letter.

Aaron Hotchner: We can't let her go alone.

Evan Davenport: He said if he sees anyone…

Aaron Hotchner: I know. One car, unmarked. Tinted windows.

Evan Davenport: If he sees one of you, and Trish dies… If my daughter dies...


Spencer Reid: Cheryl's car has GPS. We'll be able to track her.

Derek Morgan: The first thing he's gonna do is have her switch cars. Where are we headed?

Spencer Reid: Let's see. An address which appears to be... A rental car lot.


Derek Morgan: You know my guess? One of these cars has a set of keys already in the ignition with a disposable cell phone sitting right in it.

Aaron Hotchner: So she switches cars and phones.

Derek Morgan: 5 minutes… He's probably gonna have her drive around for over an hour just to make sure no one's following her.

Aaron Hotchner: And then the ransom drop… What is it? What's the matter?

Derek Morgan: Something's not right about this. What if he was watching us or listening to us?

Aaron Hotchner: The local office did a bug sweep.

Derek Morgan: Come on, you heard that ransom call. It was way too simple.

Aaron Hotchner: All right You're the unsub. What would you have done differently?

Derek Morgan: I would have said don't involve the police or the media. $500,000. No consecutive serial numbers on the bills. No marked bills. No new bills. No tracking devices in the money bag. No explosive dyes in the money bag. No tracking devices in the car.

Aaron Hotchner: Why didn't he say any of this?

Derek Morgan: Hotch, this was never about the money.

Aaron Hotchner: It's not a ransom drop.

Derek Morgan: It's a second kidnapping.


Aaron Hotchner: Cheryl, get down get down!

Derek Morgan: Don't move!


Derek Morgan: Cheryl's all right.

Elle Greenaway: Hey. Hi, Hotch.

Kidnaper: That was fun, wasn't it? A little running around, getting our pulses racing. Are you there, Cheryl? Are you there?! Tell me you didn't feel a slight tingle, a thrill run up your spine. Huh? But those clever and cunning FBI agents deduced my little plan just in time. They figured it out. If they hadn't, I would have had you both. The whole set. The matching pair.

Cheryl Davenport: Why are you doing this?

Kidnaper: Because you asked me to, Cheryl. You asked me with your glances. The way you talk. Those little gestures.

Cheryl Davenport: What are you doing?

Derek Morgan: Do not answer this man.

Kidnaper: You asked for this! You asked for it, Cheryl!

Derek Morgan: Cheryl!

Cheryl Davenport: What do you want?

Kidnaper: What do I want?! You! It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow but I promise you, we will be together.


Jason Gideon: We can't let Cheryl speak with him any further.

Cheryl Davenport: Why not?

Spencer Reid: It's only feeding his psychosis to allow your interaction. Was Trish involved in any serious relationships prior to the kidnapping?

Evan Davenport: With the boy that was killed. They were together for 2 years.

Cheryl Davenport: Trish didn't want me to tell you. They were getting engaged.

Jason Gideon: Well, that certainly could have been the unsub's stressor.

Evan Davenport: What does that mean? Will someone please tell me what we're dealing with here?

Spencer Reid: De Clerambault's syndrome, otherwise known as erotomania the belief that someone, usually of a higher social status but not necessarily a celebrity, is in love with you. Erotomanics believe that the objects of their affection are subtly professing their love for them through looks, gestures…

Jason Gideon: Glances. He said, "you asked me with your glances."

Spencer Reid: The unsub truly and full-heartedly believes that Cheryl and Trish are in love with him. They don't tell him this with their voices. No, with gestures and looks. He's obsessed with them.

Evan Davenport: What does this mean?

Jason Gideon: He is the most determined kind of criminal.


Aaron Hotchner: Crime of obsession. Your specialty, your lead, Morgan.

Derek Morgan: I think we should recheck everyone on Davenport's staff against the profile of a stalker.

Elle Greenaway: Aren't stalking behaviours pretty diverse?

Derek Morgan: There's overlap. Narcissistic, inflated sense of self-worth, history of bad relationships.

Aaron Hotchner: What do we know so far?

Derek Morgan: He's probably white, obviously male... Sophisticated speech patterns.

Jason Gideon: Sophisticated, yet bizarre. He rarely uses contractions. It's not "you're," it's "you are."

Derek Morgan: This guy's pretentious. He wants to sound smarter than he actually is. Whatever position of authority or level of success this guy has he had to struggle for it.

Aaron Hotchner: We also have to face the possibility at this point...

Elle Greenaway: That Trish may already be dead.

Derek Morgan: You know, so far he's called every play. I say we apply some pressure, make him sweat.

Jason Gideon: Well, there's only one way to do that.


Jason Gideon: Hold on, hold on, hold on.

Evan Davenport: What are you doing? Agent Gideon...

Jason Gideon: Hello?

Kidnaper: Tell me there was a technical issue with the line because if you actually just hung up on m…

Evan Davenport: What the hell are you doing?

Cheryl Davenport: Are you gonna answer it?

Evan Davenport: Why is he doing this? What is he… What… You're gonna drive this guy crazy. Just…

Jason Gideon: Quiet. Please, quiet.

Elle Greenaway: Cheryl, he knows what he's doing.

Cheryl Davenport: Somebody has to answer it!

Evan Davenport: Just answer the phone, for god's sake! Pick up the phone...

Jason Gideon: Don't touch it!

Derek Morgan: He knows what he's doing.

Jason Gideon: Davenport residence.

Kidnaper: Are you out of your mind? You do realize, you do understand, that I'll kill her?! Do you…

Evan Davenport: You're killing my daughter! Pick up that phone!

Jason Gideon: Get him quiet. Get him quiet. I... Mr. Davenport, get a hold of yourself.

Evan Davenport: Answer the phone!

Jason Gideon: Quiet him!

Kidnaper: She is dead! You hang up on me again, and I rip her open!

Jason Gideon: I'm sorry. You must have the wrong number.

Derek Morgan: Come on, Gideon.

Evan Davenport: You killed her.

Jason Gideon: No, sir.

Evan Davenport: Oh, yeah. Then what… What the hell do you think you're doing?

Jason Gideon: I'm saving your daughter, Mr. Davenport… Have a little faith.

Kidnaper: Put Cheryl on the phone.

Jason Gideon: No. You're finished talking to Cheryl.

Kidnaper: Listen to that tone of authority. Just like your published work, agent Gideon. Fascinating to hear the same arrogant quality in your own voice. You are a bit of a pedant, Jason, a bit didactic?

Jason Gideon: Well, that's a very interesting conclusion. You sound intelligent, and you certainly sound educated, and... We both know that's not true.

Kidnaper: Oh, I know all about all of you. The ambitious agent Hotchner? Do you wanna be director of the FBI someday, agent Hotchner? Would you step on Jason Gideon to get there? I think you would. Posttraumatic stress is a very good excuse. Even your sick, pregnant wife can't get you to leave your post. Jason Gideon, an expert in the criminal psyche yet unable to diagnose the autistic leanings of the very insecure Dr. Reid. Well, maybe he can make money counting cards in Las Vegas. The lovely Elle was promoted too soon. She doesn't have what it takes to make it in the B.A.U. Boys club. You're no threat to me, you're no threat to anyone. And Token Derek Morgan wants to be taken seriously but he is just a pumped-up side of beef. I know who you are, I know how you think and I know what to do next! Do you?

Evan Davenport: What the hell was that? Why did he say that he knows what to do next? Is he gonna hurt my daughter?

Jason Gideon: He was grandstanding.

Evan Davenport: You don't know that. You… You can't possibly know that.

Jason Gideon: Mr. Davenport, I have learned more in the last 5 minutes than in the last 24 hours.

Evan Davenport: Oh, really? Well, I don't understand. Why is he focused on you right now?

Derek Morgan: Because we are interfering in his relationship with the girls.

Evan Davenport: He said he knows all about you.

Aaron Hotchner: Yes, apparently.

Derek Morgan: He profiled us, Mr. Davenport.

Cheryl Davenport: Why would he do that?

Elle Greenaway: To show us how smart he is.

Spencer Reid: Often times the best profilers are the unsubs themselves. They're the ones able to walk into an arcade full of children and pinpoint the boy or girl that can be led out quietly.

Elle Greenaway: But he made a mistake, because he gave us something he didn't expect.

Evan Davenport: Which is?

Jason Gideon: He told us how to find him.


Evan Davenport: You said you knew how to find him, that you were gonna save my daughter. Why don't you get out there and do something? What are you… Everybody's standing around here, looking…

Jason Gideon: Mr. Davenport…

Evan Davenport: Don't condescend to me. Don't patronize me.

Vincent Shyer: Evan, Evan. Evan. Everybody is doing the best that they can. Come on. Come on. Take a break, come on.

Derek Morgan: For the suspect to know that much about us he has to be one of us.

Aaron Hotchner: I'm gonna have Garcia do a search of the New Haven FBI field office. The guy we're looking for knows this house, he knows the family.

Spencer Reid: There's 700 agents in New Haven and another 70 in satellite offices. Davenport knows quite a few of them.

Elle Greenaway: While we're narrowing the list, Cheryl can't stay here. If he's one of us, he has access, weapons and you bet he's got a strategy.

Derek Morgan: So who can we trust?

Aaron Hotchner: No one. We need to get Cheryl to a safe house.

Derek Morgan: And limit the amount of agents she comes in contact with.


Vincent Shyer: We're in. We'll walk the perimeter.

Derek Morgan: Yeah.


Evan Davenport: I'm, uh, sorry about before.

Jason Gideon: It's your daughters. You… You don't have to apologize for anything.

Evan Davenport: So, this, uh... This safe house, you sure it's ok?

Jason Gideon: Of course… We have agents inside, out.

Evan Davenport: So now we just... Wait.


Elle Greenaway: They did a bug sweep, right when we arrived.

Spencer Reid: Yeah, I remember.

Elle Greenaway: And yet the unsub seems to know all about us. Hey, Reid, do you know what non-local interaction is?

Spencer Reid: What are you getting at?

Elle Greenaway: How can he be holding Trish prisoner and still know exactly what we're talking about?

Spencer Reid: I know what you're saying. It seems like he knows what's going on here the moment that it happens.

Elle Greenaway: There's gotta be a listening device.

Spencer Reid: They swept the room when we got here.

Elle Greenaway: Yeah. And then they brought in their own equipment.


Cheryl Davenport: Come in.

Vincent Shyer: Cheryl… It's good to finally get you alone.


Jason Gideon: Agent Shyer called you by your first name. You know him that well?

Evan Davenport: He works out of the New York field office. I know his father. We've met socially on occasion.

Jason Gideon: Has he been here before?

Evan Davenport: A few times.


Vincent Shyer: Does it ever annoy you when people want to line you and Patricia up together to examine the differences? It seems like it would get old real fast… But I don't need to do that… I've known you both for so long, loved you for so long.

Cheryl Davenport: Please don't do this.

Vincent Shyer: But this is how it should have been all along, the 3 of us together.

Elle Greenaway: Put the knife down.

Vincent Shyer: You don't understand. You don't understand my relationship with these girls.

Elle Greenaway: Put the knife down.

Vincent Shyer: You don't understand…

Elle Greenaway: I said put it down! You ok? Where is Patricia?


Cheryl Davenport: It's Okay.

Trish Davenport: Hey.

Evan Davenport: Thank you.


Spencer Reid: Hey, how did Elle get Shyre to give us Trish's location?

Jason Gideon: I imagine she found some creative way to persuade him.

Spencer Reid: What do you think… You know, you just don't need to ask so many questions.

Jason Gideon: Let's... Just enjoy the moment.


Jason Gideon: Euripides said "When love is in excess, it brings a man no honour nor worthiness."


Elle Greenaway: You all right? You took a taser hit.

Derek Morgan: Yeah, I know I did. So what?

Elle Greenaway: So no one expects you to finish the Davenport file tonight.

Derek Morgan: Yeah, well, I guess it's still a little fresh on my mind. Nothing like 50,000 volts in your back to keep your motor running, right? You know, Elle, I'm just... I'm lucky as hell that bastard didn't gut me when I was unconscious.

Elle Greenaway: He wasn't interested in you.

Derek Morgan: Yeah… You know, Shyer didn't see you as a peer or a threat. That was his mistake.

Elle Greenaway: Yes, it was… You're gonna be here all night. Give me half.

Derek Morgan: Ok. Be careful what you wish for. Knock yourself out.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

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