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Esprits Criminels
#301 : Meurtres sur le campus

Résumé : L'équipe de Hotchner enquête sur un serial killer qui vise des femmes dans une petite école de MidWestern. Le Bureau du FBI ferme le campus, crée et un profil détaillé du criminel et arrête un suspect. Toutefois, les membres de l'équipe commencent à avoir de sérieux doutes sur eux-mêmes quand les tueries continuent sur le campus et que de nouveau meurtres sont commis.


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Meurtres sur le campus

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 26.09.2007 à 21:00
12.66m / 4.4% (18-49)

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Plus d'informations | N°046

Réalisateur de l'épisode : Gloria Muzio
→ Scénariste de l'épisodeChris Mundy

→ Les acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
- Thomas Gibson ... Aaron Hotchner
- Mandy Patinkin ... Jason Gideon
- Matthew Gray Gubler ... Spencer Reid
- Paget Brewster ... Emily Prentiss
- Shemar Moore ... Derek Morgan
- A.J. Cook ... Jennifer Jareau
- Kirsten Vangsness ... Penelope Garcia

→ Les autres acteurs présents dans l'épisode :
- Vince Grant ... Nathan Tubs
- Shawn Michael Patrick ... Jim Griffith
- Elizabeth Hendrickson ... Katie
- Shelley Cole ... Anna
- Jayne Atkinson ... Erin Strauss
- Amanda McDonald ... Helen
- Angela Oh ... Stephanie
- Tori White ... Aliza
- Anthony Diaz-Perez ... Paul Davies
- Moira Price ... Suzanne Cole
- Kim Estes ... Coroner
- Alexa Alemanni ... Amy Deckerman
- Moira Squier ... Sarah

Gideon est dans sa cabane en train d’écrire une lettre, dans laquelle il explique qu’il n’arrive plus à être profileur depuis le meurtre de Sarah. Puis il commence à parler de la première affaire après ce drame…

Flagstaff, Arizona. L’équipe vient d’atterrir et est accueillie par le détective Jim Griffith, qui est chargé de l’affaire. Il leur parle des meurtres commis sur le campus et des mesures prises, puis ils partent immédiatement sur les lieux.

Une étudiante sort en courant de la bibliothèque mais loupe de justesse la navette-escorte pour l’université. L’escorte dépose deux autres étudiantes devant leur dortoir où elles sont attendues par une surveillante chargée de vérifier que tout le monde rentre avant le couvre feu. Celle-ci se rend compte qu’Amy Deckerman n’est pas rentrée. Cette même Amy est l’étudiante qui attend devant la bibliothèque, elle semble inquiète quand quelqu’un arrive par derrière et l’électrocute au moment où elle se retourne.

Gideon, Morgan, J.J et la police arrivent sur les lieux où Amy a été tuée, elle repose au sol les bras croisés, signe de remord. Gideon et Morgan décident de rester tandis que J.J retourne au commissariat. Gideon aperçoit Sarah parmi les curieux.

Dans le dortoir des filles, la surveillante frappe à toutes les portes afin de lever les étudiantes. Les filles rejoignent la salle commune où elles apprennent la nouvelle pour Amy et où J.J et Reid s’apprêtent à les interroger. Pendant ce temps Gideon, Morgan et Griffith rencontrent la doyenne du campus. J.J parle des funérailles et des parents d’Amy, quand l’une des étudiantes, Kathy se plaint ne comprenant pas comment une telle chose a pu se produire malgré le dispositif mis en place. Reid et J.J leur expliquent que cela prouve que le tueur est quelqu’un du campus, et ajoutent qu’il ne s’en prend qu’à des brunes ce qui inquiète l’amie de Kathy.

Gideon Morgan et Griffith parlent avec la doyenne de l’université qui veut fermer le campus, mais Morgan lui explique que si le tueur vit ou travaille sur le campus alors il s’en ira pour revenir au moment de la réouverture. Malgré tout les cours sont arrêtés.

Retour au cabanon où Gideon explique qu’il n’est plus capable de regarder quelqu’un sans voir Sarah.

A la morgue Prentiss examine le corps de la dernière victime, le légiste lui explique qu’un coup de couteau au cœur lui a été  fatal comme pour les autres victimes. De plus aucune d’entre elle ne s’est défendue.

Reid et JJ, rejoignent Kathy qui est avec son amie et qui s’excuse pour son comportement. Elles leur expliquent qu’elles étaient aussi à la bibliothèque la veille mais qu’elles n’y ont pas vu Amy. Elles sont aussi surprises qu’Amy ne se soit pas servie de sa bombe lacrymogène.

Alors qu’elle sort de la morgue Emily, reçoit un appel de Strauss qui "vient aux nouvelles" et qui lui rappelle qu’elle doit lui communiquer tous les éléments importants de l’enquête. Emily met rapidement fin à la conversation en disant qu’elle doit se remettre au travail.

Gideon, Morgan et le détective parle de l’évacuation et des caméras de surveillances récemment mises en place, la fermeture du campus ne leur laisse que 2 ou 3 jours pour trouver le tueur.

Une étudiante brune entre dans un bâtiment où un agent de sécurité lui tient la porte avant de la suivre du regard tandis qu’elle marche dans le couloir. Au cabanon Gideon évoque toutes les victimes qu’ils ont vues…

Après avoir parlé des meurtres, Gideon et Hotch demandent à Griffith de réunir ses hommes afin que l’équipe présente son profil. Ils sont à la recherche d’un homme qui se fond dans la masse, qu’ils ont probablement déjà vu. Le nombre de victimes dans un laps de temps aussi court montre qu’il est en pleine folie meurtrière, dont le déclencheur est un évènement récent. Pour l’équipe les victimes brunes sont l’incarnation d’une personne qu’il connaît, quant au remord dont il a fait preuve à l’encontre de ses victimes cela laisse penser qu’elles lui faisaient confiance, il se peut donc qu’il travaille sur le campus. Au moment où Emily explique que ses victimes ne se défendent pas et que par conséquent il a un moyen de les maîtriser une inspectrice lui demande s’il a pu utiliser une arme paralysante, comme celles des agents de sécurité.

Emily qui vient de vérifier une photo de l’autopsie confirme à Gideon qu’une arme paralysante a pu être utilisée, c’est alors que Griffith leur apporte la liste des agents de sécurité travaillant sur le campus. Gideon veut savoir lesquels d’entre eux se sont rendus sur les scènes de crime, pendant qu’Emily appelle Garcia afin qu’elle vérifie les casiers judiciaires.

Dans un appartement en très grand désordre, l’agent de sécurité vu un peu plus tôt boit en écoutant de la musique à fond, et en examinant plusieurs de ses armes. Puis il s’empare d’une photo où l’on voit une femme et une enfant qu’il déchire pour ne conserver que la partie avec la petite fille.

Garcia et Emily sont au téléphone. Garcia n’ayant trouvé aucun casier judiciaire, Emily lui demande de regarder si l’un d’entre eux a été viré ou quitté par sa femme, mais Garcia a besoin de plus d’informations. Elle lui demande alors de chercher quelqu’un qui a échoué aux examens d’entrée des forces de l’ordre. Un seul de ces hommes est dans cette situation, Nathan Tubbs, Griffith qui vient d’arriver les informe qu’il était aussi sur les scènes de crime. Garcia découvre qu’il est divorcé et que l’on vient de lui interdire son droit de visite parentale. Emily prévient Gideon qu’ils ont un suspect.

Une partie de l’équipe et la police vont faire une descente chez Tubbs, mais l’appartement est vide. Néanmoins des articles concernant les meurtres sont accrochés aux murs.

La nuit est tombée et une étudiante brune marche sur le campus, elle est alors abordée par Tubbs qui est dans sa voiture de fonction, il insiste pour la raccompagner et elle finit par accepter. Alors qu’ils sont dans la voiture Tubbs lui parle de sa situation vis-à-vis de sa fille, et mets de plus en plus mal à l’aise l’étudiante. Alors qu’il commence à s’emporter contre elle, la police arrive et l’arrête.

Gideon est en salle d’interrogatoire avec Tubbs, tandis que Hotch suit l’entretien derrière le miroir sans teint, avant de rejoindre Emily. Celle-ci lui montre ce qu’ils ont pour le moment, arme paralysante, couteau, photo déchirée, ordonnance du juge, articles de presse… Si tout correspond au profil, ce ne sont pour le moment que des preuves indirectes donc irrecevables. Retour en salle d’interrogatoire, quand Emily apporte les photos des victimes, le suspect ne peut s’empêcher de la fixer.

Après avoir parler du manque de preuves avec Morgan, Reid, JJ et Prentiss décident d’aller voir le vestiaire de Tubbs sur le campus, espérant trouver de nouveaux éléments.

Pendant ce temps Hotch, observe toujours Gideon mener l’interrogatoire, même si le suspect semble de plus en plus nerveux il finit par demander un avocat. Gideon sort donc rejoindre Hotch, les deux agents commencent à être inquiets. De leur côté Reid, JJ et Prentiss fouillent le casier de Tubbs mais n’y trouvent rien de probant.

Gideon et Griffith parlent avec l’avocat du tueur qui leur reproche de ne pas avoir de preuves contre son client quand Morgan vient les interrompre. Gideon et ce dernier se retrouvent devant la salle d’interrogatoire, et Morgan expose l’évaluation psychologique de Tubbs, il est question de tendances sociopathes. Griffith les rejoint et demande son avis à Gideon sur une éventuelle libération du suspect, Gideon voyant ce dernier dormir est convaincu de sa culpabilité. Ils décident donc de le garder pour 72 heures.

JJ, Reid et Emily déambulent sur le campus quand Kathy et son amie les abordent voulant savoir s’ils ont arrêté le tueur. JJ confirme qu’ils ont un suspect en garde à vue. La nouvelle fait vite le tour du campus et les étudiants improvisent une fête. L’amie de Kathy décide d’aller à la cafétéria afin d’étudier, mais alors qu’elle est en chemin elle se fait agresser et tuer. Retour au cabanon où Gideon explique qu’il n’aurait pas du travailler alors que sa vie personnelle le perturbait…

Le lendemain matin l’équipe arrive sur les lieux du crime, la façon dont a été tuée la victime permet à Gideon d’affirmer qu’ils ont à faire à un second tueur, et que ce crime est probablement son premier. Un policier en uniforme leur apporte un mot qu’ils ont reçu au commissariat "Il est innocent, je suis toujours dehors". Kathy arrive alors et sous le coup de la colère crache au visage de JJ.

Au commissariat Hotch doit gérer l’avocat de Tubbs qui veut voir son client libéré immédiatement. Pendant qu’il se charge de lui, Morgan expose ses doutes à Gideon sur la culpabilité de Tubbs, mais Gideon insiste sur le fait que le dernier meurtre a une signature différente. L’équipe sauf Hotch qui est toujours avec l’avocat cherche un moyen de garder Tubbs avant de parler du copieur. Le fait qu’il tente d’innocenter Tubbs semble indiquer qu’ils ont en fait à faire à une groupie.

Une étudiante blonde est dans sa chambre où elle se coupe les cheveux, et se scarifie avant d’étaler son sang sur un article parlant de la dernière victime.

Au commissariat Tubbs est finalement relâché, quant à Gideon il veut savoir si les caméras de surveillance sont toujours en fonctionnement.

Au dortoir des filles Kathy est abordée par la surveillante qui a besoin de son aide avec une autre étudiante, Anna, qui refuse de lui ouvrir. Il s’agit de la blonde qui est dorénavant brune. Elle ouvre à Kathy mais ne la laisse pas entrer, celle-ci aperçoit tout de même les articles de presse concernant les meurtres accrochés au mur. Quand elle explique à Anna que le campus sera fermé d’ici 48 heures, l’étudiante lui répond qu’ils n’auront plus à se soucier d’elle à ce moment là. Après le départ de Kathy, Anna emporte un couteau avec elle.

Tubbs est de retour sur le campus où tout le monde y comprit ses collègues l’évitent. JJ et Reid sont de nouveau au dortoir, où ils sont rejoints par Kathy qui les a contactés. Alors que Tubbs sort du vestiaire il est abordé par Anna qui veut savoir si elle lui plaît.

Pendant ce temps Kathy explique aux agents le comportement étrange d’Anna, son changement de couleur, et les articles qu’elle a aperçus. Elle ajoute que l’étudiante parle régulièrement de suicide, Reid appelle alors Gideon pour lui dire qu’il pense avoir trouvé la groupie.

Emily et Morgan qui observent Tubbs de loin expliquent par téléphone à Gideon que celui-ci vient d’être rejoint par une étudiante brune, Anna. Quand les suspects bougent, Gideon leur demandent de les suivre de loin pendant que Hotch les surveille et les écoute grâce aux caméras. Anna et Tubbs se rendent dans une cour à l’écart. L’étudiante lui parle des meurtres et lui montre le couteau qu’elle a emporté. Hotch comprend alors qu’Anna veut être la prochaine victime du tueur. Quand Anna parle du meurtre Gideon ordonne à Morgan et Emily de foncer, mais il est trop tard Tubbs ayant mal répondu à l’étudiante celle-ci le poignarde avant de se planter le couteau dans le ventre.

Pendant que les corps sont emportés on entend Gideon qui continue sa lettre, avouer ne plus savoir quoi faire maintenant qu’il n’a plus confiance en lui et en ses compétences.

Le lendemain matin à l’aéroport, l’équipe est prête à reprendre le jet direction Quantico. Morgan demande à Gideon s’il a relâché Tubbs sachant que sa groupie voudrait le voir, puis Gideon et Hotch parlent du dénouement de l’affaire.

Plus tard dans le bureau de Strauss, Hotch affronte sa supérieure qui lui reproche la façon dont s’est terminée l’enquête et qui décide de le suspendre deux semaines afin d’ouvrir une enquête. Elle ajoute que si cela ne dépendait que d’elle, elle ne lui rendrait pas sa plaque. De retour au cabanon, Gideon finit sa lettre, qu’il laisse sur la table avant de s’emparer de son arme…

Jason Gideon: I knew it would be you who came to the cabin to check on me. You must be frightened. I apologize for that. I never meant to cause you any pain. And I also never envisioned writing this letter. I've searched for a satisfactory explanation for what I'm doing. All I've come up with is.  A profiler needs to have solid footing. I--I don't think I do anymore. The world confuses me. The cruelty, the indifference, the tragedy. When my dear friend Sarah was murdered, it tore a hole in me and I truly believe the way I handled the pain was to get back to our work as quickly as possible. Get on to helping somebody else until I could handle Sarah's murder. Work through it. Remember the first case we had after? It was on a college campus.


Jim Griffith: Jim Griffith.

Jennifer Jareau: Hi. Jennifer Jareau. Thanks for meeting us here.

Jim Griffith: Thanks for taking us on so quickly.

Jennifer Jareau: Yeah. The faster we get here, the faster we can help stave off panic.

Jim Griffith: I hear that.

Spencer Reid: What can you tell us about the university?

Jim Griffith: It's small, tight-knit. Dorms are still single-sex. Draws from all over the county, but students are mostly the arty type.

Derek Morgan: Have you increased uniform presence on campus?

Jim Griffith: Yeah. Doubled it.

Emily Prentiss: Any other measures?

Jim Griffith: I got security shuttles running 24/7,and as of tonight, I've imposed a 10:00 curfew.

Aaron Hotchner: We need a corner of your precinct so we can set up shop.

Jim Griffith: You got it. You need to get to the hotel first?

Jason Gideon: No. Spree killings in a confined area are a race. He's racing to kill as many as he can. We're racing to stop him.


Amy Deckerman: Hey, wait! Damn.


Katie: Okay, so talk to everyone on the floor and we'll hang out in my room tonight.

Aliza: I'm gonna study for Russian lit.

Katie: There's a maniac trying to kill us all. Don't worry, they'll grade on a curve.

Aliza: It helps me feel normal… Okay, just be nice to her. Please.

Katie: She's making it worse.

Aliza: She's scared.

Katie: And using it as an excuse to get into everybody's business.

Aliza: Kate.

Katie: Okay, fine. You win.

Stephanie: Where have you been?

Aliza: Uh, the library.

Stephanie: Curfew's in 5 minutes.

Aliza: That's why we're here.

Stephanie: I don't want anyone drinking on the hall. If you do, I'll write you up.


Jason Gideon: You see, I met Sarah at college, on a campus just like that one, 31 years ago. Campuses are supposed to be places of life and excitement. They're supposed to be about the future, figuring out who you are and who you're gonna be. They're supposed to be about dreams, not nightmares. They're supposed to be about hope… I just apparently don't understand the world anymore.


Jason Gideon: All homicide scenes are tragic, but when the victim is someone young, their life ripped away before they've even had a chance to live.

Jim Griffith: I've got men at every exit point on campus.

Jennifer Jareau: She had her mace out, but she didn't use it? And it's well lit. He's not afraid of being seen.

Derek Morgan: How often do the shuttles run?

Jim Griffith: Every 10 minutes.

Jennifer Jareau: Were all the other victims posed like this, with their arms crossed?

Jim Griffith: Yeah. Why?

Derek Morgan: It's a classic sign of remorse. The unsub kills the victim, then immediately feels bad about it, so he poses them like this so they'll rest in peace.

Jim Griffith: You can tell that just by the arms?

Derek Morgan: That's why you called us here, to build a psychological profile of your killer.

Jason Gideon: How long will it take your men to clear the scene?

Jim Griffith: A few hours.

Jennifer Jareau: Lucky there's a curfew, otherwise there'd be a mob scene.

Jason Gideon: Have Hotch set up at the precinct. We'll run everything through him… By the time this campus wakes up, I want a handle on this.


Katie: What the hell?


Jim Griffith: Dean Suzanne Cole, special Agents Morgan and Gideon.

Suzanne Cole: Thank you for being here.

Jason Gideon: Wish we didn't have to be.


Jennifer Jareau: I spoke to Amy's parents. Funeral services will be held on Sunday in Chicago. They're arriving later today to bring her home. They asked me to let you know that they will be staying downtown at the mainline hotel. If any of you would like to visit or pay your respects, they'd like you to feel free to do so.

Katie: How did you all let this happen? What? Everybody is thinking it. You are the FBI, the campus is crawling with police, and she gets murdered waiting for the security shuttle.

Stephanie: That's not helpful, Katie.

Spencer Reid: Actually, it is. The fact that your friend was killed in such a well-lit area with a police presence indicates that the killer is most likely part of this campus. He's not an outsider. He's someone who wouldn't raise alarm with the police or potential victims.

Jennifer Jareau: You should also be aware that the 3 victims were brunette.

Aliza: What?

Jennifer Jareau: At this point, we do consider it an intentional pattern.


Suzanne Cole: So tell me, how am I supposed to keep these women safe?

Jim Griffith: I have security cameras being installed in virtually every corner of the campus, and that's coming out of the city's budget. It's not the school's.

Suzanne Cole: I want to shut down the school.

Derek Morgan: That's a viable choice.

Suzanne Cole: But?

Derek Morgan: If the killer is part of the campus, he may simply leave once the school shuts down. When classes restart, there's a good chance he'll kill again.

Suzanne Cole: What would you do in my place?

Jason Gideon: I can't say.

Suzanne Cole: Shut it down. I can't justify keeping these kids locked up in a pen while someone hunts them.


Jason Gideon: In this line of work, I was afraid I would lose the ability to trust. But I realized I can't really look at anyone without seeing their death. And as bad as losing faith in humanity seems, losing your faith in happy endings is much worse.


Emily Prentiss: Did the other victims have this much overkill?

Coroner: Death was caused by a single, very forceful stab wound to the heart.

Emily Prentiss: Yeah. He broke through the breastbone.

Coroner: And after that, he just lashed out at random.

Emily Prentiss: Well, no defensive wounds. She didn't even hold her hands up to fight him off.

Coroner: The first 2 victims were the same.

Emily Prentiss: Did you run toxicology screens?

Coroner: None of the others were drugged. Considering that she was standing waiting for a shuttle, my guess is she wasn't either.


Katie: I'm sorry about before.

Jennifer Jareau: I'm sorry about your friend.

Spencer Reid: Uh, your R.A. told us that you guys were at the library last night. Did you see Amy there?

Aliza: We didn't go with her, but we saw her there. I thought she left before us.

Katie: Her bag wasn't in her cubicle, or else we would have waited.

Jennifer Jareau: Did you notice anyone she might have been talking to earlier?

Spencer Reid: Was it like her to be walking alone, even in a dangerous situation like this?

Katie: She wasn't the victim type.

Spencer Reid: It's almost impossible to pinpoint who's the most vulnerable. That's why we're trying to teach you how to best protect yourselves.

Katie: I just mean that she was strong, and she was smart. I don't know why she didn't at least mace him. Are a lot of girls carrying mace?

Jennifer Jareau: Pepper spray, mace, switchblades.

Katie: If you can buy it online or find it at the army-navy store, we've all bought it.

Aliza: Are you sure about who he's killing? I mean, brunettes?

Jennifer Jareau: Pretty sure. Yeah.


Emily Prentiss: Prentiss.

Erin Strauss: Good morning, Emily. Agent Prentiss?

Emily Prentiss: I'm here.

Erin Strauss: I'm just checking in.

Emily Prentiss: Checking in?

Erin Strauss: On your case. The college girls.

Emily Prentiss: Uh, we don't know that much yet, ma'am.

Erin Strauss: But you will let me know if there's anything to report, won't you?

Emily Prentiss: I really have to get back to work.

Erin Strauss: Of course. You know where you can reach me.


Jason Gideon: Realistically, it'll take 2 or 3 days to empty campus. I'm afraid that'll be our window for catching this guy.

Jim Griffith: What do you need from me?

Derek Morgan: You said you're installing security cameras?

Jim Griffith: Yeah, this afternoon.

Derek Morgan: Can they be functional by nightfall?

Jim Griffith: I'll make sure.

Jason Gideon: We'll need as many men as you can on duty. If the unsub's part of campus life, he's gonna know it's about to shut down. Next few days, that's his last chance to hunt.

Derek Morgan: Uniform presence helps, but it'd also be good to have some of your younger officers go in plainclothes, try to blend in.

Jim Griffith: I can ask my men to work double shifts till we're evacuated. I'll call campus security and have them do the same.

Jason Gideon: Good.


Nathan Tubbs: Good morning.


Jason Gideon: How many victims have we seen? How many crime scenes? Hundreds? A thousand? Pictures, families, victims, both alive and dead. I was always able to stay objective, to stay at arm's length. Now all I see is Sarah in them.


Aaron Hotchner: Have many days will it take to evacuate the students?

Jason Gideon: 2, 3 days, tops.

Aaron Hotchner: You think it's premature?

Jason Gideon: Do we have a choice?

Aaron Hotchner: Detective, can you gather your men? We'd like to present a rough profile.

Jim Griffith: Got it All right, grab a seat. Let's go. Anywhere.

Jason Gideon: We know everyone's tired, working overtime. We want to tell you how much we appreciate it.

Aaron Hotchner: We'd like to give you a rough profile of the man we're all looking for. This is someone with access. He's managed to move in a small community with a high police presence without raising suspicion.

Emily Prentiss: Which means there's a good chance that this is someone you've seen.

Derek Morgan: This unsub has killed 3 women in 4 days. That's what we call a spree killer. Now, most likely, something has happened in the past few days to set him off.

Jason Gideon: Because he kills white, brunette women, that stressor probably has to do with a woman in his life who fits the same description-- wife, mother, girlfriend women he's killing, they're most likely a substitute.

Emily Prentiss: What we need you to do is look at people who are part of the campus fabric. See if anyone fits the bill-- students, professors, support staff.

Jim Griffith: I'm sorry, but how are my men supposed to know about somebody's home life?

Aaron Hotchner: Well, the people around him have seen him devolving. If you suspect someone on campus, talk to anyone who knows him, find out if he's recently found religion, been drinking, even if he's been harming himself. He may feel emasculated.

Derek Morgan: Considering the stressor and the victimology, there's a good chance that rejection is a recurring theme in his life.

Jason Gideon: This unsub displays a great amount of anger, stabs his victims repeatedly, even after they're dead. Seconds later, he feels remorse. It's possible that his guilt is because his victims were in a position to trust him.

Female Cop: How's that?

Derek Morgan: As we said, we think he's a part of campus life. The victims, they feel safe around him. He's able to get close.

Emily Prentiss: He's also able to kill these women without them fighting back. Not one of them has defensive wounds on their hands.

Female Cop: Like if they'd been tasered first.

Aaron Hotchner: That's possible. Why?

Jim Griffith: Security guards on campus aren't allowed guns. They carry tasers.

Jason Gideon: Can you get me an employment list campus security?


Jason Gideon: What is it?

Emily Prentiss: These markings could have easily come from a taser.

Jim Griffith: Employment list, campus security. How we gonna narrow this down?

Jason Gideon: This unsub chose a closed community on purpose. He'd want to inject himself into the investigation. Can you check the records, find out if any of these security guards responded to every crime scene?

Jim Griffith: You got it.

Jason Gideon: In the meantime, call Garcia. Have her check the list against criminal records.


Penelope Garcia: Talk to me, girlfriend.

Emily Prentiss: I need to give you a list of security guards.


Penelope Garcia: I got nothing.

Emily Prentiss: Nothing?

Penelope Garcia: Nada. Security guards are all clean, squeaky. No criminal records.

Emily Prentiss: What about a recent rejection? Something set him off. Any of these guys get fired recently, or did their wife leave?

Penelope Garcia: I'm sorry, them. That’s it far too general, even for my powers of snooping.

Emily Prentiss: Okay. Okay… You're a security guard.

Penelope Garcia: I'm not sure I like where this is going.

Emily Prentiss: You probably had higher ambitions.

Penelope Garcia: Easy.

Emily Prentiss: Could you cross-check these guys against police and military records? See if any of them got kicked out or rejected.

Penelope Garcia: I got one, but it's not recent.

Emily Prentiss: Give it to me anyway.

Penelope Garcia: Nathan Tubbs, rejected from the police academy, 2003. Failed his psych eval.

Jim Griffith: I got a list of responders. Only 4 guards were at every scene.

Emily Prentiss: Nathan Tubbs. Garcia, what else can you give me on Tubbs?

Penelope Garcia: I got a court appearance 6 days ago. Looks like the judge gave his wife full custody of their daughter. No visitation rights.

Emily Prentiss: How much you want to bet his ex-wife is a brunette? You are the best.


Emily Prentiss: Word. We've got a possible.


Jim Griffith: Clear!

Emily Prentiss: Bathroom's clear!

Derek Morgan: Gideon.

Emily Prentiss: I've got his work schedule here. He's not on duty.

Jason Gideon: Where is he?


Nathan Tubbs: You shouldn't be walking alone.

Helen: My car's just 2 blocks ahead in the parking lot.

Nathan Tubbs: Well, I'll drive you.

Helen: It's okay.

Nathan Tubbs: No, it's not. It's my job to keep you safe… Hop in.

Helen: Okay.

Nathan Tubbs: No, no, no. Front.


Nathan Tubbs: You like music? Not sure what you're all into.

Helen: This is good.

Nathan Tubbs: I have a daughter, but she's younger than you.

Helen: She's pretty.

Nathan Tubbs: Judge says I can't see her.

Helen: I'm sorry.

Nathan Tubbs: You wouldn't do that, would you?

Helen: What?

Nathan Tubbs: Make a baby with somebody and then take her away.

Helen: No. No.

Nathan Tubbs: You swear?

Helen: What?

Nathan Tubbs: Swear to me.

Helen: I swear.

Nathan Tubbs: You're not a liar, are you?

Helen: No.

Nathan Tubbs: My ex-wife is a liar.

Helen: Um, this is my parking lot.

Nathan Tubbs: I'll drive you to your car.

Helen: It's okay.

Nathan Tubbs: No, the entrance is right around the block.

Helen: Please.

Nathan Tubbs: Don't argue with me!


Derek Morgan: Nathan Tubbs! Hands where I can see them! Hands where I can see them! Get out of the car.

Nathan Tubbs: What's going on?

Derek Morgan: Get out of the car.

Nathan Tubbs: What is this about?

Derek Morgan: Get out of the car.

Nathan Tubbs: I didn't get down!

Derek Morgan: Get down! Get down!

Emily Prentiss: You ok? Did he hurt you?

Helen: No.

Emily Prentiss: Okay. It's okay. Okay. It's okay.

Derek Morgan: Don't move. Don't move.

Nathan Tubbs: I was protecting her.

Jim Griffith: What's this? This is over.


Jason Gideon: Nathan Tubbs he was easy. There was a time in my career when I would have asked the question I should have asked. The worst trap for a profiler to fall into is pride, forgetting that for all your skills, profiling is just: a tool.


Nathan Tubbs: Am I under arrest?

Jason Gideon: I just want to visit for a while.

Nathan Tubbs: I didn't murder anyone.

Jason Gideon: You weren't supposed to be working tonight.

Nathan Tubbs: They asked us to pick up extra shifts. There's a killer out there.

Jason Gideon: Oh, I know. You were at every crime scene.

Nathan Tubbs: It's my job.

Jason Gideon: You seem to be doing it better than any of your coworkers.

Nathan Tubbs: People should be thanking me.

Jason Gideon: Thank you.

Nathan Tubbs: You think just because I'm a security guard, I don't understand sarcasm?

Jason Gideon: Are you angry?

Nathan Tubbs: I--I know how interrogation works.

Jason Gideon: Do you lose your temper easily?

Nathan Tubbs: Is this fun for you?

Jason Gideon: No.


Emily Prentiss: How's it going out there?

Aaron Hotchner: Gideon's winding him up.

Emily Prentiss: Smart.

Aaron Hotchner: The one who exhibits that much overkill is bound to explode. How goes it in here?

Emily Prentiss: Means of subduing the victim, potential weapon, source of displaced rage, stressor, evidence of a self-destructive spiral, and trophies of his kills. Everything that points to the profile, yet nothing we could hold him on.


Jason Gideon: That looks like it hurts.

Nathan Tubbs: I've been under a lot of stress.

Jason Gideon: The murders? Your job?

Nathan Tubbs: A lot of things.

Jason Gideon: You keep clips of the murders on your wall.

Nathan Tubbs: I’m working on the case.

Jason Gideon: You had a knife on you.

Nathan Tubbs: We're not allowed guns.

Jason Gideon: Are you allowed knives? She's pretty, isn't she? The girl you picked up tonight was a brunette.

Nathan Tubbs: Oh, was she?

Jason Gideon: Telling me you didn't notice? Do you like brunettes?

Nathan Tubbs: Used to.

Jason Gideon: Not anymore.

Nathan Tubbs: Not so much.


Derek Morgan: You know, I wouldn't mind some actual physical evidence.

Jennifer Jareau: Do we have anything?

Derek Morgan: The knife Tubbs had on him is inconclusive. The taser didn't have any prints on it, which I guarantee means we're not gonna get a DNA match either.

Spencer Reid: I'll stop by the security offices. If Tubbs kept any trophies linking himself to the crimes, he might have kept them in his locker.

Emily Prentiss: I'll go with you.

Derek Morgan: No, let Reid do it. Go to the hotel. Check in. They're not gonna hold our rooms forever. We'll go in shifts.

Emily Prentiss: I'll sleep when he confesses.

Jennifer Jareau: We all will.


Nathan Tubbs: Why don't you charge me?

Jason Gideon: Are you guilty?

Nathan Tubbs: Well, you seem to have already made up your mind that I am.

Jason Gideon: I told you you and I are just visiting.

Nathan Tubbs: Right.

Jason Gideon: Do you really want to know what I think? I think you chew your cuticles to punish yourself over what your hands have been doing. I think you hate your ex-wife. I think you want to kill her. But you can't because she's the mother of your daughter, so you find girls who remind you of her and you kill them instead. You stab them over and over, because they deserve it… If not now, they will sooner or later. You're just saving someone else the nightmare later on. And then you remember your daughter, how you're actually supposed to be looking after these girls. So you feel bad, and you cross their arms over their chests, try to give them back some of their dignity.

Nathan Tubbs: My job is protecting these girls.

Jason Gideon: Like you can't protect your daughter.

Nathan Tubbs: I am a good father.

Jason Gideon: Why won't the judge let you see her?

Nathan Tubbs: I'm not gonna talk about that.

Jason Gideon: Why did you fail your police psychological evaluation?

Nathan Tubbs: I want a lawyer.


Spencer Reid: Bag these, get them to a lab.


Paul Davies: Jim, do you mind giving me a reason you're holding my client?

Jim Griffith: We were looking for someone who was part of the campus, who had motive and opportunity and injected himself into the investigation.

Paul Davies: So you had a hunch.

Jason Gideon: We have a comprehensive psychological profile. Your client fits exactly.

Paul Davies: You did tell him we deal in facts here, right?

Jim Griffith: Don't be a jackass, Paul. I invited him here.

Paul Davies: My client was working during each of the murders.

Jim Griffith: He was present at every scene.

Paul Davies: Because it's his job. There's not one witness placing him anywhere near one of the murders. There's not a shred of physical evidence.

Jason Gideon: Your client was apprehended with a young woman. She fits the description of each of the victims.

Paul Davies: Could you imagine the uproar on this campus if a brunette woman was killed and people found out a security guard let her walk to her car alone?

Jason Gideon: Excuse me.


Jason Gideon: Did you get Tubbs' psych eval?

Derek Morgan: Yep. Police shrink diagnosed him borderline with antisocial and sociopathic tendencies.

Jim Griffith: He's gonna be all over me. I need to make a decision.

Derek Morgan: You can hold him for 72 hours without charging him… What do you think, Gideon?

Jason Gideon: I think only a guilty man can lay his head down and sleep when he's facing 3 murder charges. It's physically exhausting-- the killing, the secrets, evading the police… It's almost a relief when you don't have to hide anymore.

Paul Davies: Tell me you're doing the right thing.

Jim Griffith: We're holding him for 72 hours.


Jennifer Jareau: Everyone is so much younger than I remember being.

Emily Prentiss: It's a weird age. You want to be treated like an adult, but you're still used to someone else solving your problems for you.

Jennifer Jareau: All I remember is trying to figure out who I was.

Emily Prentiss: You move around enough, you get used to being whoever people want you to be.

Spencer Reid: Hey, J.J.

Aliza: Hey, there's a rumour going around that you caught the guy. Is it… Is it true?

Jennifer Jareau: We have someone in custody.

Aliza: Thank you.


Jason Gideon: It was like you could physically feel the mood change on the campus. Kids-- they're so resilient. They trust and believe in a way I remember but can't reach anymore. Like a very old picture.

Katie: If she was a cartoon character, she'd have steam blowing out of her ears.

Aliza: She is a cartoon character.

Jason Gideon: You remember the circumstances with the feelings, the emotions, they're just out of your grasp.

Aliza: All right. See ya.

Katie: No. No.

Aliza: Well, I can't study here.

Katie: That's the point.

Aliza: Okay. I'm going to the cafe. It's open late.

Katie: Technically you still have a curfew.

Aliza: Yeah, well, technically I don't care.

Katie: Go crazy, girl.

Jason Gideon: They believed in us. Believed in me. The way Sarah believed in me… And, as with Sarah, I feel that I led them right to the slaughter.


Jason Gideon: Was I even doing there? How many times have I told you that a profiler cannot do the job if the mind is unfocused? If anything is going on in your personal life that would cloud your judgment. My mind has never been more unfocused than it was on that campus.


Derek Morgan: Griffith, we gotta get this barrier pushed back. We're getting pressed.

Jim Griffith: Joe, give me 10 more feet on the tape, huh?

Suzanne Cole: I thought you had someone in custody.

Jim Griffith: We do.

Jennifer Jareau: Ma'am, can you help me with the students?

Suzanne Cole: How?

Jennifer Jareau: Tell them we understand that they're upset, but we need room to do our job.

Suzanne Cole: Yeah.

Jim Griffith: I guess we can release Tubbs after all.

Jason Gideon: Well, I think that'd be a mistake.

Jim Griffith: What are you talking about?

Jason Gideon: I don't think it was the same killer.

Jim Griffith: You gotta be kidding me.

Emily Prentiss: She has blunt-force trauma to the head. She was knocked out, not tasered.

Jim Griffith: She's a brunette, stabbed to death on this campus.

Spencer Reid: These stab wounds are shallow. They're hesitation marks. Whoever killed her either wasn't sure they wanted to be killing, or they never tried it before.

Jim Griffith: There are no defensive wounds, just like every other victim.

Emily Prentiss: That's not surprising, considering the head wound.

Cop: Excuse me. Sir, uh, this was dropped at the precinct. There were no prints on it.

Jim Griffith: "He's innocent. I'm still out here." Now do you believe we have the wrong guy?

Spencer Reid: The first unsub showed remorse. He wouldn't brag about or flaunt his latest kill.

Jim Griffith: I don't believe this.

Jason Gideon: This victim wasn't posed. The papers never included details abt outhe bodies. If this was a copycat, he could only do it the way he assumed the first killer did.

Jim Griffith: Look, I asked you guys here because I needed your help. You're the experts, but right now, it sounds to me like you're trying to cover your own asses.

Derek Morgan: Hey, look around. This is not the place for this conversation.


Jennifer Jareau: I am so sorry.

Katie: You said you caught him.

Jennifer Jareau: I--I said we had someone in custody.

Katie: Aliza’s dead and you're arguing over wording?

Jennifer Jareau: No. I--I'm so sorry.

Spencer Reid: You need to keep people out of here, man.

Jennifer Jareau: What? I'm fine. It's nothing.


Aaron Hotchner: Just wait here for a second. Tubbs' lawyer's been here for the last hour demanding we release him. What's happened out there?

Jason Gideon: I think we got a copycat.

Paul Davies: Do you want to tell me why the hell my client hasn't been released?

Jim Griffith: Cut me some slack here, Paul.

Paul Davies: You've got another murder and a note from the real killer.

Jim Griffith: We're discussing that.

Paul Davies: I'm not saying he's not a creep. I'm just saying he didn't do this.

Jim Griffith: Just take a seat, please. Okay? Come on. Give us a second.

Jason Gideon: Everybody still in the conference room?

Derek Morgan: Yeah.

Jason Gideon: How long can you hold that lawyer off?

Aaron Hotchner: You kidding? I was a prosecutor. I can hold him off for days.

Jason Gideon: So you think we're making a mistake, huh?

Derek Morgan: I know we're tired. There's a lot of pressure. We all want to believe that profile is right.

Jason Gideon: I believe it is.

Derek Morgan: What if we're wrong, Gideon? Tubbs enticed that girl to get in his car. There's nothing to suggest that the unsub has ever done that before.

Jason Gideon: There's also nothing to suggest he hasn't.

Derek Morgan: I know how bad cops want to believe they got the right guy. I've been on both sides of that.

Jason Gideon: This last kill had a different signature.

Derek Morgan: I know. I also know that Richard Jewell fit the profile of the Olympic bomber to a "t," and he was innocent, but the accusations tore apart his life.


Jennifer Jareau: I can't believe we're actually thinking about letting Tubbs go.

Derek Morgan: J.J., we got no evidence. Tubbs' lawyer's not gonna let him talk, so we're not about to get a confession out of him.

Jennifer Jareau: Yeah, but we can still hold him for another 48 more hours.

Derek Morgan: You can't hold a suspect indefinitely with no evidence.

Jennifer Jareau: Not indefinitely, 48 hours. It's enough time to clear the campus.

Jason Gideon: Can we please forget about Tubbs for a minute? Let's just say we have a copycat. What are we talking about?

Spencer Reid: The most common examples are ones that people don't always think of of being copycats-- uh, kids who commit school shootings, also teen suicides. They tend to come in clusters.

Emily Prentiss: Both models, we're talking about an age range that's consistent with the campus.

Jason Gideon: School shootings fit the classic copycat model. They want their own piece of the glory, they're competing.

Derek Morgan: Okay, but that doesn't jibe with whoever wrote this note. "He's innocent." It's about freeing Tubbs, not trying to steal any credit.

Jennifer Jareau: So could Tubbs have a partner?

Derek Morgan: Yeah, sure. That's possible, but I think it's highly unlikely. I mean, come on, look at Tubbs. He's a loner. He's antisocial. He's not the partner type.

Spencer Reid: Could be more like a groupie. After Kenneth Bianchi was arrested, he actually convinced a woman he hardly knew to attempt a murder so the police would think the hillside strangler was still at large.

Emily Prentiss: But Tubbs subdues his victims first. He's not powerful. Not to mention the stabbing most likely means he's impotent.

Jason Gideon: Groupie doesn't have to know that. All they have to believe is that Tubbs answers some need inside them. And whoever wrote this definitely needs something from Nathan Tubbs. "I'm still out here."


Jennifer Jareau: I can't believe he's walking out of here.

Derek Morgan: It's the right thing to do.

Jennifer Jareau: Remind me of that the next time i have to tell someone their friend or daughter's been murdered.

Jim Griffith: You still think he's guilty, don't you?

Jason Gideon: Your security cams up and running?

Jim Griffith: Yeah.

Jason Gideon: Good. We're gonna need them.


Stephanie: I know you can't stand me.

Katie: No offense. I'm just not up for this right now, okay?

Stephanie: I need your help. I went to tell Anna Begley that the dorm is officially closing tomorrow at curfew. She wouldn't even open her door. She told me she won't leave campus.


Anna Begley: What do you want?

Katie: You dyed your hair dark.

Anna Begley: So? What do you want?

Katie: Stephanie is flipping out about closing the dorm. She wants me to make sure that you understand that we can't stay here past tomorrow night.

Anna Begley: Tell her after tomorrow, I won't be anybody's problem.

Katie: Freak.


Jason Gideon: Was my judgment clouded by a need to make someone pay for Sarah's death?


Nathan Tubbs: Somebody take my clothes?


Katie: I didn't know who else to call.

Jennifer Jareau: What is it?


Anna Begley: I want to talk to you.

Nathan Tubbs: Um, I'm sorry. I don't work here anymore.

Anna Begley: Do you like it?

Nathan Tubbs: Um, do… Do I know you?

Anna Begley: Do you want to?


Katie: Every girl I know is either bleaching her hair or buying a wig, and she goes and dyes her hair dark?

Jennifer Jareau: I agree it's weird, but... I don't think it's anything to be overly alarmed about. Is there something else?

Katie: I think I saw stories about the murders taped to her wall, and there was, like, blood or something all over them.

Spencer Reid: What can you tell us about Anna's usual mental state?

Katie: I don't know. No one really knows her very well. She doesn't play well with others, you know.

Jennifer Jareau: Anything?

Katie: I know she cuts herself. She covers it up, but people know.

Spencer Reid: Has she ever been violent towards others?

Katie: I don't think so.

Spencer Reid: Does she ever talk about suicide?

Jennifer Jareau: Talk to us.

Katie: She talks about it all the time but everyone makes fun of her, like she thinks she's some Goth chick Sylvia Plath.

Spencer Reid: Hey, Gideon, it's Reid. Are Morgan and Prentiss still following Tubbs? I think I know who we're looking for.

Jennifer Jareau: It's good that you called us.

Katie: It's not just the others who make fun of her. It's me, too.


Derek Morgan: Gideon, we got a brunette that just approached Tubbs outside the security offices.

Jason Gideon: Good. Hotch is having them uplink the security monitor.

Aaron Hotchner: Got it.

Derek Morgan: Okay, they're on the move. What do you want us to do?

Jason Gideon: Stick with them. Keep your distance. We have video. Hotch and I will be your eyes and ears.

Derek Morgan: Got it. Let's go.


Anna Begley: I picked this spot because no one walks back here. We'll be all alone.

Nathan Tubbs: I think you have me confused with someone else.

Anna Begley: No. You're the one I need.


Derek Morgan: Yeah, they just walked into a courtyard. We can't get an eye line without them seeing us. Got an image?

Aaron Hotchner: Got them. Uh, the security camera microphone is unidirectional. The audio pickups are only good for so far. We've got it as loud as it can go without distorting.

Jason Gideon: All we got to go on right now is a profile. I need you to get as close as you can until he makes a move on her or either one of them admits to murder.

Derek Morgan: Okay. Just give us the go… Let's get close.


Nathan Tubbs: Maybe we should go somewhere else.

Anna Begley: The other girls were all on campus.

Nathan Tubbs: What other girls?

Anna Begley: I know what you did.

Nathan Tubbs: We could go to my apartment.

Anna Begley: You killed those girls.

Nathan Tubbs: You're wrong. Police let me go.

Anna Begley: Only because someone else committed another murder.


Aaron Hotchner: We can't move.

Jason Gideon: No, he hasn't done anything.

Derek Morgan: Hey, guys, talk to me. What's going on?

Aaron Hotchner: She's offering him a knife.

Derek Morgan: Did he take it?

Aaron Hotchner: No.

Derek Morgan: She wants to be a victim.


Nathan Tubbs: This is a trick.

Anna Begley: It's not… I want you to do it… I'm ready.

Nathan Tubbs: I told them I'm not stupid.

Anna Begley: Please. I can't do it myself.

Nathan Tubbs: You're crazy.

Anna Begley: I killed someone for you. I even liked her.


Jason Gideon: Go, go, go.


Nathan Tubbs: Listen, you stupid bitch, I'm not gonna say or do anything to you.


Aaron Hotchner: Where are they?

Derek Morgan: FBI!

Emily Prentiss: FBI!

Derek Morgan: Put down the knife!

Emily Prentiss: Put the knife down!

Derek Morgan: Listen to her.

Emily Prentiss: Drop the knife!

Anna Begley: Are you gonna shoot me?

Derek Morgan: Just put the knife down.

Emily Prentiss: Nobody's gonna shoot you.

Derek Morgan: No! No!

Emily Prentiss: No!

Derek Morgan: Call an ambulance!

Emily Prentiss: Stay with me.


Jason Gideon: Two more dead. Was it a price that needed to be paid? Is death ever worth it? Was the world always this grey? Is it only in the movies that it's black and white? Is that just an illusion? I used to know… I used to understand my place, my direction, where I was headed… Profiling requires belief. Belief in the profile. Belief in yourself. After Sarah, I no longer trust myself at home… But after Tubbs, I no longer trust myself in the field. And without that, I have nothing.


Jim Griffith: I didn't even know you could take off this early.

Jennifer Jareau: Ah, we wanted to leave at first light.

Jim Griffith: I get it. So I guess. thank you.

Jennifer Jareau: Thank you.

Jim Griffith: Bye.

Derek Morgan: Gideon. You knew how this was gonna end, didn't you?

Jason Gideon: I never thought anyone would die.

Derek Morgan: No, of course not. I know that. I mean the copycat. You knew the two of them would find each other. That's why you let Tubbs go, isn't it?

Jason Gideon: Look, I trusted the profile. At best, it's always just an educated guess.

Aaron Hotchner: It was the best chance of catching them.

Jason Gideon: I know.

Aaron Hotchner: Anna Begley was ill. Her suicide may have been inevitable.

Jason Gideon: And Tubbs?

Aaron Hotchner: He killed 3 women.

Jason Gideon: Right… What if we were wrong?


Erin Strauss: I've been on the phone with the Flagstaff, Arizona, Police all morning. Did you actually allow a disturbed College student to meet with a man you believed to be a serial killer?

Aaron Hotchner: We didn't know who, but we knew a meeting would take place.

Erin Strauss: We?

Aaron Hotchner: I, ma'am. It was my decision.

Erin Strauss: And now that student is dead.

Aaron Hotchner: She committed suicide, yes… After killing the unsub.

Erin Strauss: How could you let this happen?

Aaron Hotchner: It was not the outcome we had hoped for.

Erin Strauss: It wasn't the outcome you had hoped for? That's your answer to me?

Aaron Hotchner: Yes, ma'am.

Erin Strauss: Give me your badge.

Aaron Hotchner: Ma'am?

Erin Strauss: You're suspended for 2 weeks without pay, pending an investigation of your conduct. And, Agent Hotchner. If it were solely up to me, you would never get these credentials back.

Aaron Hotchner: Always a pleasure.


Jason Gideon: And that was the last domino. The death of that girl. Hotch being suspended over something that was my fault. I said at the beginning of this letter that I knew it would be you to come up here… I'm sorry the explanation couldn't be better. And I am so sorry that it doesn't make more sense but I've already told you I just don't understand any of it anymore…I'm sorry.

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

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Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

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5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Avant-hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Hier à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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