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Esprits Criminels
#122 : La quête - Partie 1

Résumé : L'unité de Hotchner prend enfin des vacances méritées. Alors que certains prévoient deux semaines de détente au bord de la plage, d'autres souhaitent profiter de leur famille. Hélas, à peine sont-ils en repos qu'ils se retrouvent victimes d'une mise en scène orchestrée par un psychopathe.


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The Fisher King Part. 1

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La quête - Partie 1

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L'agent Elle (Lola Glaudini) danse avec un jeune homme rencontré en vacances aux côtés de son ami, Derek Morgan (Shemar Moore), lui-même accompagné d'une jeune femme vacancière.

L'agent Elle (Lola Glaudini) danse avec un jeune homme rencontré en vacances aux côtés de son ami, Derek Morgan (Shemar Moore), lui-même accompagné d'une jeune femme vacancière.

Morgan est sur la piste.

Morgan est sur la piste.

Elle Greenaway et Derek Morgan profitent d'un petit peu de bon temps alors qu'ils sont tous les deux partis en Jamaique dans un club de vacances appartenant à l'ami de Derek Morgan.

Elle Greenaway et Derek Morgan profitent d'un petit peu de bon temps alors qu'ils sont tous les deux partis en Jamaique dans un club de vacances appartenant à l'ami de Derek Morgan.


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 10.05.2006 à 21:00
12.67m / 4.5% (18-49)

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Plus d'informations | N°022

Réalisateur de l'épisode : Edward Allen Bernero
→ Scénariste de l'épisodeEdward Allen Bernero

→ Les acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
- Thomas Gibson ... Aaron Hotchner
- Mandy Patinkin ... Jason Gideon
- Matthew Gray Gubler ... Spencer Reid
- Lola Glaudini ... Elle Greenaway
- Shemar Moore ... Derek Morgan
- A.J. Cook ... Jennifer Jareau
- Kirsten Vangsness ... Penelope Garcia

→ Les autres acteurs présents dans l'épisode :
- Meredith Monroe ... Haley Hotchner
- Charles Haid ... Le suspect
- Jane Lynch ... Diana Reid
- Diane Venora ... Doris
- Challen Cates ... Dr. Jesson
- Judith Moreland ... Lieutenant Lindo
- Treva Etienne ... Lieutenant Saint Pierre
- Amanda Bernero ... Rebecca Bryant
- Aaron D. Spears ... Gerald Dupree
- Brian Appel ... Anderson
- Gilles Marini ... Curt
- Dean Lemont ... Agent Green
- David Rowe ... Policier jamaïcain
- Rachel Grow ... Infirmière

Dans une vieille maison, en pleine nuit, sous une musique troublante, un homme armé d’un couteau s’approche d’une jeune fille endormie. Au bureau les agents parlent de leurs vacances. Elle et Morgan décident d’aller dans un hôtel paradisiaque tenu par le copain de celui-ci. Alors que Reid entre dans la pièce Morgan lui propose de les accompagner mais il décline l’invitation et repart rejoindre sa famille. Hotchner doit lui aussi rentrer chez lui car sa femme lui a préparé une liste de tâches à faire. Quant’à Jason il part en vacances dans sa cabane.

De retour dans la vieille maison, le téléphone sonne tandis que sur la table se trouve pleins de photos des agents, l’homme qui semble blessé dû à des brulures répond au téléphone. Après cela il parle à une jeune fille enfermée et attachée à un lit. Celle-ci se met en colère et essaye de se détacher mais elle n’y arrive pas. Morgan et Elle sont arrivés au Monténégro, quand Gérald, l’ami de Morgan vient leur dire bonjour, Morgan part discuter avec des jeunes filles qu’il vient de voir, quelques minutes plus tard, un jeune homme vient récupérer son frisbee qui a atterri aux pieds d’Elle, celui-ci demande de l’accompagner et elle accepte.

Pendant ce temps-là, Hotchner range son garage, quand il retrouve un chapeau qu’il a mis lors de son premier rôle au théâtre mais sa femme lui demande de travailler et non de tout essayer, elle lui propose un marché : il a deux heures pour trouver une bonne solution de le garder  sinon il partira à la poubelle. Dans son cabanon, Jason prépare à dîner sous un fond de musique. Il voit une voiture arriver grâce à ses caméras.

Garcia, elle est dans son bureau, joue à un jeu-vidéo en ligne nommé Kaamelott, Jennifer rentre dans la pièce et Garcia s’étonne de ne pas la voir en vacances, mais elle a décidé de ne pas les prendre en même temps que le reste de l’équipe. Garcia lui explique que l’homme avec lequel elle joue est l’homme parfait mais JJ en doute, jusqu’à ce qu’elle se laisse tenter par Pénélope.

Après avoir quitté le bureau Reid, part rendre visite à sa mère, l’infirmière lui explique ce qu’elle fait quand il n’est pas là. Reid décide de pas aller lui parler tout de suite et quitte la pièce. Pendant ce temps-là, on retrouve nos deux agents occupés à danser avec leur partenaire. Après un dîner, Hotchner et sa femme discutent du vieux temps. Il lui rappelle la première fois qu'il l'a vue.

Toujours sous un fond de musique, Jason est en compagnie d’une femme avec qui il dîne, ils se mettent à danser et s’enlacent. Alors qu’Hotchner dort en compagnie de sa femme, le téléphone sonne, il répond et au bout du fil un homme lui parle d’une jeune fille, d’un plus jeune qui détiendrait une clé et l’homme raccroche.

Au Monténégro, la police vient inspecter une chambre car un homme a appelé pour prévenir un meutre, sur les murs se trouvent des tâches de sang. Alors qu’elle jouait paisiblement, un message « au travail assez joué » apparait sur tous les écrans de Garcia, celle-ci panique et se met en colère.

Jason et son amie s’embrassent quand il entend une arme sonner, il lui demande d’aller dans la chambre. Les deux policiers s’avancent petit à petit dans le couloir. Un homme toque à la porte de Jason et lui donne un carton dans lequel se trouve une photo de Nelly Fox et dans la boite se trouve la tête d’une personne. Les deux policiers forcent la porte et arrête Elle qui était en train de dormir.

Jason quitte son cabanon accompagné de son amie et il part au bureau. Elle est interrogée par un policier mais elle nie l’avoir tué, elle essaye de leur expliquer qu’elle est da la police mais il ne l’écoute pas. Un homme apporte un dossier à l’enquêteur et il lui montre une photo où il est marqué sur les murs qu’il faut sauver une fille.

Sur la scène de crime, Morgan tente d’expliquer à une femme qu’Elle n’est pas la coupable et que Hotchner arrive de Virginie. Un homme arrive et lui explique qui est la victime, l’homme serait venu avec un autre homme, Franck Gilles mais celui-ci a disparu et ne répond pas. Morgan force la porte de sa chambre mais il n’y a personne. Morgan appelle Garcia qui est occupée à réparer ses ordinateurs, cependant celle-ci ne peut pas l’aider, elle a programmé son ordinateur pour retrouver tous les hackeurs.

Quand Jason arrive, JJ accourt vers lui pour lui expliquer la situation. Un homme explique à Jason qu’ils n’ont rien trouvé sur le carton. Pendant que Elle raconte sa version des faits, Hotchner rentre et lui propose sa veste. Il explique à l’enquêteur qu’il est impossible que Elle ait pu le tuer, l’homme lui rend la clé des menottes et partent.

Dans son bureau JJ est au téléphone, après avoir coupé, elle voit un paquet sur son bureau dans lequel se trouve un cadre avec la photo d’un papillon. A la maison de retraire, une infirmière donne à Reid une enveloppe, où se trouve une clé et un mot disant d’appeler Jason. Jennifer décide d’aller voir Jason pour lui montrer son cadeau cependant ils ne comprennent pas ce qu’il se passe. Dans sa cellule, la jeune fille tousse, et se retourne sur elle-même.

De retour au bureau, Hotchner propose à Elle et Morgan d’aller dormir mais ils refusent. JJ vient leur apprendre que Franck Gilles vit en Virginie également. Les agents se rendent en salle de réunion et discutent de leur psychopathe, chacun annonce ce qu’il a reçu par le suspect. Jason se demande si c’est une coïncidence s’il a eu une carte de son joueur préféré et JJ comment il a réussi à savoir qu’elle aimait les papillons. Ils en viennent à dire que leur suspect les connait. Garcia rentre et leur explique qu’il a réussi à savoir où ils étaient en piratant ses ordinateurs, Hotchner lui demande comme il a réussi à avoir ces données et Garcia leur explique qu’elle jouait à son jeu-vidéo et qu’elle a moins d’anti-virus sur son ordinateur personnel. Jason lui crie dessus quand elle leur explique qu’elle sait où il est.

Le SWAT et les agents arrivent dans un immeuble, ils avancent jusqu’à une porte, ils l’enfoncent, ils avancent et trouvent au milieu une épée plantée dans un homme mort. Le mort est Franck Gilles. Sur le mur se trouve une phrase écrite en une langue ancienne. Sur la lame de l’épée quelqu’un a inscrit une phrase dessus, ils essayent de comprendre mais n’y arrivent pas. Reid arrive et leur explique comment ils doivent se positionner. Ils font ce qu’il est inscrit sur l’épée et Morgan trouve dans le mur une boite, Reid se demande s’il ne s’agirait pas une bombe mais Morgan en doute car d’après-lui, si le suspect voulait les tuer, cela serait déjà fait. Ils posent la boite sur la table mais elle est fermée, Reid sort la clé qu’il a reçu et ouvre la boite, il s’agit d’une boite à musiques accompagnée d’un mot. Dans le couvercle ils trouvent un CD.

Au bureau, l’équipe décide de regarder le CD, ils remarquent que le suspect marche bizarrement, il semble blessé, ils voient à l’écran, la jeune femme enfermée. L’homme leur demande qu’il n’y ait que leur équipe qui participe à sa « quête », il leur dit également qu’ils auront bientôt un nouvel indice et qu’ils doivent trouver un ouvrage qui a inspiré de nombreuses quêtes. Ils décident de faire un test ADN concernant la mèche de cheveux qui accompagnait le CD, JJ quant’à elle décide d’aller faire des agrandissements.

Jason quitte la réunion et se rend dans son bureau, Hotchner le suit et lui demande ce qu’il se passe. Jason n’est pas bien car, son cabanon était le seul endroit où il était tranquille et que maintenant il lui a été pris, il demande à être seul et Hotchner quitte son bureau.

Un peu plus bas, Haley est là avec une enveloppe que le suspect a amené chez Hotchner, celui-ci interroge sa femme pour avoir davantages informations. Elle et Reid essayent de décoder le papier amené chez Hotchner, il s’agit d’une feuille rempli de chiffres. Chaque chiffre correspond à une page, une ligne et un mot. Quand ils auront trouvé le bon livre, ils pourront décoder le code. JJ arrive avec les résultats ADN, la jeune femme disparue est Rebecca Bryan, elle avait disparu depuis deux ans.

Jason demande à Haley de faire un portrait de l’homme qui est venu chez eux afin qu’ils puissent l’envoyer à la presse cependant Hotchner n’est pas d’accord parce que le suspect leur a demander qu’il n’y ait que leur équipe qui travaille dessus, Jason demande finalement à JJ de contacter la presse.

Chez lui, le suspect n’est pas content et explique à Rebecca qu’il va sortir. Au bureau, ils décident de découvrir quel est le bon livre, Hotchner demande à Elle de rentrer chez elle car elle tombe de sommeil, celle-ci refuse mais, il l’oblige. Hotchner demande à un policier de l’accompagner et celui-ci obéit. Hotchner prévient alors Jason.

Elle rentre chez elle, pose ses affaires, se couche et s’endort mais elle est réveillée par le suspect qui pointe une arme sur elle. Il lui explique qu’avoir contacté la presse ne faisait pas partie de ses consignes, seule son équipe pouvait participer. Elle essaye de lui parler mais il s’énerve, elle se dirige vers son arme mais l’homme tire…

Elle Greenaway: Morgan, your friend's resort better be as nice as you say it is.

Derek Morgan: Hey, I never said it was his. He just manages the place. But trust me when I tell you it is off the hook. Hot sunny days, cool breezes at night, never-ending tropical drinks with the little umbrellas, and nothing but young, beautiful adults looking to make vacation memories.

Elle Greenaway: Male and female, right?

Derek Morgan: Elle, 2 weeks of pure heaven.

Elle Greenaway: I can't imagine what 2 weeks away from this place is gonna feel like.

Derek Morgan: You better thank your man upstairs for making it the whole team, otherwise you know they'd find a reason to bring us back up in here.

Elle Greenaway: Why? They got other teams.

Derek Morgan: You can go on believing that if you want to, but I am not answering my cell phone.

Elle Greenaway: Okay.

Derek Morgan: Oh, there he is. Pretty boy. Last chance. I can get my man to swing you a hotel room for practically nothing. Even you might get a little loving out there.

Spencer Reid: Thanks anyway.

Derek Morgan: Come on, Reid. Live a little?

Spencer Reid: I have to go. I'm going home. Have a good one, guys.

Elle Greenaway: Bye.

Derek Morgan: He looks okay to you?

Elle Greenaway: He looks about the way I would if I was gonna spend 2 weeks with my family.

Aaron Hotchner: Hey, don't knock family. I'm gonna get nothing but for the next 336 hours.

Derek Morgan: Good for you.

Aaron Hotchner: Haley's got a list of chores a mile long. I can't wait. The biggest decision I gotta make is what I'm gonna do first.

Elle Greenaway: I bet you she has a thought or two about that as well.

Aaron Hotchner: Bring it on.

Jason Gideon: I'll be lost in a cabin in the woods for the next 2 weeks. Do not call me for anything. Have a great time. You all deserve a break. Seriously, don't call.

Elle Greenaway: Don't worry.


Unsub: Yes? Thank you… Darling? Bye, darling. I must go out now… For a while. But I promise you... It will all be over soon. One way or another, it will all be over.


Jason Gideon: Writer Elbert Hubbard said, "No man needs a vacation so much is the man who has just had one."


Derek Morgan: Come on. Did I lie to you?

Elle Greenaway: You did not lie.

Derek Morgan: Oh, yes!

Elle Greenaway: Thank you.

Derek Morgan: Cheers. Welcome to paradise.

Gerald Dupree: There you are.

Derek Morgan: Yes, sir! My man mister Gerald Dupree.

Gerald Dupree: How you doing?

Derek Morgan: I'm wonderful. Look at you. You're holding it together.

Gerald Dupree: I'm trying, baby.

Derek Morgan: This right here is my partner from the FBI, Miss Elle Greenaway.

Gerald Dupree: You didn't tell me she was beautiful.

Derek Morgan: Would that have gotten me a better deal on the room?

Gerald Dupree: You want me to show you a brochure with the real rates?

Derek Morgan: I'm done. I'm done. I'm done.

Elle Greenaway: Your resort is beautiful.

Gerald Dupree: Thank you. Always wondered what it would be like to work in paradise. Turns out it's not half bad. Anything else you need?

Derek Morgan: Yeah, I think... Wait a minute. Look at that right there. Lord have mercy. I think I need to handle something.

Gerald Dupree: You need any backup?

Derek Morgan: You better watch your mouth. Elle, you gonna be all right?

Elle Greenaway: No, I'm fine. You go.

Derek Morgan: That's such a good answer.

Gerald Dupree: Get outta here. So how about you? Anything I can get you?

Elle Greenaway: No, thank you. I'll let you know if there's anything. Thank you, Gerald.

Gerald Dupree: I'll be around.

Elle Greenaway: All right.

Curt: Sorry about that.

Elle Greenaway: No problem.

Curt: Hey... You alone?

Elle Greenaway: Completely.

Curt: Do you wanna play?


Haley Hotchner: Honey, you're supposed to be dumping things, not examining them.

Aaron Hotchner: Pirate number 4.

Haley Hotchner: Cute. Yeah, but do you really want to remember your first and last appearance on stage?

Aaron Hotchner: I wasn't very good, but I was very committed.

Haley Hotchner: Yeah... I'd dump it.

Aaron Hotchner: Do I have to?

Haley Hotchner: Okay, I'll make you a deal. Come up with a good reason by the end of the day, and it stays.

Aaron Hotchner: You drive a hard bargain.


Penelope Garcia: Wouldst thou allow your humblest servant to adventure with thee again? "My humble servant?" Why can't the real world be like this? "My heart doth swell at the sight of thee, my brave sir kneighf. I shall follow where you lead." You're still here?

Jennifer Jareau: Yeah, I don't get the same vacation time as the rest of the team. Gotta make sure there's plenty of work for them when they get back. What are you doing?

Penelope Garcia: I'm in Camelot.

Jennifer Jareau: Camelot?

Penelope Garcia: Yeah. It's an online world. See? I'm just outside the magical city of Camelot adventuring with the incredible sir kneighf.

Jennifer Jareau: Oh, the incredible sir kneighf.

Penelope Garcia: J.J., This guy is amazing.

Jennifer Jareau: Please tell me you don't have a crush on a fictional character.

Penelope Garcia: He's not fictional. He's the online alter ego of a real person.

Jennifer Jareau: But you don't know anything about him… Or even if he is a him.

Penelope Garcia: You know what. Look, we meet online at specified times that he is never late to. We spend hours adventuring and chatting during which time I have his undivided attention and he lavishes me with flattery… When's the last time you had a date go that well?

Jennifer Jareau: See if he's got a fictional brother, all right?

Penelope Garcia: Yeah. He doesn't.

Jennifer Jareau: Cousin, uncle, grandfather, whatever.


Dr. Jesson: I heard a rumour you were here.

Spencer Reid: How's she doing?

Dr. Jesson: Schizophrenia is a lifetime illness. The meds stabilize the worst of her symptoms, but she still has bad days. What makes her most happy are her journals and... Your daily letters. She is exceptionally proud of you.

Spencer Reid: She is?

Dr. Jesson: Talks about you all the time, to anyone who will listen. Staff, other patients. Her journals are filled with the cases you write her about. Calls them your adventures.

Spencer Reid: Mom's of the belief that you can find adventure all around you if you just look. That's what happens when you're a professor of 15th century literature.

Dr. Jesson: She's gonna be so excited that you were finally able to get here in person.

Spencer Reid: Maybe it's better if I just let her rest today.

Dr. Jesson: Rest?

Spencer Reid: Yeah, I'll come back tomorrow. But, doctor... Can you give this to her? It's Margery Kempe. Her favourite.

Dr. Jesson: It would be really good for her if...

Spencer Reid: Please? Thank you so much.


Derek Morgan: Well, you all right there, Greenaway?

Elle Greenaway: Go away.

Derek Morgan: See you tomorrow?

Elle Greenaway: Afternoon.

Curt: Afternoon?

Elle Greenaway: Don't speak.


Haley Hotchner: He's sound asleep. So we have a few hours to ourselves.

Aaron Hotchner: Dinner was amazing.

Haley Hotchner: Well, it's nice to have someone here to cook for.

Aaron Hotchner: Well, it's... Nice to be here.

Haley Hotchner: What'cha looking at?

Aaron Hotchner: Reflections 1987.

Haley Hotchner: Oh, boy.

Aaron Hotchner: I remember the day I got this. It was the end of my junior year. I was walking down the hall, and I accidentally walked into a theater club rehearsal. And I saw you. And I knew I was gonna marry you… And I went home that night... And I... Looked you up… Haley Brooks, tenth grade.

Haley Hotchner: Look at my hair.

Aaron Hotchner: And... I though how could I have missed you for 2 years? So the next day, I knew I had to meet you. So I went in and I joined the theater club. And that's how I was in the "Pirates of Penzance" as the worst... Fourth pirate in history.

Haley Hotchner: Aaron? Keep the hat.

Aaron Hotchner: Okay.


Doris: I always forget what a great cook you are.

Jason Gideon: More wine?

Doris: Jason, you know I'm not responsible for myself after 2. Thank you… Do I sound old if I say they don't make music like this anymore?

Jason Gideon: Yes.


Aaron Hotchner: Hotchner.

Unsub: Agent Hotchner, don't waste time on the first victims. They were unrepented bad men. She's the important one. Remember, everything starts at the beginning.

Aaron Hotchner: Who is this?

Unsub: There won't be much time. The youngest holds the key. You must help him save her.

Haley Hotchner: What's going on?

Aaron Hotchner: I don't know.


Gerald Dupree: It was an anonymous call. A man. He said there had been a murder in room 19. And I called security to check it out, but when they saw... I thought it would be best if I called you right away.

Cop: You have a key?

Gerald Dupree: Yeah.


Penelope Garcia: Game over. All work no play…  No... No. No. No. No. No, no, no… No, no! Oh, my God. No!


Jason Gideon: Sorry. No one should be coming here. Go wait in the bedroom.


Delivery Man: Jason Gideon?

Jason Gideon: Yeah.


Doris: What is it?

Jason Gideon: Nellie Fox.


Elle Greenaway: No! Stop it! Stop it!

Cop: Stand up! Hold still!

Elle Greenaway: No! Who are you? Who are you?!


Doris: I'm sorry. I just never, ever saw anything like this.

Jason Gideon: Get in my car. I'll drive you.

Doris: Okay. Thank you.

Jason Gideon: Contact me at the BAU when you're finished. I wanna know who the hell that used to be.

Agent Green: Do you know anybody in Jamaica?

Jason Gideon: No.

Agent Green: That's the postal zone where it seems the package was sent from. Montego bay, Jamaica.

Jason Gideon: You think I didn't see that? I don't know anybody in Jamaica.


St. Pierre: Then how did the blood get outside your door?

Elle Greenaway: I have no idea. There wasn't any blood inside, was there?

St. Pierre: Who was the victim?

Elle Greenaway: For the hundredth time, I didn't even know that there was a victim until you dragged me out of bed!

St. Pierre: Where's the victim's head?

Elle Greenaway: Well, I must have dropped it on my way in here. Come on. You know that I have nothing to do with this. I'm an American FBI agent. I'm here on vacation, man! I'm the police, just like you.

St. Pierre: Are you the "her"?

Elle Greenaway: Excuse me?


Derek Morgan: I don't care where the blood led, detective, you made a mistake. We are FBI agents. BAU profilers here on vacation.

Lindo: Profilers?

Derek Morgan: Yes. We handle serial criminals. We consult police departments all over the world.

Lindo: So if I called you to consult on this, would it be your advice to let the woman who we found at the end of the blood trail go?

Derek Morgan: Agent Greenaway is not a killer.

Lindo: Can you explain why the blood went right to her door?

Derek Morgan: Obviously somebody would like you to think she is. Look, my supervisor is flying down here from Virginia. He'll be here anytime. When he gets here, we will figure this out.

Gerald Dupree: His name's Marty Harris. At least that's who rented this room.

Lindo: Why are you telling him?

Gerald Dupree: Sorry. I'm just... My mistake. I'm sorry, ma'am.

Lindo: When did this Harris check in?

Gerald Dupree: A couple of days ago with another man. Giles. Frank Giles. He has the adjoining room. We tried calling him, but he doesn't answer.


Derek Morgan: Looks like Frank Giles is in the wind. You might have yourself a real suspect now.

Lindo: I'll get crime scene men in here.


Penelope Garcia: All work and no play? All work and no play? You just wait'til I'm through with you. What?

Derek Morgan: Garcia. I need a rundown on a guy.

Penelope Garcia: No.

Derek Morgan: What?

Penelope Garcia: The information superhighway is closed.

Derek Morgan: What are you talking about?

Penelope Garcia: Someone had the nerve to run a blackhat op into my computers, Morgan. They hacked me, okay? But you can bet your sweet ass I will find them. I've got honey pot farms hidden behind UML kernel data packets and a first generation honeynet I personally programmed. My snort logs list every visitor, every server request, every keystroke on this entire network. If I have to back-hack his I.P. All the way to the frickin'stone age, I will find this son of a bitch, okay?! So bye.


Jennifer Jareau: Gideon, I've been trying to call you.

Jason Gideon: Why?

Jennifer Jareau: Someone sent you a head?

Jason Gideon: From Jamaica.

Jennifer Jareau: Morgan and Elle are in Jamaica right now. There was a murder. The body was headless. Elle's been arrested for it.

Jason Gideon: What?

Jennifer Jareau: Hotch headed down there last night with some bureau lawyers and a crime scene unit. He should be there by now.

Jason Gideon: If you talk to him, have him call me right away.

Jennifer Jareau: Yes, sir.


Agent Green: Gideon. Baseball card and envelope that were attached to the box. We processed them. There's nothing. And we're still working on identifying the head.

Jason Gideon: Try contacting the Montego Bay police. Apparently they have a headless homicide victim.

Agent Green: Got it.


St. Pierre: What time did you go to bed?

Elle Greenaway: Around midnight... I think. I don't really know. It was late.

St. Pierre: Were you alone?

Elle Greenaway: By the time I got back to my room, yeah.

Aaron Hotchner: Detective St. Pierre, I'm SSA Hotchner. I'm agent Greenaway's superior.

St. Pierre: We're not finished here.

Aaron Hotchner: Agent Greenaway only arrived in your country yesterday afternoon.

St. Pierre: So?

Aaron Hotchner: I brought a forensic expert and he's examined the body at your morgue, and he's put the time of death at no less than 24 hours ago. Now this is based on advanced rigor mortis and the contents of the stomach which contained a mea that he ordered from room service two days ago. Your coroner concurs with the findings. This means is that agent Greenaway wasn't even here when this man was killed. Now, I appreciate that you have a difficult situation, and agents Morgan and Greenaway are happy to cooperate in any what that they can, but they'll do it from our offices in Quantico, Virginia.


Jennifer Jareau: Oh, well, that's great, Hotch. Gideon wants you to call him as soon as you can… I think I better let him tell you. Okay. Call me if you need anything. Bye… “She has been searched for yet never found.”


Nurse: Oh, doctor Reid. Someone delivered this to the desk last night for you.

Spencer Reid: What? "She will die unless you save her, Dr. Reid." Call Gideon. He knows. "


Jason Gideon: Come in.

Jennifer Jareau: I just got a really strange delivery.

Jason Gideon: Strange as a head in the middle of the night?

Jennifer Jareau: That's a pale clouded yellow butterfly. They're indigenous to Europe. Britain mainly.

Jason Gideon: "She has been searched for yet never found." What the hell is going on here?


Aaron Hotchner: You guys are sure you don't want to go home and get some rest? Take a shower?

Elle Greenaway: Like hell!

Derek Morgan: I'm good.

Aaron Hotchner: How much sleep have you gotten in the last 24 hours?

Elle Greenaway: Hotch, I spent half of the night in an interrogation room. I am not sleeping until I find this Frank Giles.

Jennifer Jareau: Frank Giles left Jamaica last night on the red eye. He flew to Florida, then got onto another flight to Virginia.

Elle Greenaway: Virginia? You mean that son of a bitch is from here?

Jennifer Jareau: I don't know if he's from here, but this is where he flew to Arlington. He's got a long criminal record: manslaughter, robbery, rape.

Derek Morgan: What about the victim, Marty Harris?

Jennifer Jareau: He's a two-time convicted fetish burglar, registered child sex offender.

Jason Gideon: And we have his head. CSU just positively identified the one delivered to my cabin.

Aaron Hotchner: "Don't waste time on the first victims. They were unrepentent bad men. They only got what they deserved."

Derek Morgan: What is that?

Aaron Hotchner: I got a phone call last night before you called from Jamaica.

Elle Greenaway: Any mention of a "her"?

Aaron Hotchner: "You must help him save her."

Elle Greenaway: So there's a him now, too?

Jason Gideon: I think he means Reid.

Jennifer Jareau: What?

Aaron Hotchner: We need to regroup.


Aaron Hotchner: So, clearly we have a psychopath intent on drawing us into his game.

Jason Gideon: Playing with us.

Elle Greenaway: Then let's return the favour.

Derek Morgan: He kept telling us repeatedly to save "her". What "her"?

Jason Gideon: Items he sent must be some kind of clues.

Aaron Hotchner: Let's get them up on the board.

Jason Gideon: I got a Nellie Fox baseball card from 1963, and I got a head in a box.

Jennifer Jareau: I got a rare butterfly in a shadow box.

Aaron Hotchner: And repeated messages to save "her"?

Elle Greenaway: I got the decapitated body and a nice visit to the Jamaican police headquarters.

Jason Gideon: Reid called from Nevada. He's on the way back with a skeleton key and a note he got, too.

Aaron Hotchner: And the guy who called me said the youngest one holds the key.

Elle Greenaway: That's Reid.

Derek Morgan: Ok, but wait a minute. Unsubs, they don't contact us this way. I mean, they might taunt us, dare us to catch'em. But they don't drag us into their fantasy.

Jennifer Jareau: Why not?

Derek Morgan: Because they're sexual fantasies. I mean, taunting us is a show of power, but making us the object is... I don't know what the hell that is.

Jason Gideon: Something else about the baseball card. Nellie Fox was one of the stars of the 1959 White Socks. I went to almost every game with my father that year. Fox was my hero… So is it a coincidence that he sends this to me? Or does he know how I feel about him?

Jennifer Jareau: I collected butterflies when I was a little girl. That's how I knew what butterfly was in the box.

Derek Morgan: So then he knows us.

Aaron Hotchner: I got an anonymous message.

Elle Greenaway: I got a police raid.

Derek Morgan: But he knew exactly where we were. Hotel in Jamaica. Gideon at the cabin. Reid in Vegas. You at your home.

Penelope Garcia: He got that from the bureau computers. Your locations are always in there so they can find you if they need you. I checked the log. Hacker was definitely in the personnel folders. There were room numbers to the hotel in Jamaica, the address of Gideon's cabin… There's a lot of information in those databases.

Aaron Hotchner: Have you figured out how he was able to get into the bureau's computers?

Penelope Garcia: I'm still working on that.

Aaron Hotchner: Garcia, if you know something.

Penelope Garcia: No... It's... I was playing a game yesterday. An online game.

Jason Gideon: A game?

Penelope Garcia: Not on the bureau computer, sir. On my own personal laptop.

Derek Morgan: Oh, Garcia! No, no, no, no.

Aaron Hotchner: I don't understand.

Derek Morgan: Wireless internet.

Penelope Garcia: By wirelessly hooking into the... Net here to get online, the hacker could have gotten into my computer first, and I have far less protection on my own laptop.

Aaron Hotchner: And he could have gotten into the entire bureau computer system this way?

Penelope Garcia: Yeah, it's possible.

Jason Gideon: Playing a game? How could you be that stupid? Information, files. You have a responsibility.

Penelope Garcia: I know, sir. I'm so sorry… But I found him.

Elle Greenaway: You what?

Penelope Garcia: I know who he is, the hacker. His name is Giles, Frank Giles. He lives in Arlington, Virginia, 4 miles from here. I have his address.

Derek Morgan: Garcia, you said Giles?


Agent: Clear!

Derek Morgan: Frank Giles! FBI!

Elle Greenaway: Come out, Giles!


Elle Greenaway: You gotta be kidding me.

Derek Morgan: Hotch, Gideon, I think you're gonna want to see this.


Aaron Hotchner: Here why quest doth truly begin he's definitely playing with us.

Elle Greenaway: His identification checks out. That's Frank Giles.

Derek Morgan: There's a big old bag of money sitting right here on the dresser.

Aaron Hotchner: So Giles took Harris to Jamaica to kill him and the unsub killed Giles.

Derek Morgan: Yeah, but he paid him first.

Elle Greenaway: Left the cash?

Derek Morgan: He apparently well-funded.

Aaron Hotchner: He said these were unrepentant bad men. Are we looking for some kind of vigilante?

Jason Gideon: No. The bodies are nothing but a way to get us interested. They're game pieces. The killings are secondary.

Elle Greenaway: Well, this guy likes to write things in blood on the walls.

Derek Morgan: All kinds of cult and demonic significance to that.

Elle Greenaway: "Thy? Doth? Quest?" "Thy quest doth truly begin." Why start phrasing things like this now?

Aaron Hotchner: All the other messages were in modern English.

Derek Morgan: Maybe this is the first one the unsub actually wrote.

Elle Greenaway: So we're looking for Shakespeare?

Jane: Hey, guys?

Derek Morgan: Yeah?

Jane: There's something etched on the blade.

Aaron Hotchner: "To learn of what should next be done, leave the blade till the hour be none."

Derek Morgan: "Hour be none?"

Aaron Hotchner: "Leave the blade." Elle, move for a second, move to your left. The bed's in the middle of the room.

Derek Morgan: Which isn't by chance.

Aaron Hotchner: And maybe the light from here casts a shadow and points to something.

Elle Greenaway: Come on. Are we in the middle of an Indiana Jones movie?

Aaron Hotchner: "The hour be none?"

Derek Morgan: Midnight is 00:00 hours in 24-hour time. Would that be none?

Aaron Hotchner: Midnight wouldn't cast a shadow.

Derek Morgan: "Hour be none."

Spencer Reid: 3 p.m. Garcia, told me where to find you.

Jason Gideon: 3 p.m.?

Spencer Reid: It's medieval. The days used to be broken into hourly intervals. The canonical hours of the breviary. Prime: 6 a.m. Terce: 9 a. m Sext: 12 noon. None: 3 p.m. And vespers: 6 p.m.

Elle Greenaway: Reid, do not ever go away again.

Jason Gideon: Medieval. That's why the language changed.

Aaron Hotchner: Everything this guys does is a clue.

Derek Morgan: Okay, but, guys, it's 4:35. What do we do? Leave the blade until 3 p.m. tomorrow?

Spencer Reid: Not if we can block that window out. Do you have any spotlights in your car?

Jane: Sure.

Elle Greenaway: Thanks, Jane.

Spencer Reid: The sun is right here at 5 p.m. Morgan, follow the shadows. I move the light higher.

Derek Morgan: Okay. And do what?

Aaron Hotchner: Tap.

Derek Morgan: It's hollow.

Elle Greenaway: Definitely an Indiana Jones movie.

Derek Morgan: Feels like the wallpaper's been replaced.

Aaron Hotchner: Tear it open.

Derek Morgan: It's a box.

Aaron Hotchner: Take it out.

Spencer Reid: We sure it's safe?

Aaron Hotchner: What, you think it's a bomb? You think he'd be playing this game just to blow us up?

Derek Morgan: He'd have already done that as long as we've been standing here… Locked. You want me to break it?

Aaron Hotchner: No. We should process it first.

Jason Gideon: "The youngest holds the key." Schubert. The Trout quintet.

Aaron Hotchner: Five people fishing.

Spencer Reid: "Never would it be night, but always clear day to any man's sight."

Elle Greenaway: Well, that was worth it.

Jason Gideon: The lid. Little tab right under the lock.

Elle Greenaway: Leave that in this bag.

CSU Tech: Here you go.

Derek Morgan: "Thy quest"


Aaron Hotchner: He moves funny.

Derek Morgan: Looks like he's injured or something.

Unsub: I assure you... You'll all understand in the end why it must be that way. You might even thank me.

Elle Greenaway: Don't hold your breath, scumbag.

Unsub: You know now you're on a quest. A young girl life depends on the successful completion of it. As you can see, she's quite beautiful... And in distress. Now please listen closely for there is one rule and this rule must be followed. The one rule is... Only the members of your team may participate in the quest: Jason Gideon, Aaron Hotchner, Derek Morgan, Elle Greenaway, Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau, Penelope Garcia. A quest must be completed in the proper way or it isn't a quest, is it? That's it. One rule. Simple. Now, you will be receiving an item soon that will hold the final clue you'll need to finish the quest. You will find you will also need a book which has inspired many an adventure like mine. Believe me when I tell you I'm truly hope to see you all soon. It will mean a successful end to this adventure... For all of us.

Elle Greenaway: This guy's got pictures of us?

Spencer Reid: What do we do now?

Aaron Hotchner: The lock of hair's being analyzed for DNA. There might be something on file.

Jennifer Jareau: I'll get video to enhance the shots of the girl.

Aaron Hotchner: Let's get the clues up on the board. Maybe we can make some sense of something.

Elle Greenaway: We're gonna play this guy's game?

Spencer Reid: Do we have a choice?

Aaron Hotchner: Be right back. You guys keep working.


Aaron Hotchner: Jason. Jason!


Aaron Hotchner: What is it? What's wrong? What's the matter with you?

Jason Gideon: I just have nothing left.

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah, I'm tired, too.

Jason Gideon: No, no, no. I needed a place... Where I didn't have to know what was out there. Where I could... Just close my eyes and not see... Bodies torn to pieces or hear children calling out for help. That cabin was the only thing I had left. This guy took it away from me.

Aaron Hotchner: Jason.

Jason Gideon: Maybe I'm outta gas… I'd like to be alone. Please?


Aaron Hotchner: Haley?

Haley Hotchner: I've been trying to call you, but you haven't been answering your cell.

Aaron Hotchner: My battery died. We just got back. What's wrong?

Haley Hotchner: A man came to the door with something he said you would need right away, that a girl's life depended on it.

Aaron Hotchner: He came to the door?

Haley Hotchner: Yeah.


Haley Hotchner: What's going on, Aaron?

Aaron Hotchner: Haley, what did the guy look like who came to the door?

Haley Hotchner: Look like? I don't know. Young, dark hair.

Aaron Hotchner: Did he look injured?

Haley Hotchner: Injured?

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah. Did he seem... Injured in any way?

Haley Hotchner: No. He was just a guy. He told me what he was giving me you needed right away. That a girl's life depended on it.

Jason Gideon: That's not a normal delivery.

Aaron Hotchner: I know.

Haley Hotchner: What do you mean?

Jason Gideon: They don't come with detailed messages like that. Did he say all these things to you? Were they in a note?

Haley Hotchner: No, he said them.

Jason Gideon: If he isn't the unsub, he probably talked to him.

Haley Hotchner: What's going on?

Aaron Hotchner: It's the case we're working on.

Jason Gideon: What did he deliver? A piece of paper with numbers on it.

Aaron Hotchner: The team's got it. It's in the conference room.


Elle Greenaway: My eyes are so heavy, I can barely see it.

Spencer Reid: I think it's a coded message of some sort. The unsub said we needed a book, didn't he?

Derek Morgan: Yeah. "A book that inspired many an adventure."

Spencer Reid: It's a book code. Each one of these sets of numbers represents a particular word. For instance, the page 118, line 30, word 3. We need to figure out what the words are and fill in the blanks.

Elle Greenaway: Yeah, but from what book?

Spencer Reid: I don't know. The trouble is it has to be the exact same edition of the exact same book that he used.

Jennifer Jareau: Just got a DNA hit on the lock of hair. Rebecca Bryant. She's been missing out of Boston for 2 years.

Elle Greenaway: 2 years?

Derek Morgan: Guys, how are we supposed to figure out which book this code is copied out of?

Spencer Reid: I have no idea.


Jason Gideon: We need Haley to sit with a sketch artist and get a picture of this guy. We can have J.J. Get it out on the news wires. Tell the world.

Aaron Hotchner: Tell the world?

Jason Gideon: We may have seen this son of a bitch.

Aaron Hotchner: Didn't he say that we had to keep this within the team?

Jason Gideon: Yeah… Get a sketch artist up here.


Spencer Reid: He said we have everything needed to complete the quest.

Elle Greenaway: The answer's gotta be up there somewhere.

Jason Gideon: J.J, get some reporters here as soon as possible.

Jennifer Jareau: For what?

Jason Gideon: Just say we need help on a new case.

Derek Morgan: Press conference?


Jason Gideon: Haley and the baby get into a hotel?

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah.

Jason Gideon: Good.

Aaron Hotchner: You think this is going to work?

Jason Gideon: I think it's gonna send the right message.


Jennifer Jareau: We're looking for this man in connection with several murders. He's approximately 25 years of age. He delivered a package to one of our agents last night. If anyone has any information regarding this subject, please contact your local FBI office immediately.


Unsub: No, no, no, no… Rebecca? I'm afraid I must go out again.


Spencer Reid: A pale clouded yellow butterfly indigenous to Great Britain.

Aaron Hotchner: How's it going?

Spencer Reid: The answer to what book we need has to be in here.

Derek Morgan: Yeah, but we sure as hell can't see it.

Spencer Reid: Yet.

Aaron Hotchner: Elle.

Elle Greenaway: I'm awake.

Aaron Hotchner: I'm sending you home.

Elle Greenaway: No.

Aaron Hotchner: You need to get some rest. We won't do anything without you, I promise.

Derek Morgan: Elle, seriously, we're not any closer than we were. Get out of here. Go home.

Elle Greenaway: But…

Aaron Hotchner: That's an order. Let's go.


Aaron Hotchner: Anderson. Take Greenaway home.

Anderson: Yes, sir.

Elle Greenaway: No, I'm fine.

Aaron Hotchner: I'll have your car brought over later.

Elle Greenaway: All right. Come on, Anderson.

Aaron Hotchner: Get some sleep.

Elle Greenaway: Yeah.


Aaron Hotchner: I sent Elle home with Anderson. She hasn't slept in 36 hours.

Jason Gideon: Good.


Unsub: It was one rule.

Elle Greenaway: No.

Unsub: One rule! Agent Greenaway.

Elle Greenaway: Stop.

Unsub: Do you not consider that holding a press conference is going outside the team for help?! Listen one rule!

Elle Greenaway: Listen to me.

Unsub: We can talk about I told you this was important!

Kikavu ?

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