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Esprits Criminels
#203 : Cruelles vidéos

Résumé : Après une série de meurtres très horribles, l'agent Gideon et son équipe mènent l'enquête et se rendent compte que le criminel n'agit pas seul. Ils en ont la preuve lorsqu'ils reçoivent des DVD sur lesquels ils peuvent voir le déroulement des sévices infligés aux victimes par plusieurs personnes.


4.17 - 12 votes

Titre VO
The Perfect Storm

Titre VF
Cruelles vidéos

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Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 04.10.2006 à 21:00
15.19m / 4.8% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Plus d'informations | N°025

Réalisateur de l'épisode : Felix Enriquez Alcala
→ Scénaristes de l'épisodeDebra J. Fisher et Erica Messer

→ Les acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
- Thomas Gibson ... Aaron Hotchner
- Mandy Patinkin ... Jason Gideon
- Matthew Gray Gubler ... Spencer Reid
- Lola Glaudini ... Elle Greenaway
- Shemar Moore ... Derek Morgan
- A.J. Cook ... Jennifer Jareau
- Kirsten Vangsness ... Penelope Garcia

→ Les autres acteurs présents dans l'épisode :
- Nicki Aycox ... Amber Canardo
- Brad Rowe ... Tony Canardo
- John Verea ... Robert Portillo
- Michelle Pierce ... Tiffany Spears
- Katie Mitchell ... Mary Clemensen
- Frank Ashmore ... Henry Davin
- David Parker ... Mike Kroger
- Paul Norwood ... Frank Clemensen
- Rebecca Gray ... Bev Spera
- Paul McCarthy-Boyington ... Joey Davin
- Millie Huckabee ... Laura Clemensen

Un couple heureux reçoit un DVD qu'ils croyent être une lettre de leur fille mais ils la découvrent en train de se faire violer. Le DSC est appelé et découvre que Laura n'est pas la première dans ce cas. Les légistes ont conclu à une mort après des semaines de torture, cela fait 5 jours que sa famille la croyait à la fac et la coloctaire de fac chez sa famille. Le DSC doit se dépécher. Gideon comprend qu'il y a plusieurs agresseurs. Celui sur la vidéo le fait pour quelqu'un qui l'admire. Il prend son pied en montrant ses talents au complice qui prend son pied en l'admirant.

Le DSC explique alors la relation dominant/dominé du tandem. Garcia signale que le temps est de plus en plus court puisque Laura vient d'être retrouvée morte. Hotchner et Elle vont annoncer la nouvelle à la mère qui a perdu son mari d'une crise cardiaque lorsqu'il a vu le DVD. Ils apprennent que Laura était extravertie, confiante en elle et prompte à aider les inconnus, ce qui correspond à un témoignage l'ayant vu renseigner un inconnu.

Gideon et Morgan sont sur les lieux où Laura a été retrouvé et cela confirme que le tandem veut humilier jusqu'au bout la victime et les familles et qu'ils ont une telle confiance en eux qu'ils sont sûrs de ne pas être arrêter.  JJ remarque que les DVD sont adressés aux mères. Reid comprend que les suspects refusent le pardon. Puis une nouvelle joggeuse est kidnappé par celui qu'elle renseignait sur le chemin à prendre.

Le DSC continue d'étudier le mode opératoire et explique aux flics le profil du tandem: complémentaires, inséparables, se connaissant depuis l'enfane ou étant de la même famille, le dominant fait croire au dominé qu'il est invincible et qu'après leur premier crime, ils plongent dans leur réalité, le crime devenant banal. Le dominé est moins futé et résistant que le dominant. Le profil est interrompu par JJ qui leur apprend que Tiffany, la joggeuse a été enlevé. Ils l'aprennent parce que la mère est passée à la télé.

Le DSC comprend qu'ils n'ont pas de temps. Garcia continue à étudier les bandes vidéos et a découvert que les voitures ont été démonté et revendues dans d'autres états. Cela permet de remonter à un mec de la ville. Il ne semble pas balèze et serait le dominé. Le DSC reçoit un DVD et ils font en sorte que la mère ne le voit pas. Gideon et Morgan arrivent chez le suspect.

Seulement, ça tourne mal, le suspect sortant une arme et se faisant abattre pour ne pas retourner en prison. Gideon apprend par le père qu'il bossait dans un garage avec d'anciens taulards. Garcia découvre alors avec qui il a passé du temps en prison, un certain Tony. Hotchner découvre qu'il trainait autour du garage et que Joey le mort n'écoutait plus son patron quand Tony était là. Morgan et Gideon vont voir la femme de Tony. Elle connaissait Joey. Le DSC est persuadé que Tony est le dominant du tandem et que Joey était le dominé. La femme explique que Tony n'était violent que lorsqu'il était avec Joey.

Puis un peu plus tard, la femme de Tony arrive battue au FBI. Elle a été voir Tony, lui a expliqué la situation et il l'a tapé. Reid remarque alors que la bague de la femme est celle de Laura, la victime du début d'épisode, bague que Tony a offert à sa femme sous prétexte d'avoir gagné du fric au poker. De son coté, Morgan qui attendait Tony chez lui l'arrête après une petite bagarre. Et il découvre chez lui le DVD de Tiffany. Il ne dit pas où elle est et on a un plan sur elle ligotée par terre dans un entrepot ou un truc du genre.

Hotchner part interrogé Tony en lui faisant croire qu'il est plus fort que les flics, qu'il les impressionne. Gideon dans l'autre pièce, comprend qu'il ne dira rien. Il a alors l'idée de se servir de la femme pour arriver à le faire parler. Mais Tony refuse de parler avant d'avouer qu'elle est dans un garde meuble dont le père de Joey a la clé. Reid et Hotch pensent alors à un trio : le père a démarré puis le fils a pris la relève lorsqu'il est tombé malade. Mais Tiffany n'est pas dans le garde meuble. 

Gideon trouve que quelque chose cloche avec Tony. Et il remarque que la femme n'a pas peur devant son mari et devant les photos des victimes. Garcia envoit alors une bande sonore où on l'entend. Malheureusement, elle est partie. Le DSC comprend enfin qu'elle est la dominante. Ils doivent maintenant retrouver la femme et Tiffany.

Gideon va donc voir Tony et il cherche à le faire parler, à savoir pourquoi il la protège. Garcia découvre que la femme a été violée par son père dans sa jeunesse et que sa mère l'a accusé de menteuse. Reid comprend qu'elle reproduit ce qu'elle a subit. Gideon fait craquer Tony en l'humiliant en insistant sur la manipulation de Amber et le fait qu'elle s'est servie de lui et d'autres. Il avoue que Tiffany est dans une cabane. Le DSC y va et trouve Amber battant Tiffany. Amber est arrêtée et Tiffany en vie.

Mary Clemensen: You want grapefruit or cranberry?

Frank Clemensen: Coffee.

Mary Clemensen: Cranberry it is. Take it easy on the butter.

Frank Clemensen: Is half a stick too much?

Mary Clemensen: Yeah, well, I'm just following doctor's orders. It would be nice if you did the same. Hey, look. Laura sent the pictures from her Orlando trip. I wonder if there are any of that new guy that she's so crazy about. Oh, wait a minute. I thought she said... I thought she said pictures, not a video.

Frank Clemensen: That's a DVD, Mary. Technology isn't slowing down. It's actually passing you by. If you don't catch up soon, you'll be as pitiful as your mother.

Mary Clemensen: That's motivation.

Frank Clemensen: Come on, Mary. I could show you a few things. You afraid to be my student?

Mary Clemensen: "Hi, guys. Just wanted to let you know I'm having a great time. Miss you both." Sweet… Wait a minute. Is... Is that Laura? It can't be… Frank, what's happening? Oh... My God.


Aaron Hotchner: This was sent to the family?

Jennifer Jareau: Father had a heart condition, died while watching it.


Aaron Hotchner: So... The music's not added like a regular soundtrack. It's in the background, so if you turn it down, you also turn down the voices.

Derek Morgan: We get Garcia to separate the audio tracks?

Aaron Hotchner: She's working on it now.

Derek Morgan: The sooner we hear how he talks to the victim, the sooner we'll know what kind of man we're dealing with.

Jason Gideon: Tell us about Laura Clemensen.

Jennifer Jareau: 20 years old. Sophomore at Jacksonville University in Florida. Assumed to be the fifth in a series of rapes and murders over the past two years… Some women were abducted in parking lots, others while they were running.

Aaron Hotchner: And when was she reported missing?

Jennifer Jareau: Technically she wasn't. Roommate thought she was visiting family. Family thought she was at school.

Aaron Hotchner: Close to her family?

Jennifer Jareau: Very. She had dinner with them on Sunday.

Aaron Hotchner: That was 5 days ago, and nobody's seen her until now.

Derek Morgan: She wasn't killed on the tape. And given forensics, other victims were tortured for weeks before they were killed, so I think we should operate as if she's still alive.

Elle Greenaway: Not for long, if the bastard gets his way.

Derek Morgan: Okay, I don't get it. This is the fifth abduction and now the second DVD. Why'd they wait to call us in?

Jennifer Jareau: The last victim's family received this DVD two months ago. Jacksonville P.D. thought maybe they'd get some more clues instead of just raise more questions.

Jason Gideon: Turn that down, please.

Spencer Reid: There seems to be a natural escalation to the murders. It... Began as brutal attacks against the victims, and now it's psychological attacks to the families.

Aaron Hotchner: So if the thrill of the kill isn't enough to satisfy his sadistic needs, he needs to spread panic, and he thrives on that.

Spencer Reid: Sadistic killers are typically strangers to their victims. It's easier for the offender to torture and kill someone that they don't know.

Jason Gideon: Offenders… Man on the tape isn't doing this just for himself. He's playing to an audience, not her family… Someone watching... Who can appreciate what he's doing, admire his sadistic skills.

Spencer Reid: It is a characteristic of partners to record their crimes so they can relive the fantasy later.

Elle Greenaway: How can we be sure?

Aaron Hotchner: Right there. The camera moves.

Jason Gideon: One guy tortures while the other records it. Master and servant.

Aaron Hotchner: Jacksonville P.D.'s been looking for this killer for years. How long is it gonna take them to find a team?


Jason Gideon: Mark Twain wrote: "Of all the animals, man is the only one that is cruel. He is the only one that inflicts pain for the pleasure of doing it."


Derek Morgan: Again… That's the third time he's looked back at the camera.

Jason Gideon: He's looking back at his partner.

Aaron Hotchner: These two are clearly deranged and acting out their worst sadistic fantasies.

Spencer Reid: Folie à deux.

Jason Gideon: Rare psychological phenomenon in which two or more people share the same psychotic delusion.

Spencer Reid: In its literal translation, yes, but it often refers to the bond that exists between two people that bring out the worst in each other.

Elle Greenaway: Most killing teams have a dominant personality that instigates and plans and a submissive one who's the eager accomplice.

Jennifer Jareau: So how do they decide who gets to kill?

Aaron Hotchner: Well, the dominant one will usually insist on taking the life.

Jennifer Jareau: So what's the psychology behind making these DVDs?

Aaron Hotchner: It's a shared souvenir, allows the dominant to keep the submissive one motivated, loyal, and aroused.

Derek Morgan: It's also about control. Built-in insurance policy for blackmail, just in case somebody gets cold feet.

Elle Greenaway: It makes you wonder what might have happened if these 2 people never had met.

Jason Gideon: Chances are the women would still be alive.

Penelope Garcia: Jacksonville P.D. just located Laura Clemensen's body. Some hikers found her under a bridge.

Aaron Hotchner: They never hide them. They're always easy to find.

Spencer Reid: Laura Clemensen wasn't missing for more than a week. The time spent torturing's getting shorter.

Jennifer Jareau: Has her mother been notified?

Penelope Garcia: No. Not yet.

Aaron Hotchner: We can cover more ground if we split up.

Jason Gideon: Morgan and I'll meet local P.D. at the scene.

Aaron Hotchner: I'll talk to Laura Clemensen's mother, and since she just lost her husband...

Elle Greenaway: I'll go with you.

Spencer Reid: I'll start with the victimology, maybe find the reason why these women were targeted.


Mary Clemensen: After Frank and I watched that video, I knew. At least she isn't suffering... Anymore.

Elle Greenaway: Is there anything that we can do for you?

Mary Clemensen: Frank... Gave Laura a pearl and diamond ring for graduation. Could I get it back?

Elle Greenaway: I will look into that right away.

Mary Clemensen: Thank you.

Aaron Hotchner: As part of our investigation, we're trying to gain some insight into your daughter, and... I wondered whether she was... Shy and quiet, or was she more outgoing and made friends easily?

Mary Clemensen: I mean, is this really important?

Aaron Hotchner: Yes, ma'am. I know that this is hard, but the more similarities we can find between the victims, the more it'll help us narrow down who's responsible.

Mary Clemensen: Frank had a ball in her hand from the minute she could walk… She was confident. She knew everybody at school… She thought of our oldest, Patrick, as her best friend. You know, she was like most girls her age. She wanted everybody to like her… Frank used to think that she was too much of a people pleaser, but I think it shows a really good heart.

Elle Greenaway: I do, too.

Aaron Hotchner: The police told us that they may have a they may have a witness who saw Laura giving someone directions. Does that sound like something she would have done?

Mary Clemensen: We raised our children to be... Helpful and kind and... And that made Laura an easy target for a killer?

Elle Greenaway: You have to know that you and Frank did everything right.

Mary Clemensen: Frank was supposed to be at work yesterday, and if Laura... If Laura hadn't driven back to campus that night, I mean, this wasn't supposed to happen. This wasn't...


Jason Gideon: Special agents Gideon and Morgan.

Robert Portillo: Detective Robert Portillo. This is the fifth girl on my watch in the past two years, and we still don't have a viable suspect.

Derek Morgan: We think you're looking for two men.

Robert Portillo: Really? Based upon what evidence?

Jason Gideon: Well, given the level of sadistic torture and desire to document their crimes, we're confident this was done by a killing team… She's got deep lacerations on her neck, chest, and thighs. From the colour of the bruising, torture went on for several days.

Derek Morgan: CSI believes the cause of death was ligature strangulation, and it is consistent with the other victims.

Jason Gideon: In the video, she's wearing a pearl ring on her left hand.

Robert Portillo: No other evidence has turned up. They've combed the area, quarter-mile radius.

Derek Morgan: Why would they need more trophies, Gideon?

Jason Gideon: Maybe passed it along as a gift.

Derek Morgan: Like the green river killer?

Jason Gideon: Yeah. He'd leave jewellery for his female co-workers and then become aroused when he saw them wear it.

Robert Portillo: After everything they do to these girls, why do they leave them in these horrible positions? Haven't they suffered enough?

Jason Gideon: Apparently not.

Derek Morgan: This is the ultimate degradation to the victim and her family.

Jason Gideon: Shock value for whoever finds them. And it sends a message to the police.

Robert Portillo: What's that?

Jason Gideon: "Look what we can do. You can't stop us."


Elle Greenaway: Are there new victims?

Spencer Reid: Garcia just sent a list over of all the unsolved rapes and murders in the past three years. There are two that are particularly interesting.

Aaron Hotchner: They look the type. Anything else?

Spencer Reid: Well, aside from sharing similar physical traits, they were also posed. The only difference is they were manually strangled, which I think is why Jacksonville P.D. didn't find a connection.

Elle Greenaway: We find DNA on the first two?

Spencer Reid: That's the thing. It didn't match the recent kills, but check this out. What if the dominant one allowed the submissive one to rape the first 2 victims in order to sort of draw him in, and then once he's hooked, he began keeping the prize all for himself?

Aaron Hotchner: You tell Morgan and Gideon about this yet?

Spencer Reid: They're still at the crime scene.

Aaron Hotchner: We confirmed that Laura Clemensen had good relationships with her family and friends. She got good grades and stayed out of trouble.

Spencer Reid: Just like all the other victims.

Jennifer Jareau: Did you guys notice that the package sent to the Clemensen family was only sent to Mary?

Aaron Hotchner: What about the first DVD?

Jennifer Jareau: Right here… Why are they targeting the mothers?

Spencer Reid: The mother asked God to forgive the people responsible.

Aaron Hotchner: And?

Spencer Reid: The family that received the first DVD went on TV pleading for their daughter's life. That must have made the unsubs angry.

Aaron Hotchner: So sending the DVD to the mother is a message in itself.

Spencer Reid: A very clear one. They don't want or need forgiveness.


Tony Canardo: How do you get to the freeway?

Tiffany Spears: If you go back out to Warner and make a right, you'll see the exit in about half a mile.

Tony Canardo: Thanks.

Tiffany Spears: No problem.


Elle Greenaway: We're up to 7 victims now?

Spencer Reid: The humiliating posing of the body can't be a coincidence. It's just too unique.

Derek Morgan: The bruising on the necks. Looks to me like the first victim struggled. I'd say the killer probably lost his grip a couple times and really had to fight these women.

Aaron Hotchner: That's why he switched from bare hands to a ligature. It's more efficient, controlled, and it doesn't sacrifice his sadistic need for a slow death.

Spencer Reid: Because the DNA didn't match, Jacksonville P.D. just didn't put it together.

Elle Greenaway: Yeah, and since they weren't looking for 2 offenders...

Aaron Hotchner: Signature indicates thesye women had the same killers. We just need to figure out who the hell they are.

Derek Morgan: Well, Jacksonville P.D. searched everywhere, even swamps, and still didn't find the victims vehicles. I got Garcia tracing VINs, but my guess is they dispose of the cars just like they do the women.

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah, but the bodies are easy to find. Why do they go to so much trouble to hide the cars?


Jason Gideon: I didn't think it could get any hotter than yesterday.

Robert Portillo: Today's a record breaker, and the A.C.'s busted. Sorry about the fans. They're probably spreading more dust than cool air.

Jason Gideon: Well, we won't keep your officers too long.


Elle Greenaway: That's not to say that the submissive partner is in any way pure or innocent in this exchange.

Jason Gideon: If their criminal desire wasn't present, their partnership wouldn't work.

Derek Morgan: The offenders share a common delusion. It's one that you and I would never accept, but it's this bond that justifies their actions.

Robert Portillo: So we're looking for two sick minds who complete each other.

Spencer Reid: It's kind of like the perfect storm. Once these deviant personalities collide, they're deadly and unstoppable.

Aaron Hotchner: Like the D.C. snipers or the Columbine assassins. Sometimes they've met in childhood. Other times, they can be related, like the Hillside stranglers, Angelo Buono and Kenneth Bianchi, psychopathic cousins who terrorized women in Los Angeles. The dominant partner makes the submissive one feel invincible. That's his reward for doing as he's told… Unfortunately there are countless opportunities for these twisted minds to meet, and once they've pulled off their vicious acts, the two accept this as common behaviour and become bored with normal activity. They live only for their new reality. They're obsessed with it, addicted to it. And there's a fierce loyalty between the two. The submissive one, however, is usually less intelligent and easier to catch, and once caught, he is easier to turn.

Jason Gideon: Lack of remorse increases their aggressiveness. Sexual sadists will stop when they're caught.

Aaron Hotchner: And the need to psychologically torture the families.

Jennifer Jareau: Sorry to interrupt.


Beverly Spears: If you've seen my daughter, please, Tiffany's all I have. She went for a run last night, and she never came home. She's my baby.

Jason Gideon: Why weren't we told about this before she went on the news?

Jennifer Jareau: 'Cause we didn't know about it. Tiffany was abducted from Middleberg.

Robert Portillo: That's nearly an hour away, and it's outside of Jacksonville's jurisdiction. Are you sure these are the same offenders?

Jason Gideon: She's their type. Grabbed her while jogging, just like their third victim. Middleberg's only an hour from here?

Aaron Hotchner: If they see this, it's just a matter of time before they send a DVD.

Jennifer Jareau: Jennifer Jareau, FBI. You just aired a press conference with Beverly Spears. I need to speak to her immediately.

Derek Morgan: These guys are impatient. They just dumped Laura Clemensen's body 24 hours ago.

Aaron Hotchner: Which means they're more dangerous than they were yesterday, and Tiffany Spears is running out of time.


Derek Morgan: You okay?

Penelope Garcia: Am I okay? Let me see. I've got images of a girl being tortured burned inside my brain over the strains of this once-carefree choice of music. I've isolated 4 sources from one track, and each one is more distorted than the next, so no, I am not okay, and it's gonna take awhile.

Derek Morgan: Penelope, you know I appreciate you doing this.

Penelope Garcia: Thank you, sugar. For right now, even that doesn't feel good… Moving on. Some of these victims were abducted while driving. It does leave a nice trail, especially when all the parts lead you to Trevor's used auto in Georgia.

Derek Morgan: No wonder Jacksonville P.D. couldn't find the vehicles. The unsubs didn't drive the cars. They destroyed them and sold the parts.

Penelope Garcia: Yeah, and over state lines. These sickos are good.


Derek Morgan: Parts were found in Georgia. Sales were traced to a Joey Davin, who lives right here in Jacksonville.

Jason Gideon: Joseph P. Davin, 27… In and out of jail since he was 17. Number of charges, including car theft with a partner.

Derek Morgan: Maybe he likes to team up. Either way, he hasn't learned his lesson. Doesn't sound too smart to me.

Jason Gideon: Exactly why he needs a good leader.


Beverly Spears: If it is proof that Tiffany is still alive, still breathing, I need to see it.

Aaron Hotchner: Ma'am, you don't understand.

Elle Greenaway: Do you remember what Tiffany was wearing the last time you saw her?

Beverly Spears: I told the police she was going for a run. Sneakers, tank, shorts.

Elle Greenaway: Well, you need to think of her like this until we get her back. You don't need to see what's on that DVD.

Beverly Spears: I was supposed to have run with her yesterday… I should have been there. Help her. Please, God. Help her.


Journalist: Investigators are connecting Tiffany Spears disappearance with those of the five other victims, murdered in the Jacksonville area, including Laura Clemensen, whose body was found yesterday. Three of the victims cars are still missing. Investigators believe if they can find who took those cars, they will find the killer responsible.


Jason Gideon: FBI.

Henry Davin: And what can I do for you?

Jason Gideon: We're looking for Joseph Davin.

Henry Davin: What did Joey do now?

Derek Morgan: Sir, we really need to talk to Joey. You Joseph Davin?

Joseph Davin: Get out of my way.

Henry Davin: Joey, don't be stupid!

Joseph Davin: I saw it on TV. Three strikes, and I'm out. I'm not going back.

Derek Morgan: I'm not going down for this. Put the weapon down.

Robert Portillo: Put it down now!

Derek Morgan: Joey!

Henry Davin: Oh, Joey!

Robert Portillo: Why didn't he put down the gun?

Derek Morgan: He didn't want that third strike.

Robert Portillo: I didn't have a choice.

Jason Gideon: And he was our closest link to finding Tiffany Spears.


Henry Davin: Can't this wait?

Derek Morgan: Mr. Davin, there have been seven women raped and murdered in the Jacksonville area. We can tie Joe to three of them.

Henry Davin: I thought by forcing him to move back in here, it would keep him out of trouble.

Jason Gideon: How long had your son been living here?

Henry Davin: Two years. After the M.S. put me in a chair.

Derek Morgan: Was he still running with his boys from prison?

Henry Davin: He works at a garage with a bunch of ex-cons. I tried so hard. I just couldn't get him out of that world. I kept telling him, "you're better than all this."

Robert Portillo: Agent Gideon, we just found this.

Jason Gideon: Your son have a friend or girlfriend with long, blond hair?

Henry Davin: Not that I know of, no.

Derek Morgan: Is it possible that you wouldn't know if you did?

Henry Davin: After today... Nothing would surprise me.


Derek Morgan: The dominant one wouldn't have panicked like that. He would have come at us shooting and gone down in a blaze of glory.

Robert Portillo: So where's the other half of this partnership?

Jason Gideon: Witnesses saw a white minivan, correct?

Robert Portillo: That one's Henry's. It's got handicapped plates.

Jason Gideon: You see any signs in Henry's behaviour that he could be part of this?

Derek Morgan: Nah.

Robert Portillo: But if Joey drives the van, then he can drive while his partner snatches the girls.

Jason Gideon: Have your men process the van. If there's anything in there that doesn't belong to Joe or Henry Davin, I wanna know about it.

Robert Portillo: Okay.

Derek Morgan: So, how does Joe meet his partner?

Jason Gideon: Well, his father said he hangs with a bunch of ex-cons at the garage.

Derek Morgan: Yeah. It's in... It's in Springfield. I'll have Hotch check it out.

Jason Gideon: If he's still hanging with ex-cons, he... Probably talks to his old cellmate.

Derek Morgan: Yeah.

Jason Gideon: Find out who that is.

Derek Morgan: Okay.


Penelope Garcia: This better be hella good.

Jason Gideon: Garcia? Hello.

Penelope Garcia: Yes, sir. I'm here. I'm sorry. I just... I wasn't... I'm surprised that you're calling me.

Jason Gideon: I need to know who Joseph Davin shared a cell with.

Penelope Garcia: Yes. Sure. It was a guy... Named... His name was Tony Canardo. They were in together for 18 months, and both were released 3 years ago.

Jason Gideon: Before the killings started. Is that it?

Penelope Garcia: His current address is 865 Kentwood in Jacksonville.

Jason Gideon: That's all you got?

Penelope Garcia: Yeah.

Jason Gideon: Garcia...

Penelope Garcia: Yes.

Jason Gideon: You did great work. Keep it up.

Penelope Garcia: Oh, thank you, sir. Thank you.


Mike Kroger: Look, I got two guys out today. I can't help you.

Customer: But my car's still leaking oil.

Mike Kroger: Do you still have a receipt?

Customer: It was less than a month ago.

Mike Kroger: Do you have your receipt?

Aaron Hotchner: Excuse me.

Mike Kroger: I'm with a customer… All right.

Aaron Hotchner: What can you tell me about Joe Davin?

Mike Kroger: I can tell you I fired him last week.

Aaron Hotchner: Why?

Mike Kroger: He wasn't very good at his job.

Aaron Hotchner: He was shot this morning by Jacksonville police.

Mike Kroger: Sorry to hear that.

Aaron Hotchner: You seem real upset by the news.

Mike Kroger: I already had another guy to take his place.

Elle Greenaway: You didn't waste any time, did you?

Mike Kroger: His ex-con buddies were always at the shop. It's bad for business.

Aaron Hotchner: You're an ex-con.

Mike Kroger: I was innocent.

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah. They all are. You know this guy?

Mike Kroger: That's T-bone. Name's Tony Canardo. He ran with Joey's crowd.

Elle Greenaway: This is one of the ex-cons that you were talking about?

Mike Kroger: Yeah. When Tony's around, Joey's not taking orders from me, and I can't have too many cooks in the kitchen. You know what I mean?

Elle Greenaway: We do.

Mike Kroger: Look, I gotta get back to work.

Elle Greenaway: Well, Joey was just surrounded by dominant personalities.

Aaron Hotchner: If Mike Kroger was the killer, you'd think he'd try to hide it better. We'll have Garcia run his sheet.


Amber Canardo: Who are you guys?

Jason Gideon: Mrs. Canardo.

Amber Canardo: Yes.

Jason Gideon: Can we come in?


Derek Morgan: Everything okay?

Amber Canardo: You tell me.

Derek Morgan: We're looking for your husband.

Amber Canardo: He's not home.

Jason Gideon: Well, he spent time in prison with a man named Joseph Davin. Do you know him?

Amber Canardo: Yeah, I know Joey.

Derek Morgan: Joey's dead.

Amber Canardo: Oh, my God. What happened?

Robert Portillo: He pulled a gun when we were trying to question him.

Amber Canardo: About what?

Jason Gideon: Seven young women in the Jacksonville area who've been raped and killed. Did you know him well?

Amber Canardo: He and my husband did time together. When Tony got out on good behaviour, he... Tried to turn his life around, stay clean.

Jason Gideon: How's he doing?

Amber Canardo: Okay… Some of those are mine.

Derek Morgan: Tony ever get into trouble or do anything that scares you when he drinks?

Amber Canardo: Only when he's around Joey. Those two get together, I'm afraid of what could happen.

Derek Morgan: Do you know where we can find Tony now?

Amber Canardo: He's getting off work. He should be home soon.

Derek Morgan: Is there any place you can go? 'Cause we're gonna need to talk to him.

Amber Canardo: I can call my friend Kim.

Jason Gideon: You wanna drive me down to the station? Can you wait here for Tony?


Aaron Hotchner: Did you run Mike Kroger's sheet, the guy from the garage?

Penelope Garcia: The boy needs a refresher course in anger management. Okay, we got assault and battery. We got assault with a deadly weapon. There's one attempted rape, but it was dropped, because the poor thing was too scared to testify against Mr. Stinky.

Aaron Hotchner: Where was he when Tiffany Spears was abducted?

Penelope Garcia: His credit card says Miami, but not all of his alibis check out, and you know if there is one loose thread, I will find it, I will pull it, and his story will completely unravel. A tout à l'heure.


Elle Greenaway: Garcia's checking Mike Kroger's whereabouts when the women were abducted. Some of his alibis already check out.

Spencer Reid: What about Tony Canardo?

Jason Gideon: Morgan's still outside his house waiting.

Officer: Excuse me. Agent Gideon, there's someone here who wants to talk to you.


Jason Gideon: Mrs. Canardo. What happened?

Amber Canardo: After you left, I got nervous, so I went to find Tony.

Jason Gideon: Please, sit down.

Amber Canardo: And he... He knew something was up, so...

Jason Gideon: You got a kleenex? What'd you tell him?

Amber Canardo: Well, I told him the truth, that the FBI was asking questions.

Elle Greenaway: So he hit you?

Amber Canardo: I wasn't completely honest with you about Tony. He fell off the wagon a while ago. I just was afraid to say something. I didn't wanna betray him. He's my husband.

Elle Greenaway: No, it's... It's good that you're here with us. You're safe here. I'm gonna go tell Portillo and Hotch that they should meet Morgan.

Spencer Reid: Mrs. Canardo, can I ask you a question?

Amber Canardo: Yes.

Spencer Reid: Is that ring new?

Amber Canardo: Tony won some money playing poker. He bought it as a gift… Why?

Spencer Reid: Looks a lot like Laura Clemensen's.


Derek Morgan: Big mistake.

Tony Canardo: Come on!

Aaron Hotchner: Morgan!

Derek Morgan: Yeah! Right here!

Aaron Hotchner: What, you couldn't wait?

Derek Morgan: I didn't want him to get away.

Aaron Hotchner: You all right?

Derek Morgan: Yeah. I'm fine.

Aaron Hotchner: Say anything?

Derek Morgan: No… You should have stuck to beating up girls. Bring him inside. Thank you.


Aaron Hotchner: Does anybody watch this stuff?

Robert Portillo: We were never in this room. We never saw them.

Aaron Hotchner: It's Tiffany Spears.

Derek Morgan: Where is she?


Tiffany Spears: Help! Please, help! Help me! Help!


Aaron Hotchner: If we're gonna get anything out of Tony, we gotta praise him. He's the dominant. He thinks he deserves it. Confirm instead of undermine his expectations.

Derek Morgan: Make him think he's smarter than us because he saw it coming.

Jason Gideon: We don't have much time.


Aaron Hotchner: I know. I'm sorry. That's just standard procedure. Special agent Aaron Hotchner. I'm supervising this task force. I just wanna say that this case, your case, is... Remarkable. You've got people at the B.A.U. shaking their heads.

Tony Canardo: What about you? You shaking your head?

Aaron Hotchner: Absolutely. Seven victims in three years. You've got every woman in Jacksonville living in fear. That's pretty much what you wanted, isn't it?

Tony Canardo: I'm sure whoever's responsible for it is enjoying it.

Aaron Hotchner: The B.A.U. would like to study you, interview you, with your permission, of course.

Tony Canardo: Show me what's in the boxes.

Aaron Hotchner: This. They're all full. It's all you. We can... We can open all the boxes if you want.

Tony Canardo: No. I wanna see my lawyer.


Derek Morgan: Well, Tony sure lawyered up quick.

Jason Gideon: He's playing games.

Aaron Hotchner: Florida State wants to make a deal if you tell us where Tiffany Spears is.

Jason Gideon: This guy's been to jail before. He knows how to keep his mouth shut.


Tony Canardo: What do you think, I'm stupid?

Aaron Hotchner: Far from it.


Derek Morgan: Look at that. Notice how he's focused on those two pictures.

Spencer Reid: We can't forensically tie him to those victims, but we're certain that he posed those bodies after death.

Aaron Hotchner: Well, that's certainly not working. I'm not getting anywhere with him.

Jason Gideon: Is the wife still here?

Elle Greenaway: We wanna put her in a room with him?

Jason Gideon: We need to humanize him. I think she could do that.

Jennifer Jareau: How? He abuses her.

Jason Gideon: And she takes it. She's subservient to him.

Elle Greenaway: You think she'd do it?

Jason Gideon: If we wanna find Tiffany Spears, she'll have to.

Aaron Hotchner: It's worth a shot.


Amber Canardo: We'd been together two years, so we were gonna start a family.

Jason Gideon: Sorry to interrupt. Few minutes. Thank you… How are you holdin'up?

Amber Canardo: Okay, I guess.

Jason Gideon: You called your family?

Amber Canardo: Tony's my only family.

Jason Gideon: Tony won't talk to us.

Amber Canardo: What are you gonna do?

Jason Gideon: I think if you go in there, he'll talk to you.

Amber Canardo: You want me to go in a room with him? I can't do that. There you gotta find another way. He'll kill me. I turned him in. Look what he did to me.

Jason Gideon: I know… I believe... That you're the only person who can get through to Tony… With Joe dead, Tony's the only on who knows where Tiffany Spears is. And if he tells you, you've saved her life… Right now, you're her only hope.


Amber Canardo: Honey, I need to know where... Where the girl is.

Tony Canardo: Don't you mean... They need to know? Why should I tell them anything? What have I got to gain? They're pinning us for seven murders, Amber.

Amber Canardo: I can't believe you and Joey killed them all.

Tony Canardo: Seven!

Amber Canardo: None of this would have happened if Joey had stayed away. We were on our way to better things. Joey messed that up for us… I need you to tell me, Tony. Where'd Joey take the girl?

Tony Canardo: I can't.

Amber Canardo: I'm begging you to end this. Tell me now. Where's the girl?

Tony Canardo: There's this... Storage unit. Joe's dad is the only one who has the key.


Amber Canardo: I can't believe my husband killed all those women.

Jason Gideon: It took a lot of courage to go in there. You did the right thing. Can we get you a glass of water or something?

Amber Canardo: Yeah.

Jason Gideon: Water?

Amber Canardo: Yeah.

Jason Gideon: You stay with her, please?

Officer: Yes, sir.


Spencer Reid: Joe's dad? Isn't he in a wheelchair, though?

Jason Gideon: Only for the last 2 years. Henry Davin could have raped and killed the first two women three years ago, then brought in Joe and Tony to continue his work.

Aaron Hotchner: Maybe it's the only satisfaction he can get. Now they record it, and he lives it though them.

Spencer Reid: So it was a team of three.

Derek Morgan: We found Laura Clemensen's hair at Henry's house. It makes sense. Let's take a ride. Let's go.


Jennifer Jareau: Tony Canardo's one sick bastard.

Elle Greenaway: I'm not surprised mother abandoned him when he was 4, and then she got clean and got him back until he was 11, when she got busted for prostitution.

Jennifer Jareau: No wonder he hates women.

Elle Greenaway: He bounced around social services after that. I mean, this guy never had any support, no foundation, no security. How'd he get the confidence to pull off something like that?

Jennifer Jareau: Maybe that's why he needed a partner.

Elle Greenaway: But he's supposed to be the dominant one, the leader. And given his history... How can he do that?


Aaron Hotchner: She's not here. She was never here.

Robert Portillo: What the hell's going on?

Derek Morgan: This looks nothing like the video.


Spencer Reid: He's really playing a tough guy with that officer, huh?

Jason Gideon: He played the tough guy with Hotch. It wasn't antagonistic. It was defensive.

Spencer Reid: False bravado? You think he's wearing a mask?

Jason Gideon: Let me see Amber's tape… Why isn't she scared?

Spencer Reid: She looks scared to me.

Jason Gideon: No. Look… She initiated eye contact, right there.


Jennifer Jareau: Yeah?

Penelope Garcia: You guys have gotta hear this.

Jennifer Jareau: Patch it through.


Jason Gideon: If she were afraid, she'd look anywhere but his face.

Spencer Reid: She's looking at the victims, and she doesn't really... She doesn't seem that repulsed. She actually... Looks surprisingly calm.


Amber Canardo: Now put that little bitch on her side. You like it, don't you? Dirty whore likes it.


Jason Gideon: He's studying her. He's waiting for her lead.

Amber Canardo: Where'd Joey take the girl?

Spencer Reid: She just gave him an order.

Amber Canardo: He's protecting her. He's giving her an out.


Amber Canardo: Do it again.

Jason Gideon: Where is she? Where's the girl?! Where is she?! Told you to watch her.


Jason Gideon: We analyzed what we recorded of Tony and Amber. Turns out she's the dominant one.

Spencer Reid: Garcia finally isolated the soundtrack on that DVD. Turns out it was Amber giving the orders.

Aaron Hotchner: That means she's the one doing the killing. Where is Amber now?

Spencer Reid: She told the cop she was going out for a smoke and walked out the back door.

Aaron Hotchner: We're running out of time. You've gotta find out where they're holding Tiffany.

Jason Gideon: I'll change the approach.


Jennifer Jareau: You're gonna wanna look at this.

Spencer Reid: Joey Davin's DNA didn't match the first 2 victims. That means neither could Henry's.

Elle Greenaway: So who raped the first two girls?


Jason Gideon: Lucky man, you know that? You have something really special. I mean, she had to know what you were doing to all those women and stayed with you anyway… Must feel great to be appreciated by the woman you love.

Tony Canardo: It does.

Jason Gideon: I bet… I know you and Amber would do anything for each other. But why would you confess to killing these two women when you had no idea who they are?

Tony Canardo: Joey and I killed all of'em.

Jason Gideon: Really? Well, whose DNA did we find at the scene?

Tony Canardo: What are you talking about?

Jason Gideon: Well, it's not yours. It's not Joe's. That poor guy probably had no idea these cars belonged to the women you killed. Makes you wonder if you and Joe hadn't shared a cell together, maybe he'd still be alive.

Tony Canardo: You got the wrong idea.

Jason Gideon: No, I think you've got the wrong idea, Tony. Joe wasn't your partner. Tiffany Spears isn't at the storage unit. You wanna know what else? We can hear Amber's voice on the videos telling you what to do. We know Amber's your partner. Come on… Why? Why you protecting her?

Tony Canardo: She's my wife.

Jason Gideon: It's more than that.

Tony Canardo: Look, nothing would ever come between us... Not you... Not nothing.


Tony Canardo: Besides Amber would never do anything to hurt me.

Spencer Reid: Reid here.

Penelope Garcia: No time for pleasantries. I was able to unseal a file regarding Amber Canardo.

Spencer Reid: What does it say?

Penelope Garcia: When Amber was 15, she walked into a Tallahassee hospital, raped and beaten something awful. Doctors deduced she was being abused by her father and her brother. Eventually they convinced her to go to the police. But when she did, mom showed up and told them that Amber was lying.

Spencer Reid: She obviously did nothing to protect Amber from the abuse. She feels betrayed by her mother and now receives extreme sadistic pleasure in watching the same thing that happened to her. Strange. In this case the abused actually became the abuser.

Penelope Garcia: That doesn't happen a lot?

Spencer Reid: 1 in 8.

Penelope Garcia: We found the one.


Jason Gideon: You ask Amber how the first two women died? She's done it before, Tony.

Tony Canardo: No, she hasn't.

Jason Gideon: Yes, she has, with other men. You're not so special. Men mean nothing to her… She used you, just like the other guy.

Tony Canardo: Shut up.

Jason Gideon: She set you up, Tony. She had you do everything… Whose DNA do you think that was at the scene? Come on. Think about it. Amber beat herself up, she walked in here, she handed me Laura Clemensen's ring, and she told us you gave it to her as a gift. You know it's true, and that's why you're upset.


Spencer Reid: Gideon, Garcia found out that Amber was abused by her brother and her father. They'd take her to the woods.

Jason Gideon: She betrayed you, Tony. There's only one way to get her back. Because if you don't, she'll forget about you, just like this other guy… Tell us where she's keeping the girl… I know Amber's father kept her in the woods so no one would hear her scream. Was it Amber's idea to leave the girls in the woods? Where's Tiffany?

Tony Canardo: There's a cabin.


Aaron Hotchner: Go!


Derek Morgan: FBI! Back off!

Amber Canardo: You got nothing on me.

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah, we just got your voice on tape giving orders.

Amber Canardo: So what? He saved one little whore.

Derek Morgan: Tiffany, I'm FBI. I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not gonna hurt you.

Amber Canardo: Believe me. She'll never be the same.

Derek Morgan: You're okay. You're okay.

Robert Portillo: We got Amber. Tiffany Spears is alive.


Jennifer Jareau: All right. Thank you. Jacksonville P.D. found the remains of a body on the grounds of the cabin. They think it's Amber Canardo's old boyfriend.

Jason Gideon: And 10'll get you 20 that DNA'll match the first 2 victims.

Spencer Reid: At least the families will finally have closure.

Derek Morgan: And we did save Tiffany Spears.


Aaron Hotchner: Philosopher Khalil Gibran wrote, "Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls. The most massive characters are seared with scars."

Kikavu ?

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