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Esprits Criminels
#201 : La quête - Partie 2

Résumé : L'unité d'élite continue de découvrir de nouveaux indices donnés par un psychopathe pour leur permettre de sauver sa victime la plus récente. Gideon décide de ne pas se focaliser sur les aspects personnels de l'affaire. Au contraire, il demande à son équipe de profiler le tueur comme s'il s'agissait de n'importe quelle autre enquête habituelle. Reid se tient à l'écart pour travailler sur un lien personnel qui pourrait permettre de résoudre l'affaire tandis que l'un des membres de l'équipe lutte pour sa survie.


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The Fisher King Part. 2

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La quête - Partie 2

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Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) avance doucement afin de parler avec un jeune homme qui est suspecté du kidnapping d'une femme prénommée Rebecca.

Spencer Reid (Matthew Gray Gubler) avance doucement afin de parler avec un jeune homme qui est suspecté du kidnapping d'une femme prénommée Rebecca.

Derek Morgan est armé et écoute attentivement son collègue Reid négocier avec leur suspect pour internir rapidement s'il le faut.

Derek Morgan est armé et écoute attentivement son collègue Reid négocier avec leur suspect pour internir rapidement s'il le faut.

La police et la BAU est dans la maison de leur suspect afin de vite l'arrêter et de retrouver sa victime qu'il garde en captivité depuis plusieurs années.

La police et la BAU est dans la maison de leur suspect afin de vite l'arrêter et de retrouver sa victime qu'il garde en captivité depuis plusieurs années.

Les agents Derek, Spencer et Aaron Hotchner courent après l'explosion d'une bombe afin de retrouver la victime d'un kidnapping.

Les agents Derek, Spencer et Aaron Hotchner courent après l'explosion d'une bombe afin de retrouver la victime d'un kidnapping.

L'agent du FBI Derek Morgan (Shemar Moore) est entouré par de la fumée alors qu'une bombe a explosé dans la maison qu'il inspectait.

L'agent du FBI Derek Morgan (Shemar Moore) est entouré par de la fumée alors qu'une bombe a explosé dans la maison qu'il inspectait.

Spencer Reid est en pleine négociation avec un homme dangereux qui a attaché autour de lui une bombe qu'il est prêt à déclencher.

Spencer Reid est en pleine négociation avec un homme dangereux qui a attaché autour de lui une bombe qu'il est prêt à déclencher.

Hotchner (Thomas Gibson).

Hotchner (Thomas Gibson).


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 20.09.2006 à 21:00
15.65m / 5.5% (18-49)

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Plus d'informations | N°023

Réalisateur de l'épisode : Gloria Muzio
→ Scénariste de l'épisodeEdward Allen Bernero

→ Les acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
- Thomas Gibson ... Aaron Hotchner
- Mandy Patinkin ... Jason Gideon
- Matthew Gray Gubler ... Spencer Reid
- Lola Glaudini ... Elle Greenaway
- Shemar Moore ... Derek Morgan
- A.J. Cook ... Jennifer Jareau
- Kirsten Vangsness ... Penelope Garcia

→ Les autres acteurs présents dans l'épisode :
- Jane Lynch ... Diana Reid
- Anne Marie Howard ... Celia Bryant
- Josh Clark ... Detective Casey
- Charley Rossman ... Randall Garner
- Amanda Bernero ... Rebecca Bryant
- Brian Appel ... Agent Grant Anderson
- Joey Nader ... Barry
- Jeff Marchelletta ... Robert Greenaway
- Steve Heller ... Chirurgien
- Elizabeth Liang ... Dr. Van Dyke
- Martha Boles ... Agent Breen

Gideon pousse l'équipe à ne plus penser aux indices mais à réflechir comme en temps normal. Hotchner s'inquiète pour Ellie en voyant l'agent Anderson au bureau. On retrouve Ellie en pleine réanimation par les secouristes alors que son esprit se trouve dans l'avion du FBI.

Reid s'interroge sur comment retrouver le livre et percute sur l'année 63, date de la carte du joueur. Le coursier a été retrouvé par leFBI et il indique que le colis lui a été remis dans la rue. Garcia reste perplexe face au talent du hacker. Reid trouve le pseudo sir kneighf, bizarre. Reid part dans un trip d'association et trouve alors le livre en question. Le coursier explique que le suspect était partiellement caché mais que le visible était brulé. Le roi pecheur entre lors en contact avec le DSC. Reid explique la référence au saint Graal. Le roi pecheur explique alors qu'il a tué Ellie en représailles.

On retrouve Ellie mal en point à l'hôpital pendant que son esprit rencontre son père dans l'avion. Reid a retrouvé le bon livre et recompose la phrase. Morgan et JJ vont chez les parents de la disparue et apprennent par Ellie. Reid analyse le message et comprend que sa mère est impliquée. Gideon a du mal avec le psychopate qui n'agit pas comme il devrait. Trop méticuleux pour son délire. Reid explique un peu plus à Garcia qui est sa mère et qu'il lui écrit quasiment tout, y compris les secrets des autres. On découvre aussi la peur de Reid puisque la schyzophrénie est héréditaire.

Chez les parents de la disparue, Morgan trouve qu'il y a un problème en voyant les affaires rangées au lieu d'avoir été conservé en l'état. Il découvre aussi que le flic avait baclé le boulot parce qu'elle était une ado à problèmes, tous pensant qu'elle avait fui. Morgan découvre alors que la fille avait été adopté, les parents biologiques étant morts. Garcia découvre que la fillette a été adopté au Neveda près de Las Vegas. Gideon et Hotch ne savent plus quoi penser et Gideon culpabilise pour la conférence de presse.

La mère de Reid arrive à Quantico. Garcia découvre le passé de Rebecca : sa famille est morte dans un incendie. Son père l'a sorti indemne du feu mais a fini grand brûlé et a renoncé à ses droits sur elle. Puis il a passé du temps à l'institu où se trouvait la mère de Reid.La mère de Reid identifie alors l'homme de la vidéo, Randall Garner et le décrit comme instable et dérangé. Et Garcia comprend enfin que c'est le père de la disparue. La mère de Reid leur confie alors qu'elle a reçu une photo d'une maison avec une adresse.

L'équipe s'y rend et y trouve le badge de Greenaway. Ils découvrent le suspect à l'étage, entouré d'une bombe. Reid tente de le raisonner mais échoue. La bombe explose, Reid y échappe de justesse. Le feu s'empare de la maison. Puis Reid se souvient de la photo et d'une lumière à la cave. Ils foncent à la cave et libèrent la disparue. Finalement, la disparue va bien, Ellie survit, Reid ramène sa mère qui ne le reconnait plus et Hotchner nettoye le mur ensanglanté chez Ellie.

Jason Gideon: The defects and faults of the mind are like wounds in the body. After all imaginable care has been taken to heal them up, still there will be a scar left behind. French writer François la Rochefoucauld.


Jennifer Jareau: Sir, I thought you'd want to know. We identified the girl in the video... Rebecca Bryant.

Jason Gideon: Leave it on the desk.


Aaron Hotchner: Reid, how many books do you think are published in a year?

Spencer Reid: In the whole world? Thousands.

Derek Morgan: Great, and all we gotta do is find one. You know, I can see this unsub getting our phone numbers and addresses from the bureau personnel files, but come on, man, it really says in there that Gideon digs Nellie Fox?

Aaron Hotchner: Or that JJ collects butterflies?

Derek Morgan: I didn't even know these things about us.

Spencer Reid: "Ever would it be night, but always clear day to any man's sight."

Derek Morgan: Reid, not again with the poem from the music box, please.

Spencer Reid: There's something familiar about it. I think I've heard it somewhere before.

Derek Morgan: Thought you had a photographic memory.

Spencer Reid: Eidetic memory, and that's primarily related to things I read. Like I said, this is something I think I've heard.

Aaron Hotchner: Which leaves us...

Derek Morgan: Nowhere, that's where it leaves is.

Jason Gideon: Not necessarily. How would we proceed if we didn't have all these clues? What's the first thing we'd look at?

Aaron Hotchner: Victimology.

Derek Morgan: Why this particular victim in this particular place at this particular time?

Jason Gideon: We have a victim, don't we?

Spencer Reid: Rebecca Bryant.

Jason Gideon: Missing out of South Boston, Virginia. You can get there in a few hours if you hurry. Take JJ. Find out everything there is to know about this girl.

Derek Morgan: You go it.

Jason Gideon: Been letting him lead us around like he's something more than he is. He's just another unsub.

Aaron Hotchner: Let's start putting together a profile.

Spencer Reid: What you want me to do?

Jason Gideon: Just keep working on this. If anybody can put it together, you can.


Rebecca Bryant: Please help me.


Aaron Hotchner: Anderson? Where's agent Greenaway?

Anderson: Sir?

Aaron Hotchner: I told you to take her home.

Anderson: I dropped her off half an hour ago.

Aaron Hotchner: Take her home does not mean drop her off. We're dealing with an unsub who has all of our personal information, including our home addresses. Get back over there now.

Anderson: But...

Aaron Hotchner: Now!


Pilot: Agent Greenaway?

Elle Greenaway: Yes?

Pilot: Case file, please.

Elle Greenaway: How did I get here?

Pilot: I'm sorry, ma'am. Without a case file, you'll have to get off. The rules are very...


Paramedic 1: Clear!

Paramedic 2: She's back.

Paramedic 1: Okay. Get a large bore going.

Paramedic 2: I'm on it.

Paramedic 1: If we don't get this pressure up, we're gonna lose her again... Permanently.


Spencer Reid: "Possible Book Titles" Thousands of books published every year. This is impossible… Year... Every year… 1963.


Agent Breen: Agent Hotchner?

Aaron Hotchner: Yes?

Agent Breen: The delivery guy's on the way up. The one from the press conference?

Aaron Hotchner: Thank you.


Spencer Reid: The book has to be the right volume and the right publication date, or the code won't work, right?

Jason Gideon: Okay.

Spencer Reid: When you talk about Nellie Fox, it's in regards to the 1959 White Socks. That's the year that's important to you, but for some reason, this is a 1963 card.

Jason Gideon: Well, maybe he couldn't find a'59.

Spencer Reid: You think a pale clouded yellow butterfly was easy to find, or a... Or a music box that specifically plays the trout quintet?

Jason Gideon: So a book published in 1963.

Spencer Reid: It has to be. Maybe.

Aaron Hotchner: The guy who delivered the puzzle to my house just turned himself in.


Aaron Hotchner: You delivered a package to my house yesterday.

Barry: Do I need a lawyer here?

Aaron Hotchner: Late in the day to my wife.

Barry: I guess I could check my logs.

Jason Gideon: You know exactly which delivery we mean.

Barry: Look, this guy comes up to me on the street with the package. He says it only needs to go a few miles, and that a girl's life depended on it.

Aaron Hotchner: And you didn't find that suspicious?

Barry: He said a girl's life depended on it, man. I wasn't gonna take no chances with something like that.

Aaron Hotchner: I see, so you're a humanitarian here then.

Barry: Yeah, I guess you could say that.

Jason Gideon: How much?

Barry: Thousand... Cash. Seriously, do I need a lawyer?


Penelope Garcia: This guy is infuriatingly good. He routed his IP through major corporations, crisscrossed it through countries.

Spencer Reid: I thought you tracked the hacker.

Penelope Garcia: No I only found what he wanted me to find: apartment where Giles was dead. Reid a hacker capable of getting into my systems is going to have amazingly sophisticated equipment. Did Giles's apartment have that?

Spencer Reid: He didn't have a couch.

Penelope Garcia: Exactly. Giles was a smokescreen I should have seen through. But now I have this glorious program I wrote, tracking the hacker through his other identity... Sir Kneighf.

Spencer Reid: "K-n-e-l-g-h-f." That's an odd spelling.

Penelope Garcia: Do you need something?

Spencer Reid: Yeah, is there a database which lists all the books published in a given year?

Penelope Garcia: Individual publishers have lists, I don't think there's anything like a master one, plus it would depend upon the year, because the further back you go, the less likely there'll be any database at all.

Spencer Reid: 1963.

Penelope Garcia: Yeah, ok, that would be an example of extremely less likely.

Spencer Reid: Could you do me a favour? Type something into a search engine for me? "Never would it be night, but always clear day to any man's sight."

Penelope Garcia: That's from a poem, "The parliament of…

Spencer Reid: "Fowls!" Yeah, yeah! Chaucer, my... My mom use to read me that. It's widely considered as the first Valentine's poem.

Penelope Garcia: Your mom read you Valentine's poems? Hello, therapy.

Spencer Reid: Chaucer. Chaucer, "Parliament of Fowls." Fowls, "Parliament of Fowls," Chaucer. It has to be at least 283 pages long, but the poem has to be longer. Something published in 1963. A butterfly indigenous to Great Britain. Why? Something born, something from Great Britain. Medieval. Medieval. Chaucer. Chaucer was Middle English. Middle English spelling of the word "Fowls..." "FOWLES" there was a contemporary British author... Fowles. John Fowles. Will you type it into a search engine?

Penelope Garcia: He wrote the Magus, he wrote the French Lieutenant's Woman.

Spencer Reid: Anything in 1963 published in Great Britain?

Penelope Garcia: The Collector.

Spencer Reid: Collector... Baseball cards, skeleton keys, music boxes. These are things that are collected.

Penelope Garcia: Reid.


Aaron Hotchner: What'd he look like?

Barry: I don't really know. He had a big coat on and a hat pulled down over his face.

Aaron Hotchner: So you can't describe him at all then?

Barry: Well, the part of his face that I could see was all messed up.

Jason Gideon: It was messed up?

Barry: Yeah... Scarred, all burned up.


Jason Gideon: Burn scars.

Aaron Hotchner: Could explain the trouble moving.

Spencer Reid: We know what the book is. The collector by John Fowles.

Jason Gideon: You sure?

Spencer Reid: Not absolutely. Not until we see if the code works, but I have four separate libraries searching for the 1963 edition published in Great Britain.

Aaron Hotchner: Well done, Reid.

Agent Breen: Agent Gideon, there's a call for you on line 2, says it's extremely urgent.

Jason Gideon: Is there a name?

Agent Breen: Sort of. He calls himself the Fisher King.

Spencer Reid: This could be the unsub, guys.

Jason Gideon: Why?

Spencer Reid: In mythology, the Fisher King is the grail king. "Sir Kneighf," it's an anagram... For "Fisher King."

Jason Gideon: Fisher King's at the end of all grail quests.


Aaron Hotchner: Line 2 trapped and traced.

Jason Gideon: Gideon.

Unsub: What I had to do was not my fault.

Jason Gideon: Excuse me?

Unsub: It was distasteful and barbaric.

Jason Gideon: Who is this?

Unsub: No one else had to be hurt.

Jason Gideon: Call yourself "the Fisher King"?

Unsub: I told you there were rules.

Jason Gideon: I'm actually more interested in exactly how you got all those burns.

Unsub: Remember this next time you decide to step outside my instructions. Agent Greenaway did not have to die like that.


Elle Greenaway: Daddy?


Doctor: Notify the O.R. She's bleeding out. They're gonna need 4 units of "O" on the rapid infuser.

Nurse: Yes, doctor.

Doctor: Fight with me here. Fight.

Aaron Hotchner: FBI, one of my agents was just brought in.

Anderson: Agent Hotchner, I am sorry.

Aaron Hotchner: Anderson, where is she?

Anderson: I got there just as the ambulance was leaving.

Aaron Hotchner: Where is she, Anderson?

Anderson: They just took her up to surgery.

Jason Gideon: Then she's alive.

Aaron Hotchner: What do we know?

Anderson: The local P.D. said someone forced her back door and surprised her in the living room. They were probably laying in wait for her. After she was... It appears she dialled 911 herself before she passed out.

Jason Gideon: Why weren't we notified?

Anderson: The offender apparently took her ID. And gun. The uniform I talked to didn't even know she was in the bureau until I arrived on scene.

Aaron Hotchner: Get back over there. This is a federal crime scene. Nobody touches anything. We process it. Go.

Anderson: Yes, sir.


Spencer Reid: Mrs. Valez, are you there?

Mrs. Valez: Yes, Dr. Reid, I am. I have a first edition of The Collector, published in Great Britain in 1963.

Spencer Reid: Wonderful. Mrs. Valez, I'm gonna read you a set of 3 numbers. The first is gonna be a page number, the second, a line number on that page, and the third, a word number in that line. Do you understand me?

Mrs. Valez: Yes, I understand.

Spencer Reid: All right, the first is page 222.

Mrs. Valez: Page 222. got it.

Spencer Reid: Line 23.

Mrs. Valez: Line 23. got it.

Spencer Reid: What is the 16th word on that line, Ms. Valez?

Mrs. Valez: "The."

Spencer Reid: "The"? Great. Page 91, line 11, word 13.

Mrs. Valez: "Path." Does that make sense?

Spencer Reid: "The path." Yeah, that absolutely makes sense. All right, please go to page 31...


Jason Gideon: Trap and trace got nothing. Unsub used a disposable cell.

Aaron Hotchner: We got our best CSU team. If he left anything, a print, a hair, sweat, anything...

Jason Gideon: They'll find it.

Aaron Hotchner: I sent her home, Jason.

Jason Gideon: This wasn't you.

Aaron Hotchner: I should have been clearer with Anderson.

Jason Gideon: Try Morgan and JJ again.

Aaron Hotchner: I tried them 3 times. They're out of cell range.

Jason Gideon: Try them again. I don't want them to hear about this on the news.


Jennifer Jareau: She was 16 when she was abducted. She's 18 now. Her birthday was in August.


Rebecca Bryant: Help me!


Jennifer Jareau: Two years in that little cell.

Derek Morgan: All right, let's go over this one more time. She took off for school, but never got there, correct?

Jennifer Jareau: Correct.

Derek Morgan: None of the neighbours saw her that morning?

Jennifer Jareau: It doesn't even appear that they canvassed at all.

Derek Morgan: Ok, JJ, I need you to see if the originating detective can meet us at the house because there's just something really funky about this whole investigation.

Jennifer Jareau: Well, I will as soon as we re-enter the world of cell phone service.


Penelope Garcia: "The path to the end began at his start. To find her first calm her long broken heart. She sits in a window with secrets from her knight. Is it adventure that keeps him out of her sight?" Another puzzle?

Spencer Reid: It's a riddle. "Began at his start… The youngest holds the key… Sits in a window… Secrets, adventure… Secrets from her knight?Sits in the window."


Nurse: She calls them your adventures.


Spencer Reid: "Ever would it be night, but always clear day." That'd be... That'd be bright light.


Nurse: Someone delivered this to the desk last night for you.


Spencer Reid: It's never night in Las Vegas.

Penelope Garcia: Excuse me?

Spencer Reid: I need to be connected to the field office closest to Las Vegas, Nevada, immediately… Hi. This is Dr. Spencer Reid with the behavioural analysis unit at Quantico. Look, I need my mother picked up and brought to Virginia in protective custody as soon as possible… We're searching for an unsub who shot one of our agents today, and I think he might know my mother, and I believe she may be in danger… Yes… She's at the Bennington Sanitarium in Las Vegas… Her name's Diana Reid. She's a patient there.


Nurse: Diana? There's someone here to see you.


Jennifer Jareau: Yes, sir… If there's anything we can do. Yes, sir. We will.

Derek Morgan: What's up?

Jennifer Jareau: That was Hotch.

Derek Morgan: Don't tell me. Reid already figured it out, and we drove all the way out here for nothing, right?

Jennifer Jareau: Derek.

Derek Morgan: What? What?

Jennifer Jareau: The... The unsub... Elle was shot in her apartment this morning.

Derek Morgan: What?

Jennifer Jareau: What are you doing?

Derek Morgan: I'm going back.

Jennifer Jareau: No, no, no. Hotch said not to.

Derek Morgan: I don't give a damn what Hotch said.

Jennifer Jareau: But, Derek, he's right. There's nothing we can do at the hospital, okay? But maybe we can find the unsub through... through her, through the victim's profile, through Rebecca.

Derek Morgan: How bad?

Jennifer Jareau: She's in surgery. That's all they know.


Elle Greenaway: Dad, it was hard growing up without you.

Robert Greenaway: I'm sorry.

Elle Greenaway: No, it wasn't your fault. I just missed you so much.

Robert Greenaway: I'm always with you.

Elle Greenaway: What's gonna happen to me?

Robert Greenaway: Happen? That's up to you, baby. That's up to you.


Aaron Hotchner: Any word?

Jason Gideon: No.

Aaron Hotchner: I called JJ. I told her that we'd call them if anything changed. What's all that?

Jason Gideon: That unsub's extremely organized. Sounded truly shocked that we didn't follow the rules. Honestly believed we would simply listen to his directions.

Aaron Hotchner: He's delusional. He... Thinks he's a mythological king.

Jason Gideon: But delusion and this level of organization are almost mutually exclusive. You don't meticulously plan contacts in the real world if you're suffering psychotic breaks from reality.

Anderson: How is she?

Aaron Hotchner: No word yet. Is the scene processed?

Anderson: They're finished. We still have it locked up tight, though.

Aaron Hotchner: You find anything?

Anderson: CSU found a partial print. The shooter wrote a message on the wall in blood, and in one of the smudges, they found a whirl pattern. They made a lift. They aren't sure whether it's enough to get a hit, but they are processing it now.

Jason Gideon: Rules.


Penelope Garcia: She's ok... Your mom. Agents picked her up. She's flying here right now.

Spencer Reid: I forgot she used to always read me this poem… It's funny, huh?

Penelope Garcia: Funny?

Spencer Reid: Should have realized sooner than that. Nobody knows things like the fact that JJ collects butterflies except for me. People tell me their secrets all the time. Think it's because they know I don't have anyone to betray them to... Except... My mother. I... I tell her pretty much everything.

Penelope Garcia: I don't think anyone would mind.

Spencer Reid: Do you know that I write her a letter every day?

Penelope Garcia: That's nice.

Spencer Reid: It depends on why I write her.

Penelope Garcia: What do you mean?

Spencer Reid: I write her letters so I won't feel so guilty about not visiting her… Did you know that schizophrenia is genetically passed?


Celia Bryant: All of her things are still right here. We kept it all. Everything that was in her room, in case she ever... You said there's a videotape?

Jennifer Jareau: Yes, ma'am. The man who abducted your daughter sent it to us.

Celia Bryant: You're sure it's Rebecca?

Jennifer Jareau: Yes, ma'am, we're sure.

Derek Morgan: Ma'am I don't mean to impose but we've had ourselves a really long drive. You got any coffee?

Celia Bryant: Excuse me?

Jennifer Jareau: I'll come with you, ma'am.

Celia Bryant: Oh, certainly. Sure.

Derek Morgan: Detective... I've seen kids missing for a decade, and their rooms look exactly the way they did the day that they left. Parents don't just pack up their kid's stuff and put them in boxes in the garage. Parents don't give up, ever… What the hell is going on here?

Casey: This wasn't exactly a cut and dried missing. This Rebecca is no angel. She was in trouble, a lot of it all the time.

Derek Morgan: What kind of trouble?

Casey: Name it. Dope, vandalism, theft, truancy. Nobody even blinked when she didn't show up for school that day. She was a part-time attendee at best.

Derek Morgan: None of that was in the report.

Casey: And why would it be?

Derek Morgan: Because it's relevant, detective.

Casey: Look, uniforms filed the initial report. Missing persons never did a supplemental because the girl had run away 5 or 6 times before.

Derek Morgan: She didn't run away this time, did she?

Casey: Yeah, apparently not.

Derek Morgan: Nobody even bothered to look for this girl for two years?

Casey: No.

Derek Morgan: Why? Why was she acting out? Was there a problem at home? Was there abuse?

Celia Bryant: Abuse? From the moment we brought her into the house, we treated Rebecca like an angel.

Derek Morgan: You just said "brought her into the house."

Celia Bryant: When she was 5 years old, we took Rebecca in as a foster child. And after a couple of years, we adopted her.

Derek Morgan: Where are her birth parents?

Celia Bryant: Something happened to the whole family.

Derek Morgan: Did she ever talk about it?

Celia Bryant: I don't even think she remembered it. She was just a little girl.

Jennifer Jareau: So her name hasn't always been Bryant.

Celia Bryant: No. It was... Garner. Rebecca Garner.


Rebecca Bryant: Please.

Unsub: I brought you dinner. It's chicken.

Rebecca Bryant: I'm sick. I need a doctor.

Unsub: You like chicken.

Rebecca Bryant: No, no. Just take the chains off me.

Unsub: No, you'll try to escape.

Rebecca Bryant: Please, no. I won't. I promise.

Unsub: I'll be back for your tray in half an hour.

Rebecca Bryant: Why don't you just kill me, you son of a bitch?!

Unsub: Because I love you too much, Rebecca.


Penelope Garcia: Garcia.

Derek Morgan: Hey, it's Morgan.

Penelope Garcia: Derek, what do you need?

Derek Morgan: Garcia, I need information on an adoption.

Penelope Garcia: Name?

Derek Morgan: Adopted name is Rebecca Bryant, birth name is Garner.

Penelope Garcia: Where?

Derek Morgan: Somewhere around South Boston, Virginia, 13 years ago.

Penelope Garcia: Nothing.

Derek Morgan: Nothing?

Penelope Garcia: I'll try just the name with a wider search. Okay, there's a Rebecca Garner who was adopted by a Mr. And Mrs. Joseph Bryant on December 4, 1993, in Clark County, Nevada.

Jennifer Jareau: Wait. Nevada?

Penelope Garcia: That's what it says. The rest is sealed.

Derek Morgan: Garcia, unseal it. I need to know what happened to that girl's family to cause her to need adopting.

Penelope Garcia: Okay, I'll work on it.


Aaron Hotchner: Coffee?

Jason Gideon: No. We don't have enough for a profile yet, not a good one.

Aaron Hotchner: No.

Jason Gideon: Some generalities.

Aaron Hotchner: Not enough to catch him.

Jason Gideon: Press conference was the thing to do, right?

Aaron Hotchner: Sorry?

Jason Gideon: Brought the unsub out into the open, he made a mistake, left a partial print. We wouldn't have had that.

Aaron Hotchner: No.

Jason Gideon: It was really the only way to go. I did the right thing. I did my job. Elle will understand that… She'll understand.


Elle Greenaway: I'm afraid. What if I don't come out of it? What if I don't wake up?

Robert Greenaway: You keep talking like you don't have any choice, peanut. You can choose to fight, to beat the odds. It's up to you.

Elle Greenaway: What if I want to stay with you?

Robert Greenaway: Well, that's a choice, too.


Diana Reid: That's why you're so skinny, you know? Too much coffee.

Spencer Reid: Thanks a lot, guys. I've got her.

Diana Reid: You know I'm terrified of flying.

Spencer Reid: I know, mom. I'm sorry.

Diana Reid: Well, then why did you have those fascists arrest me?

Spencer Reid: Mom, they're not fascists, and you were not arrested. I'm trying to protect you.

Diana Reid: By forcing me to do the one thing that frightens me more than anything else?

Spencer Reid: I need to show you something. Follow me.


Derek Morgan: Yeah, talk to me.

Penelope Garcia: Not only did I find your records, I found some newspaper articles about your girl.

Derek Morgan: Newspaper articles?

Penelope Garcia: Yeah. Apparently most of Rebecca Garner's family died in a house fire in 1992. Faulty electrical wiring in their tract house.

Derek Morgan: So when she was 4.

Penelope Garcia: Yeah, Mrs. Garner, the both Garner boys, one of the Garner girls. Rebecca was found in the backyard crying, but unharmed.

Derek Morgan: How'd she get there?

Penelope Garcia: Her father probably. He was a teacher at a Vegas public school, and he tried to save the rest of the family, but he suffered massive burns to his entire body and nearly died. Spent years in a burn ICU, and it was during that time that he gave up his parental rights to Rebecca, so that she could be put up for adoption because there was no other family.

Jennifer Jareau: Could explain her acting out. You watch your whole family die in front of you?

Penelope Garcia: The father was awarded a huge settlement from the contractors who built the development. They were using faulty materials.

Derek Morgan: Good work, Garcia. Print that up for me, all right? We'll be back pretty soon… What? Something else?

Penelope Garcia: No. It just says here that after the father left the medical hospital, he spent a few years at a Vegas sanitarium. Bennington.

Derek Morgan: That mean something to you?

Penelope Garcia: Yeah. That's where...

Derek Morgan: Garcia?

Penelope Garcia: I gotta go… Could that be...? Oh, my God.


Diana Reid: This is where you work?

Spencer Reid: This is where we meet.

Diana Reid: My desk, you can see it, it's right out there in the bullpen area.

Spencer Reid: The table's round.

Diana Reid: Yeah.

Spencer Reid: Just like I wrote you in my letters.

Diana Reid: Yes, just like you wrote in your letters… Dr. Jessen gave me the book you brought… Marjorie Kemp.

Spencer Reid: She's your favourite.

Diana Reid: That particular book is one of her minor works.

Spencer Reid: Mom, no! Don't... Don't. You can't grab stuff off the board. This key is evidence… Mom, the unsub that we're looking for... The... The bad guy knows things about my colleagues personal lives, things that... Only you would know. Do you write about them in you journals?

Diana Reid: My journals are none of the government's business!

Spencer Reid: I'm not the government, mom.

Diana Reid: Well, this... Certainly looks like a government office.

Spencer Reid: Mother, do you write about my colleagues personal lives?

Diana Reid: Why did you bring me here, Spencer?

Spencer Reid: I need to ask you some things about a man I think you might know. A bad man. He's killed some people, and he's holding a girl hostage.

Diana Reid: You think I know someone like that?

Spencer Reid: Will you just watch the tape and see if he sounds familiar?

Unsub: I had to make sure I had your complete attention. I assure you, you will all understand in the end why it must be this way. You might even thank me.

Spencer Reid: You do know him?

Diana Reid: I'm sure it's... Randall Garner.

Spencer Reid: Randall Garner? He was with me at the hospital. He's a very emotionally disturbed man.

Penelope Garcia: Reid, I got to the end of the IP string. Sir Kneighf, the fisher king, his name is Randall Garner. He's Rebecca Bryant's biological father.


Aaron Hotchner: Reid and Garcia think they've ID'd the unsub.

Jason Gideon: How?

Aaron Hotchner: I don't know, but they want to know how to proceed.

Jason Gideon: Well, one of us should be there. You go. I want to be here when she comes out of surgery.

Aaron Hotchner: Call me immediately.

Jason Gideon: Immediately… Hotch?

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah?

Jason Gideon: The only way for the organization level to be so high is the unsub believes it's all real. He believes he's the keeper of the grail, needs us to find it. We have to make him understand it isn't real.

Aaron Hotchner: Right.


Diana Reid: I can't believe she's real.

Penelope Garcia: What do you mean?

Diana Reid: Whenever he talked about Rebecca, he never said she was his daughter. He said all his children died in the fire. He spoke of a Rebecca, more in the abstract. I really thought she was a metaphor, not an actual human being. An ideal.

Spencer Reid: A grail. He thinks he's the fisher king.

Derek Morgan: Who does?

Spencer Reid: Randall Garner, our unsub.

Diana Reid: He believes you're all modern-day knights of the round table.

Spencer Reid: Derek Morgan, this is my mother, Diana Reid.

Derek Morgan: It's your mother? Ma'am, it's a... It's a pleasure to meet you.

Aaron Hotchner: So where are we on finding this son of a bitch?

Spencer Reid: I rechecked all the clues. There's nothing that points to an address.

Jennifer Jareau: The adoption records for Rebecca listed an address of the fire, so I made a call to Nevada, and it's vacant. No one ever rebuilt.

Aaron Hotchner: Nevada? So we don't even know what state he's in?

Penelope Garcia: I'll search the tax records, see if he owns any property.

Diana Reid: Excuse me.

Spencer Reid: Mom, do you know we're...

Diana Reid: Just before the agents got me from the hospital, a man delivered this to me. It's a photo of a house with an address on the back.

Derek Morgan: Shiloh, Virginia? That's only 10 miles from here.


Aaron Hotchner: That's it, guys. It's open.


Derek Morgan: Hotch? Guys, listen up. He wants us to know we're in the right place, so keep your eyes open… Let's go.


Derek Morgan: It's Morgan. We're clear.


Spencer Reid: There's someone upstairs.

Derek Morgan: Where?

Spencer Reid: I saw a shadow.

Derek Morgan: Randall Garner? FBI! Garner?! Come out, Garner!


Spencer Reid: He's in there.

Derek Morgan: All right, cover me. I'm gonna go in.

Spencer Reid: Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Derek Morgan: What? What?

Spencer Reid: Mr. Garner? My name's spencer Reid. You were in the hospital with my mother. I think... I think she might have confused you. All we want to do is help Rebecca. That's exactly what you want, right? That's why you sent us the puzzles? That's why you said you hoped you'd be seeing us soon?

Randall Garner: Ask the question.

Spencer Reid: There is no magical question, Mr. Garner. He believes if I ask him the right question, it'll heal all of his wounds.

Aaron Hotchner: Do you know the question?

Spencer Reid: I know what he wants. I'm gonna move to where he can see me.

Aaron Hotchner: Reid!

Derek Morgan: Reid, no!

Aaron Hotchner: Reid!

Spencer Reid: Fall back.

Aaron Hotchner: Reid!

Derek Morgan: Reid, no! Wait a minute. Reid!

Spencer Reid: Stay calm, Mr. Garner.

Randall Garner: Ask the question, sir Percival.

Spencer Reid: I told you, I'm not Percival. My name is Dr. Spencer Reid from the FBI. You were in the hospital with my mother, Diana?

Randall Garner: If you want the grail, you must ask the question!

Spencer Reid: She's not a grail! She's your daughter. Her name's Rebecca.

Randall Garner: My daughters died in a fire and my son and my wife.

Spencer Reid: Rebecca lived.

Randall Garner: No. Your mother, she explained it all to me.

Spencer Reid: My mother's a paranoid schizophrenic who'd forget to eat if she wasn't properly medicated and supervised.

Randall Garner: She made me realize none of it was real. I didn't lose Rebecca. She never existed in the first place.

Spencer Reid: She does exist, Mr. Garner, and we're here to help her… Hotch, Morgan? I think maybe it'd be better if you guys waited downstairs.

Aaron Hotchner: What?

Spencer Reid: Mr. Garner and I are just gonna talk alone up here.

Derek Morgan: Go ahead and talk, Reid, but we're not going anywhere.

Randall Garner: Ask the question. I'll be healed, and you may take the grail. Just ask the question, sir knight.

Spencer Reid: I can't.

Randall Garner: Heal me!

Spencer Reid: Mr. Garner, a fisher king wound cannot be healed by somebody else. It's not a wound to the body. It's a wound to the memory. Wound to the mind. It's... It's a wound that... Only you can find, and a wound that only you can heal.

Randall Garner: Just ask the question.

Spencer Reid: There's only one question that matters, Mr. Garner. There's only one really important question. Can you forgive yourself?

Randall Garner: I couldn't get to them.

Spencer Reid: If you tell me where she is, you can save Rebecca now… Tell me where Rebecca is.

Randall Garner: You already know. I sent your mother the map.

Spencer Reid: What map?

Randall Garner: Can I forgive myself? No, I can't.

Spencer Reid: Run!


Derek Morgan: Don't move Reid, don't move!

Aaron Hotchner: Get him out, let's go! Let's go!

Derek Morgan: Let's go!


Aaron Hotchner: What the hell was that?

Spencer Reid: He had a bomb.

Derek Morgan: You didn't think we needed to know that?

Spencer Reid: I told you to go downstairs.

Derek Morgan: Well, you didn't say bomb. You left that part out.

Spencer Reid: Stop, stop, stop, stop. Stop?

Derek Morgan: The house is on fire, Reid. Let's go!

Spencer Reid: Just let me think, let me think! He's the fisher king, this is his castle, Rebecca's got to be here.

Aaron Hotchner: Reid, there may not be time for a search. Let's go.

Spencer Reid: Location's on the map that he gave to my mom.

Derek Morgan: Reid, all she told us about was that photo. Let's go!

Spencer Reid: Down... she's in the basement downstairs!

Derek Morgan: How do you know that?!


Rebecca Bryant: I'm in here! Is the house on fire?

Spencer Reid: She's in here!

Rebecca Bryant: I'm chained! Get me out of here! I'm chained.

Derek Morgan: Here I've got the bed. Hurry!

Spencer Reid: He called me sir Percival.

Rebecca Bryant: Hurry!

Aaron Hotchner: Reid, hurry.

Derek Morgan: The key. The key. The youngest one holds the key. Tell me you got the key. Come on man! Let's go! Let's go! We got no time! Go! You got her?

Aaron Hotchner: Come on. Let's go.


Spencer Reid: "It has been said that time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue, and the pain lessens, but it is never gone." Rose Kennedy.


Elle Greenaway: Dad, there's something...

Robert Greenaway: It's okay.

Elle Greenaway: No, I want to say it. That day... I was just mad that day. I wanted you to teach me to ride my bike. I knew that you had to work. I was just being selfish and childish.

Robert Greenaway: Baby, you were 8.

Elle Greenaway: I said, "I hate you, daddy." Those are the last words that I ever said to you.

Robert Greenaway: It's okay, baby.

Elle Greenaway: I've thought so many times that I wish... I wish that I had said... I love you, Daddy.

Robert Greenaway: I love you, too, peanut, very much.

Elle Greenaway: I can't stay with you.

Robert Greenaway: That's all right.

Elle Greenaway: Will I ever see you again?

Robert Greenaway: I'll be here when it's time.

Elle Greenaway: I love you.


Surgeon: There you are. Sleep. You're gonna be fine.


Jennifer Jareau: Elle's out of surgery. She's gonna be okay.

Aaron Hotchner: Good. Is Gideon still at the hospital?

Jennifer Jareau: Yeah. How's Rebecca?

Derek Morgan: She's in the hospital, but she should be all right.

Penelope Garcia: Physically, maybe.

Aaron Hotchner: Thank you, everyone. All of you.

Penelope Garcia: Well, we could have only gone so far without Mrs. Reid.


Spencer Reid: Mom, we found her. Rebecca's safe. You helped us save her life.

Diana Reid: Is it time for lunch yet?

Spencer Reid: What?

Diana Reid: I'm lecturing everyone in Tristan and Iseult. They're all gathering in my room after lunch.

Spencer Reid: Can I attend the lecture, too?

Diana Reid: Have you read any of the material?

Spencer Reid: I've had them read to me.

Diana Reid: Wonderful. That's the best way, isn't it?

Spencer Reid: Yes, ma'am. By far.

Kikavu ?

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diana62800  (08.04.2022 à 17:46)

Un super épisode avec une enquête qui nous tient en haleine jusqu'au bout et pauvre Elle :( 


Merci aux 2 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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