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Esprits Criminels
#202 : Vente en ligne

Résumé : Un jeune garçon qui avait disparu un an auparavant refait surface lorsqu'un pédophile le propose en vente en ligne. Un ancien profiler qui dirige maintenant l'Unité d'Images Innocentes du FBI demande à Gideon et son équipe de lui sauver la vie, et ceux-ci acceptent d'enquêter.


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Les agent Gideon, Morgan et Hotch ont arrêté un homme. Menotté et emmené jusqu'à la voiture de police pour pouvoir l'interroger au poste.

Les agent Gideon, Morgan et Hotch ont arrêté un homme. Menotté et emmené jusqu'à la voiture de police pour pouvoir l'interroger au poste.

Jason Gideon de la BAU au FBI (Mandy Patinkin) est sur le terrain aux côtés de son équipe, les agents Morgan, Greenaway, Hotch et Reid.

Jason Gideon de la BAU au FBI (Mandy Patinkin) est sur le terrain aux côtés de son équipe, les agents Morgan, Greenaway, Hotch et Reid.

Hotchner (Thomas Gibson).

Hotchner (Thomas Gibson).


Logo de la chaîne CBS

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 27.09.2006 à 21:00
16.54m / 5.2% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Plus d'informations | N°024

Réalisateur de l'épisode : Adam Davidson
→ Scénariste de l'épisodeSimon Mirren

→ Les acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
- Thomas Gibson ... Aaron Hotchner
- Mandy Patinkin ... Jason Gideon
- Matthew Gray Gubler ... Spencer Reid
- Lola Glaudini ... Elle Greenaway
- Shemar Moore ... Derek Morgan
- A.J. Cook ... Jennifer Jareau
- Kirsten Vangsness ... Penelope Garcia

→ Les autres acteurs présents dans l'épisode :
- Mary Page Keller ... Katie Cole
- John Rubinstein ... Hayden Rawlings
- Jodi Lyn O'Keefe ... Amanda Gilroy
- Daryl Sabara ... Kevin
- David Pevsner ... Michael
- Dig Wayne ... Jackson Harris
- Tisha Terrasini Banker ... Jackie Powers
- Jonathan Runyon ... Dan Ash
- Laura Leyva ... Gracie Hendricks

Peter, un jeune enfant apparu sur le net il y a un an réapparait dans le cadre d'une vente aux enchères. Il reste 18 heures pour retrouver l'enfant dont sa cellule est en live sur le net. La brigade des mineurs menée par Kathy Cole fait appel au DSC pour retrouver le gamin.

Elle revient au boulot, ayant été appelée par erreur. Elle fait pression sur Hotchner pour bosser et il la colle à Reid pour analyser la vidéo. Lors du voyage dans l'avion, Kathy fait un petit exposé du language internet (lol et tout ça) pendant que Hotchner explique les différents types de pédophiles. Ils partent sur un pédophile préférentiel et déduisent qu'il vend Peter car il devient trop vieux pour ses goûts.

Ils arrivent alors dans les bureaux de l'entreprise hébergeant le forum où se trouve la vidéo. Morgan fait une petite démo en se faisant passer pour Suzy, 12 ans, et des dizaines de fenêtres de conversations de pervers à la Chase de House apparaissent. Penelope Garcia remonte la piste internet et découvre un autre enfant séquestré. l'équipe remonte jusqu'à l'adresse où ils tombent sur un ado pratiquant des jeux sexuels par webcam de son plein gré, se prostituant pour vivre. Mais grâce à lui, ils peuvent comprendre comment il a obtenu les images de Peter et les a refilé à plusieurs forums. L'ado se rebelle mais Gideon réussit à le faire parler en l'analysant et découvrant son passé d'enfant battu sans raison par son père alcoolique. Ils apprennent alors que le mec envoyant le feed vidéo s'appelle Mehtevas.

Reid de son coté, comprend que Peter n'est pas retenu dans une chambre ou une cellule vu qu'il n'y a pas de porte et de fenêtre. Elle en déduit que la pièce a été construite autour de Peter comme un bateau dans une bouteille. De leur coté, Hotch et Kathy parviennent à convaincre l'ado de prendre rendez vous avec Mehtevas. Garcia découvre alors que Peter a une chemise de boy scout.

Le rendez vous de l'ado conduit le FBI jusqu'à une école primaire et Mehtevas s'avère être le directeur de l'école. Elle et Reid vont fouiller le bureau. Morgan, Kathy et Gideon interrogent le directeur qui prétend vouloir sauver Peter. Reid découvre alors que mehtevas veut dire save them, sauvez les. Garcia retrouve la piste des boy scouts.

Le directeur voulait acheter Peter, dans le but de le sauver mais le FBI n'y croit pas. Mais le vrai kidnappeur voit le reportage sur le directeur et il comprend que le contact net n'est pas le directeur et il déconnecte la liaison avec Peter.

Le FBI va alors à Mont Pleasant pour enquêter sur la piste boy scout. JJ transmet alors une fausse info pour que le kidnappeur reprenne la vente. Ca marche mais il ne reste que une heure. Le curé n'est pas d'une grande aide mais il a une photo de groupe. Problème: pas d'archives. Heureusement, la directrice de l'école recoupe l'info avec le listing d'enfants non réinscrits. Reid comprend alors que le kidnappeur a changé il y a un an et Gideon en dédsuit que c'est la peur qui la fait changé, la peur parce que Kathy lui a parlé lors de la première enquête. La vente est finie.

Garcia at Amanda recoupent alors les dossiers des premiers interrogatoires. Ils ont une piste et s'y rendent. Ils retrouvent alors l'enfant sain et sauf dans une boite dans le coffre de la voiture du suspect. Kathy découvre alors que Peter s'appelle Dustin et a été kidnappé à 1 an. Il prend aujourd'hui le kidnappeur pour son père. Kathy est très touchée et Hotchner lui conseille alors de changer de poste. Puis la mère de Dustin vient recontrer son fils.

Peter: His name's Jack. He's a soldier, and he protects me… I didn't mean to get you mad. Please? I'll be a good boy. Please let me out.


Amanda Gilroy: Peter.


Amanda Gilroy: Katie. I think Peter's back.

Katie Cole: Peter? Are you sure

Amanda Gilroy: I just got a new image.


Amanda Gilroy: The screen name of the sender is Hugz. He just uploaded this to me.

Katie Cole: We're sure it's a new image?

Amanda Gilroy: New image, same boy. Time and date stamped an hour ago.

Katie Cole: Are communicating directly with this Hugz?

Amanda Gilroy: No. I'm in a chat room. I was just fishing.

Katie Cole: Put him up. Carl, I need to know where this chat room originated. People, listen up. We have a boy we named Peter a year ago. At the time, he was listed between 5 and 6 years old. Insert Message Hugz VN and HO.. Very nice. How old… Very… Go to the site.

Amanda Gilroy: That clock is counting down.

Katie Cole: It's an auction clock. He's gonna sell Peter. Give me Aaron Hotchner at the B.A.U.


Spencer Reid: 40,000 images of child porn are posted every week on the internet, along with the appearance of 20 new children. The appetite for babies as young as 4 months old has soared. Many of these children have been kidnapped and sold into pedophile rings.

Jason Gideon: One year ago, the same boy appeared on several web sites used by pedophiles. He was a new face then. After a massive hunt led by our crimes against children unit, the boy disappeared.

Aaron Hotchner: Until tonight when S.S.A. Cole telephoned us.

Derek Morgan: Katie Cole?

Spencer Reid: She was in the B.A.U., right?

Jason Gideon: One of the first profilers, clinical psychologist, brilliant.

Aaron Hotchner: She runs the Crimes Against Children Unit in Maryland.

Derek Morgan: I always wanted to meet her.

Katie Cole: Really? I heard she's a bitch.

Jason Gideon: Nobody ever called you that, Katie.

Katie Cole: Well, not to my face… The first time I ever saw him, he appeared in a series of photos. I named him Peter. Now he's being auctioned off when that clock runs to zero.

Jennifer Jareau: Auctioned.

Jason Gideon: His face isn't pixilated.

Aaron Hotchner: 'Cause the unsub is confident that we're not going to be able to identify him in time.

Jennifer Jareau: What about the site itself? Can't we just track its origin?

Katie Cole: It's routed through a proxy server in Belarus. Even if that government was friendly, Peter'd be gone before we finished the paperwork.

Jennifer Jareau: We don't need to worry about the paperwork. We have Garcia.

Jason Gideon: Better get on that, will you?

Jennifer Jareau: Yes, sir.

Aaron Hotchner: So, what happened a year ago, Katie?

Katie Cole: We cross-referenced the images of the boy. We talked to known offenders nationwide. We narrowed the location down to the eastern United States. We had some suspects in, but the trail went cold. Until today.

Derek Morgan: With all due respect, Miss Cole, how is this time going to be any different?

Katie Cole: We have a starting point.

Aaron Hotchner: The location where the image was first discovered.

Katie Cole: A chat room. Hosted by an independent web company in Cleveland, Ohio. And this time, I am bringing you all in with me.


Jason Gideon: Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer said: "The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children."


Elle Greenaway: Well, if it isn't Dr. Reid.

Spencer Reid: Elle.

Elle Greenaway: Nice haircut.

Spencer Reid: Thanks. I like your haircut, too.

Elle Greenaway: Is that a boys' regular?

Spencer Reid: Yeah, it is. Do you not like it?

Elle Greenaway: It's totally you.

Spencer Reid: You're... Okay?

Aaron Hotchner: I didn't think you were back till next week.

Elle Greenaway: I got a text message, so...

Aaron Hotchner: Then it was a mistake.

Elle Greenaway: Is there a case?

Aaron Hotchner: Not until you're healthy.

Elle Greenaway: Yesterday I found myself looking forward to watching a soap opera.

Spencer Reid: Which one?

Elle Greenaway: Please, can you put me back to work, Hotch?

Aaron Hotchner: Doctor hasn't cleared you for the field.

Elle Greenaway: Please, Hotch.

Aaron Hotchner: You need more time.

Elle Greenaway: I've been out for 4 months. What I need is to go back to work.

Aaron Hotchner: We're going to Cleveland. Reid's going to the Crimes Against Children division. Go with him...

Elle Greenaway: But I can...

Aaron Hotchner: Or go home.

Elle Greenaway: I'm all yours, Dr. Reid.


Katie Cole: The image was uploaded to one of our C.A.C. Undercovers fishing in a chat room. We try to monitor as many of them as we can, pretending to be children, pedophiles, whatever works on that site.

Aaron Hotchner: Did you run forensic linguistics on the chat log? There might be something to Hugz' speech patterns.

Katie Cole: It doesn't really work that way with internet talk.

Jason Gideon: Fear of flying? Lengthy, deep-rooted issues of control?

Katie Cole: I... Think better on my feet… Most of the talk is abbreviated text. L.O.L., Laughing out loud. I.M.H.O., In my humble opinion. F.T.F…

Derek Morgan: Face to face.

Katie Cole: Right. Pedophiles can be divided into two categories...

Aaron Hotchner: Situational and preferential. Situational offenders rarely seek out children, but they'll take advantage of a situation when presented with it, whereas preferential offenders actively target children by age group, hair colour...

Katie Cole: They'll seek out jobs which give them as much access to children as possible. They often trawl around residential neighbourhoods, hijacking home wireless systems and communicating with children often outside the very house the child is in. Or they'll simply use a coffee shop with wireless access to find, locate, and arrange a meeting. And it's growing. It's growing as fast as the internet. They're getting smarter and smarter, and all the security in the world can't stop them from coming through our doors… Hell, the monsters are already in our homes.

Aaron Hotchner: If he's had this kid for a year, it makes him preferential.

Katie Cole: Definitely.

Derek Morgan: So, then why is he selling him?

Katie Cole: Maybe... Maybe he's losing interest. Peter's maybe getting too old, too tall. Preferential offenders are very specific about their preferences.

Derek Morgan: And if he can't sell him?

Jason Gideon: He isn't going to just let him go.

Jennifer Jareau: Hotch?

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah?

Jennifer Jareau: I was thinking, shouldn't we release Peter's picture to the media?

Katie Cole: No. No, no. If this unsub thinks that we're on to him, he may make a run for it and dispose of the boy.

Jason Gideon: Shouldn't we assume he does know?

Katie Cole: As I said, we intercepted this image as part of an undercover operation. These predators have a fairly closed society. The way they run these sites gives them the expectation of anonymity.

Jason Gideon: Right.

Aaron Hotchner: Have Reid and Elle check the live feed. Not just the boy, but everything around him. The room. See if we missed anything.

Jennifer Jareau: Okay.

Penelope Garcia: Yeah.


Amanda Gilroy: Amanda Gilroy. You're the B.A.U.?

Spencer Reid: I'm Spencer Reid and this is agent Greenaway.

Elle Greenaway: You're the agent who had contact with the image of Peter.

Amanda Gilroy: This time. A year ago, it was Katie who first identified him.

Elle Greenaway: You call her Katie?

Amanda Gilroy: Everyone does. She hates to be called agent Cole. Make yourselves at home. We just got your warrants approved. Katie and your team are about to pay a visit to the chat room vendor.


Dan Ash: Yeah. We've been having problems of it. That's fine. Yeah. Yeah, one of our main online listing sites is down, but we should be back online...

Derek Morgan: FBI. We have a warrant to search these premises. Stop what you're doing right now.

Dan Ash: I'm sorry. I gotta go.

Derek Morgan: Can somebody tell me who owns this place?

Dan Ash: That'd be me.

Katie Cole: I want access to your chat room databases.


Elle Greenaway: It looks like the walls are padded.

Spencer Reid: And the dimensions are strange.

Elle Greenaway: Strange?

Spencer Reid: It looks like a hall, but smaller.

Elle Greenaway: A basement?

Spencer Reid: I don't think so.

Amanda Gilroy: Katie just got us access to the original chat room's database. It's coming through now.

Spencer Reid: Must be thousands of screen names there.

Amanda Gilroy: All encrypted.

Elle Greenaway: Yeah, but we're only concerned about one… Hugz.


Dan Ash: This is so typical. You feds just can't help yourselves. You gotta pollute the truest form of free expression ever invented.

Katie Cole: Agent Morgan, find a chatroom of your choice. Your name is Suzy. You're 12 years old.

Dan Ash: What are you doing?

Katie Cole: Fishing.

Dan Ash: You know, I've got rights, and so do my clients.

Katie Cole: That's the sound of pedophiles looking to hook up with a 12 year old girl named Suzy. You let them run everything through SSL connections from proxy servers in offshore countries.

Derek Morgan: So they can't be identified?

Katie Cole: Not in 121/2 hours.

Dan Ash: Hey, I'm just a middleman here, ok? What can I do?

Jason Gideon: There's a little boy for sale on one of your sites. "What can I do" just isn't good enough.


Penelope Garcia: Cole was right. Hugz routed through an offshore proxy.

Jennifer Jareau: So we have no way of tracking him?

Penelope Garcia: Not if you only track him with his address.

Jennifer Jareau: What else do we have?

Penelope Garcia: He used a basic encryption program to hide his payment method. And as you know, I'm anything but basic. Ah, gotta love the money trail a credit card leaves.

Jennifer Jareau: Well, well, well. Graham Rose, 15 Hauser Lane, Richmond, Virginia.

Penelope Garcia: Check this out, JJ. He used the same card to pay for a web domain. Oh, my god.

Jennifer Jareau: Gideon, we just found another child being held.


Aaron Hotchner: FBI!


Client: You're a bad boy. You needed to be tied up, didn't you? Let me see you struggle.


Aaron Hotchner: Clear! Push through!

Agent 1: Clear!

Agent 2: Clear!


Client: Can I now see your thong?


Aaron Hotchner: FBI!


Kevin: What are you doing?

Derek Morgan: Where is he?

Kevin: Where is who?

Derek Morgan: It's clear.

Jason Gideon: It's okay. You're safe now.

Kevin: Safe?

Katie Cole: What's your name?

Kevin: Kevin.

Aaron Hotchner: The man who did this to you. Is he still here?

Kevin: It's my house.

Katie Cole: Graham Rose is the owner of this house. Where is he? No, no! Don't touch that.

Derek Morgan: Back up.

Katie Cole: Where is he?

Kevin: He's gone.

Katie Cole: What do you mean, gone?

Kevin: He's just gone, okay?

Jason Gideon: Graham Rose is your father?

Kevin: Yeah, sure. You can call him that. I just call him a bastard.


Peter: You scared? Do you think he's mad at us?


Aaron Hotchner: The father's been in jail for the last 8 months. In that time, Kevin's been selling the only thing he's got, which is himself.

Derek Morgan: Just like a street hustler.

Katie Cole: Only now the street is the internet.

Jason Gideon: And his client base spans the globe.

Derek Morgan: This kid definitely uploaded Peter's video to the chat room, 'cause it's still on his computer.

Aaron Hotchner: But not the live feed.

Jason Gideon: He says how he got hold of the video?

Aaron Hotchner: He said it came from one of his clients. It was a shared file. They'd gone around these chat groups.

Katie Cole: It's possible. Buyers and sellers routine. They trade files because the act in itself is an illegal act, which proves they're not the police.

Aaron Hotchner: Let's go see what else we can find out.


Derek Morgan: Kid, the boy whose video you've been sending around to all the chat rooms, he's gonna be sold from one pedophile to another.

Kevin: Boo... Hoo.

Katie Cole: These are dummy logs. What's the password to get me into the real transcripts of your sessions?

Kevin: You're the FBI. You figure it out.

Aaron Hotchner: I know you don't think so, Kevin, but we are trying to help you here.

Kevin: Help me? What I do is consensual. No one's getting hurt.

Katie Cole: Come on, Kevin, what's the password? Your birthday? Your favourite band?

Derek Morgan: Kevin, this is prostitution.

Kevin: But I'm a minor. I don't even really know what I'm doing. Plus I never leave this room, so no one, no one ever touches me.

Jason Gideon: Anymore. Your father's been beating you since you can remember. First it was when he was drunk on the weekend, then he was always drunk. You never knew why he was hurting you... Why he was so angry… At night you'd cry yourself to sleep, hoping someone would come and save you. No one ever came.

Aaron Hotchner: You have the chance to be the one who saves someone, Kevin. You can be the one who answers him, the one who stops his pain. You can't get to your father, but you can get to the guy who's hurting this boy.

Kevin: Move… This backs up all my transcripts. The screen name for the guy who sent me the file is Mehtevas.


Peter: Can you hear me? Please?


Elle Greenaway: He's got food and water, a toilet and some toys.

Amanda Gilroy: He never has to leave the room.

Spencer Reid: That's it! It's not a room. A room has a door. Even a prison cell has a door.

Elle Greenaway: There are no windows, so he can't be seen, and the walls are padded so he can't be heard.

Spencer Reid: The unsub's anticipating becoming a suspect.

Elle Greenaway: So he's hidden the boy.

Amanda Gilroy: If there are no doors, how did he get the boy in the room?

Elle Greenaway: It's like a ship in a bottle. He's built the room around the boy.


Katie Cole: How long has Mehtevas been a client of yours?

Kevin: Like, 6 months.

Katie Cole: Where is he located?

Kevin: He's a local. He's always asking to meet with me, but I don't do that.

Aaron Hotchner: Does he know where you are?

Kevin: Just the city.

Katie Cole: How do you contact him?

Kevin: He contacts me.

Derek Morgan: Come on, Kevin. You don't just sit around here waiting for these guys to look you up. That's no way to run a business.

Katie Cole: Right now you're the only person who can help us find Peter.

Kevin: What do you want me to do?

Katie Cole: Ask him for a face to face.

Kevin: No. No way. I don't do that. I've never been out of this room.

Katie Cole: It'll be fine. He won't lay a finger on you.

Aaron Hotchner: We'll right there, Kevin, the whole time. I promise you.

Kevin: Won't he be suspicious if I suddenly want to meet with him?

Katie Cole: He's a need driven offender, Kevin.

Kevin: What does that mean?

Jason Gideon: If you offer to meet with him, he won't be able to resist… He can't help himself.


Elle Greenaway: You said that he first appeared a year ago, right?

Amanda Gilroy: But he was in a normal room. The pictures didn't look like that. Here.

Elle Greenaway: So, something changed. A stressor for him to lock him away.

Spencer Reid: Hey, guys.

Elle Greenaway: What is it?

Spencer Reid: I'm not quite sure.

Amanda Gilroy: Wait, do you see how he's looking off camera? Someone's telling him to do what he's doing. A bidder who must want to see him wearing...


Penelope Garcia: Wait a minute… That's a tadpole shirt. That's a tadpole shirt. It's a wilderness group. Knot tying. Compass wielding. Boy stuff.

Jennifer Jareau: Are you sure?

Penelope Garcia: I have 4 brothers, JJ. They all had that shirt.

Jennifer Jareau: Is that numbers... On his sleeve? Wait, wait, enhance it. Capture that image when he turns. See the badge is torn… It's like, 4 numbers. What is that? 3... Something, something, is that a 6?

Penelope Garcia: That's a unit number. 4 digits ending with a 6. 999 possible combinations.

Jennifer Jareau: But a unit number would be registered, right?

Penelope Garcia: Already on it, kitten.

Jennifer Jareau: Of course you are.

Penelope Garcia: That's how I rule.


Spencer Reid: They're heading to Alexandria. They want us to look up this address and tell them what's there.

Amanda Gilroy: Plowright.

Elle Greenaway: Alexandria.

Amanda Gilroy: That location, it's right outside of an elementary school.

Spencer Reid: Where are you going?

Elle Greenaway: We can be there in 30 minutes.

Spencer Reid: You're not allowed to go anywhere.

Elle Greenaway: Don't even try it, Reid.


Hayden Rawlings: Don't you love that sound?

Kevin: Excuse me?

Hayden Rawlings: Children.

Kevin: Mehtevas?

Hayden Rawlings: You seem nervous.

Kevin: You are Mehtevas, right?

Hayden Rawlings: My friends call me Hayden. You're taller in person. What's the matter? Did I say something wrong? Hugz? Kevin?

Derek Morgan: FBI! Turn around!

Katie Cole: Agent Morgan.

Hayden Rawlings: I didn't do anything.

Katie Cole: Agent Morgan, take it easy. Take it easy. We need his cooperation. We just want to ask him a few questions.

Aaron Hotchner: Here's a question. What's the principal of a school doing hooking up with a 14 year old boy?

Jason Gideon: Let's go. Put him in here.


Aaron Hotchner: Katie.

Katie Cole: Yeah?

Aaron Hotchner: Social services is picking up Kevin at the Alexandria field office. I'm going to go with him. I'll be back as soon as I can… Are you okay?

Katie Cole: Yeah. I... Yeah.

Elle Greenaway: Hotch. You already got him?

Aaron Hotchner: I told you to stay out of the field.

Elle Greenaway: Yeah, I know. But Reid said that you wanted us here.

Spencer Reid: No, I didn't.

Elle Greenaway: Yes, you did.

Aaron Hotchner: I'm sure you didn't, Reid.

Elle Greenaway: Thanks.

Aaron Hotchner: The school district has given us permission to search Rawlings' office.

Elle Greenaway: I'm on it.


Elle Greenaway: Nice one Principal of a school.

Spencer Reid: As much access to children as possible.

Elle Greenaway: Growing up guide for parents… He's got a library of child psychology.

Spencer Reid: He's got a doctorate in it.

Elle Greenaway: Well prepared pedophile.

Spencer Reid: Elle, you notice anything missing?

Elle Greenaway: Computer… Family man, so, if he does have Peter, he's not keeping him at home.

Spencer Reid: Elle, this one's locked.

Elle Greenaway: Can you move?

Spencer Reid: Did they teach you that in FBI school?

Elle Greenaway: No, they taught me that in Brooklyn.


Hayden Rawlings: I wish you would inform me what exactly I'm being charged with.

Derek Morgan: Anything I can possibly stick to you.

Hayden Rawlings: I haven't done anything.

Katie Cole: You're an educated man, Mr. Rawlings. You know you're in trouble here.

Hayden Rawlings: I believe I just walked outside my school. Is that a crime now?

Katie Cole: You know where he is?

Hayden Rawlings: How could anyone hurt something so...

Jason Gideon: Pure?

Katie Cole: You sent this image to Kevin.

Hayden Rawlings: Well, that was wrong of me, I know, but I was so shocked. I wanted to try to save this poor boy. I thought Hugz... Kevin... Might know him. That's why I sent him the link to the website, see if he knew.

Derek Morgan: Please. You were trying to save him?

Jason Gideon: Help search his office. I got this.

Katie Cole: How were you going to save Peter?

Hayden Rawlings: Peter? Is that his name? Peter? I wanted to save them both. Kevin, too.

Jason Gideon: Sit down.


Derek Morgan: Tell me we got something we can nail this son of a bitch on.

Spencer Reid: Not unless we can break the password on this guy's computer.

Derek Morgan: Call Garcia.

Elle Greenaway: Take too long.

Derek Morgan: Come on, genius. Do something genius-like.

Spencer Reid: If this guy does have child pornography on his computer and we type in the wrong password, it could trigger a virus that wipes the entire hard drive.

Elle Greenaway: What's he saying out there?

Derek Morgan: He's a preferential pedophile who claims he's trying to save them.

Spencer Reid: Save them. Save them!

Elle Greenaway: Mehtevas.


Jennifer Jareau: Can you get any closer?

Penelope Garcia: I can, but it'll distort the image even more.

Jennifer Jareau: There, see, the edge of his badge, it looks like it says "mount" something.

Penelope Garcia: Okay. There are four... Unit designations, all starting with mount. Mount Clements, Minnesota, 2346. Mount Vernon, New York, 2436.

Jennifer Jareau: Mount Pleasant, Virginia, 3446. That's it, right?

Penelope Garcia: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, good one.


Derek Morgan: Mr. Rawlings, have a seat.

Elle Greenaway: Your laptop.

Derek Morgan: Yeah, it's Morgan. Okay, hold on, Garcia. Hold on.

Hayden Rawlings: This is a... Research. I'm writing a book.

Elle Greenaway: Sit down.

Hayden Rawlings: I swear to you this is all just research.

Katie Cole: No, It's not research. It's a 100 years in a federal penitentiary.

Hayden Rawlings: I'd like to make a deal.

Jason Gideon: No deals. All you have is a very, very small amount of good will.

Katie Cole: Tell me about Peter.

Hayden Rawlings: I was contacted by the man who's holding him. I didn't search out this boy. I didn't go looking for this.

Katie Cole: Give me a name.

Hayden Rawlings: Well, I only know the screen name. It's manchild.

Jason Gideon: Did you bid on Peter?

Katie Cole: How much?

Hayden Rawlings: 8,000 dollars. But it was only in order to save him.

Katie Cole: You the high bidder?

Hayden Rawlings: I... I think so, yes. I was, anyway. I'm supposed to go back online and contact him on his web site and... Get the address.

Elle Greenaway: So you can inspect the merchandise?

Hayden Rawlings: Look, this child is being auctioned off, and I am trying to save him. Trying to save him!

Katie Cole: He'd have given you a code. What is it?

Hayden Rawlings: Come on. I have a family. I have children of my own. I love children. I would never harm them.

Katie Cole: In your pursuit to save them, you think you could have avoided having sex with them?

Jason Gideon: Mr. Rawlings… The code.

Hayden Rawlings: Butterfly.


Peter: Hey? When can I come out? I'm being a good boy.


Journalist: The FBI's Crimes Against Children unit and local authorities have arrested Mark Twain elementary school principal Howard Rawlings today in what sources say is a sting operation targeting what may be one of the largest pedophile rings this country has ever seen. Both the agencies have declined to comment on the arrest at this time, or give any details of the case, but it is rumoured to be connected to the investigation of a child pornography ring. Experts in law enforcement tell that the explosion of social networking sites on the internet...

Michael Earlson: Hello, agent Cole.


Jason Gideon: What happened?

Katie Cole: I don't know. He broke off contact.


Penelope Garcia: What?

Jennifer Jareau: What happened?

Penelope Garcia: The entire feed just went dark.

Jennifer Jareau: Get Hotch on the phone.


Derek Morgan: We got reporters outside of the school. This thing is all over the news.

Katie Cole: My god, that's why the site went down. He knows.


Elle Greenaway: She's sure about this, right?

Derek Morgan: If Garcia says that tadpole shirt came from a unit in Mount Pleasant, then I gotta believe her.

Spencer Reid: She better be. Mount Pleasant is 60 miles away and there's only two hours left on the auction clock.

Elle Greenaway: Maybe. If the unsub knows we're on to him, he may move that clock up.


Jason Gideon: Think this guy's gonna panic?

Katie Cole: I don't know. Depends on his comfort level. Maybe getting close to auction time, he can wait it out. I know one thing: I can't lose Peter again.

Aaron Hotchner: Well, let's just hope JJ bought us some time.


Jennifer Jareau: Mary, I need a favour. It's absolutely all right that you broadcast this. We have to bluff this kid's captor into believing that we're in another locale. It will buy us time. This kid's life depends on it. Okay, this is the lie. Say the Crimes Against Children unit is searching for... A boy being held captive in Virginia. He's approximately 4 feet tall, he has brown hair. We need you to get this on the air immediately. Thank you.


Mary: The FBI has informed us that they are looking for a missing 7 year old child. This child is believed to be somewhere within the Alexandria area right now. A door to door search is being coordinated by the members of the Crimes Against Children unit. The boy is described as approximately 3 feet tall with sandy brown hair.


Penelope Garcia: JJ, it's back.

Jennifer Jareau: We got it back up, Hotch. We got an hour till the auction closes.


Aaron Hotchner: The site went dark for a few minutes and then came back online.

Jason Gideon: So he believes the story JJ fed to the media.

Aaron Hotchner: But we've only got an hour left.

Jason Gideon: Right. Tadpoles are affiliated with a church. When we get to Mount Pleasant, Elle and Morgan should go to the church. We'll take the school. Peter may be registered there.

Aaron Hotchner: That sounds good.

Katie Cole: I gave up on him. A year ago, I gave upon looking for him. There were so many other kids.

Jason Gideon: Katie, I'm sure you did what you could.

Katie Cole: You ever ask yourself how you make a decision like that? How we come to the conclusion that it's time to move on to the next kid. How do you give yourself that kind of permission? What's happened to that boy in the year I stopped looking for him?


Derek Morgan: Do you recognize him?

Jackson Harris: I can't say that I do.

Elle Greenaway: But you're certain that the shirt came from this unit of the Tadpoles, right?

Jackson Harris: It disbanded 6 months ago, before I took over the congregation.

Derek Morgan: Why?

Jackson Harris: I was told there wasn't enough interest. Only a few boys participated.

Spencer Reid: Do you have the records of those who did participate?

Jackson Harris: How could anyone do this to a child?

Elle Greenaway: We need to find this boy. The records.

Jackson Harris: I'm sorry. I don't think so. Wait. There may be a photo of the Tadpoles.


Gracie Hendricks: This boy's in a terrible state.

Jason Gideon: But do you recognize him? Please look carefully.

Gracie Hendricks: You said his appearance may have been altered?

Jason Gideon: First or second grade student.

Gracie Hendricks: Let me check my records.


Jackson Harris: This may be what you're looking for.

Derek Morgan: Yeah, that's him right there. Is there a name, address, anything?

Jackson Harris: As I said, there are no records left. The church was run pretty sloppily until I took over.

Elle Greenaway: Let me see that. His name's Charlie.


Gracie Hendricks: This is everyone who registered for the second grade.

Aaron Hotchner: That's a lot of names.

Jason Gideon: What about the kids who didn't register?

Gracie Hendricks: Excuse me?

Aaron Hotchner: Were there any first graders who didn't register for second grade?

Gracie Hendricks: I imagine there were some transfers… Yes. Yes, there were two transfers. Ashley Waters and Charlie Sparks.

Katie Cole: Charlie Sparks.

Jason Gideon: Does it say where Charlie's records went?

Gracie Hendricks: His father picked them up himself.

Aaron Hotchner: Can you describe the father?

Gracie Hendricks: Oh, dear, no. I'd have no idea.

Aaron Hotchner: Thank you.

Gracie Hendricks: The end of the school year here is so very hectic. We have children from…


Aaron Hotchner: The name the school has is Charlie Sparks.

Jason Gideon: No Sparks in any of the phone directories.

Derek Morgan: Garcia can't even find a Sparks within 100 miles for the last 10 years.

Katie Cole: Probably not his real name anyway.

Aaron Hotchner: The school said he may have moved away.

Katie Cole: Then we start over again.

Elle Greenaway: We don't have a lot of time left.

Spencer Reid: Guys, maybe we're looking at this the wrong way.

Elle Greenaway: What do you mean?

Spencer Reid: The behaviour, it's odd, right? The unsub apparently listed this kid in school and the Tadpoles until about a year ago. At that point he had pictures of him online in a regular looking room. But now he's in a prison like room with no windows, no doors, completely hidden.

Katie Cole: Preferential pedophiles don't change overnight.

Aaron Hotchner: So, what happened a year ago to make him change his behaviour so much?

Jason Gideon: Fear. Katie almost caught him. You probably talked to him. The unsub's in your records.

Derek Morgan: Guys, we just ran out of time.


Peter: Dad! Dad! Dad?


Katie Cole: I never really had a good suspect. I only did some general interviews with child offenders on the East Coast.

Aaron Hotchner: One of them was the right guy.

Katie Cole: Amanda, hey, I need you to pull all of the original files on Peter's case. Somewhere in my office. Try my desk. I need the names of everyone I interviewed.

Derek Morgan: Have her call Penelope Garcia at the B.A.U. She'll be able to tell us if we can cross any off.

Katie Cole: You got it? Thanks.


Amanda Gilroy: You still there?

Penelope Garcia: Yeah.

Amanda Gilroy: Oh, oh, oh, got it, got it, got it. Okay... Frank Portwell, DOB 11 April 1962.

Penelope Garcia: Doing 12 years in Westover prison.

Amanda Gilroy: Martin Devries, DOB 20 November '70.

Penelope Garcia: Got a death certificate for him. Shot on the street last January.

Amanda Gilroy: All right… Michael Earlson, DOB 16 January '64.


Derek Morgan: Garcia, you're sure? Okay, no. No, no. I got it all. I got it all. All right, thanks, baby. You're the best… All right, guys. Listen up. We might have something. 12 men were interviewed. 8 are back in prison, one is dead. One lives in California, and two have last known addresses within 10 minutes of us. A Patrick Forest and a Michael Earlson.

Katie Cole: Patrick Forest isn't smart enough to put this all together.

Aaron Hotchner: What about Michael Earlson?

Katie Cole: Definitely.


Derek Morgan: Where are you going? Don't move!


Peter: Daddy!

Katie Cole: It's okay, it's okay.

Peter: Daddy!

Katie Cole: You're safe now. I got you. I got you.

Peter: Where's daddy?

Katie Cole: I know.


Katie Cole: Peter's real name is Dustin Powers. He abducted him in Newark, New Jersey when he was one.

Jason Gideon: Sometimes it seems there's no punishment enough.

Derek Morgan: JJ chases his mother. She's on her way.

Aaron Hotchner: Okay… You know Katie, no one's ever done the job you're doing as long as you've been doing it.

Katie Cole: I know.

Aaron Hotchner: Maybe it's time to get out.

Katie Cole: I don't know if I can anymore.


Jackie Powers: I just can't thank you all enough.

Jason Gideon: Remember what I told you. He doesn't know who you are, you can say hello but, don't say anything about being his mother that'll just scare and confuse him.

Jackie Powers: All right.

Katie Cole: It's gonna be a long process.

Jackie Powers: I understand.

Jason Gideon: He's this way.


Jackie Powers: What's his name?

Peter: His name's Jack. He's a soldier. He protects me.

Jackie Powers: It's nice to meet you, Jack. My name is Jackie.

Peter: Really?

Jackie Powers: Really… Can I see Jack?

Peter: Be careful.

Kikavu ?

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diana62800  (08.04.2022 à 17:47)
Message édité : 08.04.2022 à 17:48

C'est triste et horrible de ce dire que ça arrive en vrai.


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