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Esprits Criminels
#302 : L'appât

Résumé : Gideon a disparu et Hotch et Prentiss ne sont pas avec l'équipe. Le Bureau doit enquêter sur l'une de ses affaires les plus difficiles. Les agents restants se lancent à la poursuite d'un serial killer de Milwaukee qui enlève des femmes dans des lieux publics en utilisant leur fils comme appât. Cependant, le manque d'enquêteurs ne permet pas d'avancer assez vite.


4.27 - 11 votes

Titre VO
In Birth and Death

Titre VF

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Première diffusion en France


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 03.10.2007 à 21:00
14.56m / 5.1% (18-49)

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Plus d'informations | N°047

Réalisateur de l'épisode : Edward Allen Bernero
→ Scénariste de l'épisodeChris Mundy

→ Les acteurs principaux présents dans l'épisode :
- Thomas Gibson ... Aaron Hotchner
- Mandy Patinkin ... Jason Gideon
- Matthew Gray Gubler ... Spencer Reid
- Paget Brewster ... Emily Prentiss
- Shemar Moore ... Derek Morgan
- A.J. Cook ... Jennifer Jareau
- Kirsten Vangsness ... Penelope Garcia

→ Les autres acteurs présents dans l'épisode :
- Gordon Clapp ... Vic Wolynski
- Meredith Monroe ... Haley Hotchner
- Yvonne Jung ... Claire
- Chandler Canterbury ... David Smith
- Jayne Atkinson ... Erin Strauss
- Eddie Cibrian ... Joe Smith
- Stefan Marks ... Bill Thompson
- Grace Renn ... Lisa Phillips
- Mary Ostrow ... Pam
- Lori Skope ... Ms Bennett
- Lucia Sullivan ... Vicki
- Cade Owens ... Jack Hotchner
- Jacquie Barnbrook ... Rose

Un homme et une femme semblent partager un moment intime, mais très vite on s’aperçoit que la femme est prisonnière de l’homme.  Au petit matin JJ trouve Reid en train de dormir dans son bureau, il lui explique qu’il attendait Gideon pour faire une partie d’échec, mais celui-ci n’est pas venu. Devant briefer l’équipe dans peu de temps JJ lui demande de la laisser et l’informe que Hotchner ne devrait plus tarder à arriver.

Mais malgré la fin de sa suspension, Hotch est chez lui en train de prendre le petit déjeuner avec sa  femme et son fils. Hayley pense que cette suspension est une bénédiction mais Hotch ne semble pourtant pas de cet avis. 

Morgan arrive en salle de briefing et est surpris de n’y trouver que JJ et Reid. JJ décide de ne pas attendre le reste de l’équipe, et briefe ses deux collègues. 4 meurtres ont eu lieu à Milwaukee, les victimes sont des femmes qui ont la trentaine et qui n’ont visiblement pas de points communs si ce n’est qu’elles ont toutes été enlevées dans des lieux publiques. Quand Reid lui demande ce qui leur permet de savoir qu’il s’agit du même meurtrier, JJ explique que tous les corps ont été retrouvés dans la même zone et que surtout elles ont toutes eu le cœur arraché… On voit alors l’homme vu plus tôt qui s’apprête à faire subir le même sort à son otage.

Hotch est dans l’ascenseur pour rejoindre le bureau. Quand il en sort il tombe sur Morgan qui lui parle de l’affaire, mais Hotch lui explique qu’il a demandé à être transférer, ce qui ne plaît pas du tout à Morgan.

Hotch discute avec Strauss de son transfert, l’agent pensait pouvoir choisir lui-même sa nouvelle affectation mais Strauss veut l’envoyer à la financière. C’est alors qu’Emily arrive pour les informer de sa démission, Hotch pense que c’est une erreur mais elle lui explique qu’il ne lui fera pas changer d’avis. Avant de partir elle ajoute que l’équipe à besoin de Hotch. Quand à Strauss elle décide de diriger cette affaire, malgré le fait que Hotchner lui fasse remarquer qu’elle n’a pas d’expérience du terrain et que l’équipe a besoin de stabilité.

Dans le jet, Strauss est à l’écart, pendant que les 3 agents parlent d’elle et du départ de leurs collègues. Strauss vient les rejoindre et demande à être briefer, l’équipe pense que le tueur est en pleine rupture psychotique, et qu’il s’agit de quelqu’un qui n’a pas peur du sang. De plus cet homme déteste les femmes. 

Hotch est en train de vider son bureau, quand Garcia arrive pour lui donner le dossier de l’enquête sur la demande de JJ. Elle lui apprend qu’un nouveau corps a été trouvé le matin même et que l’équipe se rend sur les lieux du crime. 

L’équipe rejoint donc l’inspecteur chargé de l’affaire, il leur explique que le corps a probablement été déposé là entre 7h55 et 8h05, comme pour les autres victimes. Il ajoute que toutes les femmes ont été enlevées dans l’après midi, dans une petite ville près d’ici, et que les corps ont tous été retrouvés deux jours plus tard. JJ est surprise que malgré le passage personne n’ait rien vu, l’inspecteur explique que les corps sont enveloppés. Reid pense que le tueur cherche à humilier ses victimes en les abandonnant au milieu des ordures. Strauss reproche alors au policier de ne pas les avoir appelés plus tôt. JJ la prend à part pour lui dire qu’il est préférable de ne pas critiquer les policiers avec qui ils travaillent en collaboration. Pour toute réponse Strauss lui rappelle qu’elle est son supérieur et qu’elle ne devrait pas l’oublier. 

Hotch est de retour chez lui où il observe les photos des victimes,  Hayley arrive alors et lui reproche son comportement, c’est alors que le téléphone sonne, Hotch décroche mais personne ne répond. A peine a-t-il raccroché que le portable d’Hayley sonne à son tour. Elle ne répond pas mais Hotch a compris. Quand elle lui demande ce que Strauss lui a dit, il explique qu’on lui propose un job en colle blanc où il n’aura pas à voyager. Hayley lui dit d’accepter et retourne à l’étage. Hotch appelle Morgan qui est toujours sur la scène de crime. Hotch lui explique que toute les victimes ont été enlevées dans le quart d’heure qui suit les sortie scolaires et abandonnées juste avant le début des cours, l’équipe doit donc chercher quelqu’un qui a un lien avec les écoles. 

Dans un magasin de vêtements pour enfant une femme blonde est abordée par un petit garçon qui lui dit ne pas savoir où est son père, elle lui propose de l’aider. Il l’amène dans l’arrière boutique où son père lui a dit de le retrouver s’il ne le voyait plus, puisqu’il y a moins de monde à cet endroit. Effectivement son père est là et il s’agit du tueur. L’enfant s’excuse alors de lui avoir menti, l’homme la menaçant d’une lame lui ordonne de demander si elle peut les accompagner ou il tue le petit. 

Au commissariat, l’équipe est mise au courant de la nouvelle disparition. Le policier qui les informe, explique avoir envoyé les images des caméras de surveillance à Garcia. Celle-ci leur montre ce qu’elle a trouvé, il voit alors l’enfant demander de l’aide à la victime et Morgan se souvenant de ce que Hotch lui a dit comprend que le gamin est un appât. 

L’équipe donne un premier profil aux policiers. Le tueur conduit un véhicule qui se fond dans le décor, comme un véhicule utilitaire, il habite dans la zone des meurtres, il souffre probablement d’une psychopathologie qui se manifeste par des excès de colère et surtout il travaille de ses mains et n’a pas peur de se salir. 

Chez le tueur, celui-ci sort de sa douche et rejoint son otage qui est attachée, il l’informe qu’il va la détacher et qu’ils vont monter rejoindre le petit avec qui elle va devoir se montrer très gentille. 

Hotch donne le déjeuner à son fils, quand Morgan l’appelle pour lui demander de venir l’aidé, Hotch lui répond qu’il est en plein transfert mais Morgan qui a vérifié lui dit qu’il ne l’est pas et qu’il fait donc toujours partie de l’équipe. Hotch promet d’y réfléchir après avoir appris que le tueur utilise son fils comme appât. 

Chez le tueur, ce dernier et son otage rejoignent le petit qui est en train de faire ses devoirs, quand la mère de famille lui propose de l’aider le père s’énerve. Finalement elle lui prépare un sandwich, pendant ce temps le père l’emmène ranger sa chambre, la femme en profite pour essayer de s’échapper en vain. 

Hotch est dans sa chambre et récupère son arme, Hayley s’énerve en apprenant qu’il part à Milwaukee. Elle lui dit que son travail est en train de les détruire mais Hotch part tout de même. Celui-ci se rend chez Emily et lui demande de partir avec lui, même si elle refuse au début, elle fini par accepter après que Hotch lui avoue qu’il sait que Strauss lui a demandé de monter un dossier contre lui, mais qu’elle a montré sa loyauté en n’en faisant rien.

Au commissariat l’équipe et l’inspecteur travaillent toujours sur l’affaire, ne trouvant rien de plus sur le tueur JJ propose de se focaliser sur l’enfant chez qui le traumatisme de son père a du se répercuter. Strauss appelle Garcia pour qu’elle trouve toutes les écoles du secteur, l’analyste qui pensant avoir Morgan au téléphone décroche avec ses habituelles plaisanteries.

Morgan, JJ, et Reid partent dans les écoles en présentant le comportement de l’enfant du tueur.

Ce dernier sort de l’école où son père l’attend. L’enfant avoue à son père qu’il ne veut pas que la femme qui est chez eux s’en aille, son père lui dit qu’elles s’en vont toutes, l’enfant réplique que c’est peut être de sa faute, le tueur le frappe et lui explique qu’il ne sera pas toujours là pour le protéger. 

Au commissariat l’équipe se répartit les dossiers qu’ils ont eu dans les écoles, quand Emily et Hotch les rejoignent, ce qui semble déplaire à Strauss mais le temps presse donc elle ne dit rien, pour le moment. Mais une heure avant qu’un nouveau corps qu’un nouveau corps risque d’être trouvé ils n’ont toujours rien. 

De retour chez le tueur alors qu’ils prennent le petit déjeuner l’enfant dit à la femme que son père va la tuer.

Effectivement dans l’heure qui suit son corps est retrouvé, l’équipe se rend sur place et Strauss est sur le point de craquer devant le corps. La dernière victime a été déposée dans un nouveau secteur ce qui montre que le tueur est malin. Le mari de la victime arrive, alors qu’une partie de l’équipe l’empêche d’approcher, Hotch et Reid parlent de Gideon qui ne donne toujours pas de nouvelles, Hotch pense que ce dernier doit être dans sa cabane.

De retour au commissariat Reid pense que l’enfant n’a peut être pas des problèmes de comportement qu’il essaye peut être de paraître le plus normal possible. Hotch appelle donc Garcia pour qu’elle fasse de nouvelles recherches. Il lui demande de plus de stopper toutes les demandes de transfert et de démission.

Reid et JJ sont de nouveau dans une école où ils donnent le nouveau profil de l’enfant, la directrice leur parle d’un certain David Smith, dont le père s’est vu diagnostiquer une tumeur cérébrale incurable et dont la mère est partie après avoir appris cette nouvelle.

David vient d’être ramené chez lui par une femme qui ne veut pas partir avant d’être sûre que le père est là, l’enfant ouvre elle entre et la porte se referme.

Toujours à l’école de David, la directrice est surprise que son père puisse être celui qu’ils recherchent, elle le voit comme un homme très attentionné envers son fils. Quand ils arrivent dans la classe de l’enfant, la maîtresse leur apprend qu’il se sentait mal et que l’infirmière l’a raccompagné chez lui.

L’équipe se rend chez le tueur mais ne peut entrer pour le moment n’ayant pas de mandat. En bas le père est en train d’attacher l’infirmière. Emily décide d’y aller seule afin d’entrer et d’avoir une raison valable permettant aux autres d’intervenir. Elle va donc frapper à la porte et David la laisse entrer. L’enfant lui dit que son père travaille en bas, et Emily descend, quand elle arrive en bas arme au poing, le tueur l’assomme avec une poutre. L’enfant descend et son père lui donne l’arme de l’agent en lui demandant de la pointer sur Emily qui arrive à envoyer le signal à l’équipe. Ceux-ci interviennent et arrêtent l’homme. 

Dehors Emily est en train de se faire soigner, et le tueur avoue qu’il n’avait même pas demandé à son fils de lui amener la dernière femme. Strauss avoue qu’elle ne peut pas officiellement accepter un tel comportement et qu’aucun d’entre eux n’accèdera à de plus hautes fonctions. Hotch réplique qu’il n’a aucune envie de quitter ce département ; quand Morgan lui demande si c’est vrai il lui répond qu’il doit en parler avec sa femme. 

Tous le monde rentre chez lui, Hotch trouve sa maison vide, Hayley est partie. Quant à Reid il se rend dans la cabane de Gideon où il trouve une lettre qui lui est adressée, il s’agit de celle que l’agent écrivait lors de l’épisode précédant et qui explique son départ du Bureau. Quelque part dans un restaurant Gideon paye la note et prend la route pour une destination inconnue.

Jennifer Jareau: Reid? What are you doing here?

Spencer Reid: Gideon didn't answer his phone. I called him twice.

Jennifer Jareau: Have you been here all night?

Spencer Reid: We were supposed to play chess.

Jennifer Jareau: Here?

Spencer Reid: Uh, he hasn't been back to his apartment since, um...

Jennifer Jareau: Right. I need to brief the team, so...

Spencer Reid: Is Hotch here?

Jennifer Jareau: Uh, he's not due for a half hour.


Aaron Hotchner: Thanks, honey.

Haley Hotchner: Yeah. Are you sure you're okay?

Aaron Hotchner: Yeah, I'm fine.

Haley Hotchner: You're doing the right thing.

Aaron Hotchner: I know.

Haley Hotchner: Getting suspended was a blessing in disguise. We deserve a normal life.

Aaron Hotchner: I love you.

Haley Hotchner: I love you, too.


Derek Morgan: What, no Hotch, now no Gideon?

Jennifer Jareau: No, not yet.

Derek Morgan: These guys have been out 2 weeks. You'd think the least they could do is be on time.

Spencer Reid: Yeah, because you're never late.

Derek Morgan: So where's Prentiss?

Jennifer Jareau: Her phone keeps going straight to voicemail.

Derek Morgan: Well, this room just keeps getting smaller and smaller, doesn't it?

Spencer Reid: Should we wait 15 minutes?

Jennifer Jareau: We can just brief them on the plane. Right now the police taskforce in Milwaukee needs our help. They've had 4 murders over the past 3 weeks, and in addition, another woman has been missing the last 2 days. They've all the women are in their 30s,married with children.

Derek Morgan: Any connection between these victims?

Jennifer Jareau: Just that they've all been abducted from the area of Wauwatosa, all from very public places, but there's no witnesses.

Spencer Reid: How are we even certain it's the same killer?

Jennifer Jareau: Well, for starters... All of the bodies have been dumped in the city's third ward… And there's this.

Spencer Reid: Is that what I think it is?

Jennifer Jareau: All the hearts have been cut from their bodies.


Aaron Hotchner: George Washington said: “Let your heart feel for the affliction and distress of everyone.”


Derek Morgan: Hey, am I glad to see you.

Aaron Hotchner: Where you headed?

Derek Morgan: Milwaukee. Looks like another one. I'll catch you up on the flight.

Aaron Hotchner: I'm meeting with the section chief.

Derek Morgan: Okay, so I'll wait. I'm just glad you're back. Trust me when I tell you things have been a little bit shaky around here.

Aaron Hotchner: Morgan, I'm requesting a transfer.

Derek Morgan: Is that a joke?

Aaron Hotchner: No, it's not a joke. Strauss has suspended me once already. The writing's on the wall.

Derek Morgan: Hotch, we both know that suspension was bogus.

Aaron Hotchner: You'll get a new unit chief.

Derek Morgan: What if we don't want a new unit chief?

Aaron Hotchner: Well, maybe the next one won't be such a drill sergeant.

Derek Morgan: Look, man, are you a pain in my ass? Yes, sir. But wanting to hang out with you and needing you to lead this team are two very different things.

Aaron Hotchner: It's been a privilege.


Erin Strauss: I was hoping you'd do the right thing. Have you given any thought to what department you'll request?

Aaron Hotchner: I was under the impression that if I left the B.A.U. I'd have my choice of posts.

Erin Strauss: Well, I'll consider it after I fully complete my investigation. You were a prosecutor. What about heading up a white collar crime taskforce? That'll get you home at nights at a reasonable hour.

Emily Prentiss: Sorry to interrupt. Sir, I've decided to resign from the FBI, effective immediately.

Aaron Hotchner: I don't understand.

Emily Prentiss: I'm taking a Foreign Service exam. With my connections, I stand a good chance of landing in the state department.

Aaron Hotchner: Prentiss, I think that's a mistake.

Emily Prentiss: Well, don't try to talk me out of it. Garcia saw my name on the list and she already tried. If she can't talk someone out of doing something, no one can… Sorry for the interruption… But sir, it's good to see you back. The team needs you. Ma'am.

Erin Strauss: I'll be overseeing this case until I can assign a replacement.

Aaron Hotchner: You don't have any field experience.

Erin Strauss: My job is to protect the bureau. If I have to hold the team's hand for one case, so be it.

Aaron Hotchner: Ma'am, in order to function effectively, this team needs stability.

Erin Strauss: The B.A.U. has some very talented people and they're bureau assets and I believe it's time that they were out from underneath you and Jason Gideon.


Jennifer Jareau: You know, from this angle, she almost looks human.

Spencer Reid: Has anyone talked to Emily yet?

Jennifer Jareau: She was gone before I heard the news.

Derek Morgan: I told you, Reid, now we're down 2 agents and Gideon's M.I.A.

Spencer Reid: Doesn't Strauss ever do any…

Erin Strauss: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's protocol to brief everyone before we arrive at the crime scene.

Jennifer Jareau: Yes, ma'am. This unsub is abducting women from very public places, with no witnesses. He holds them 48 hours, with no sexual assault, and then he dumps their bodies with their hearts carved out of their chests.

Spencer Reid: There's an obvious dichotomy in the skill the unsub exhibits in abducting these women and the fact that he cuts their hearts out so crudely.

Derek Morgan: We're probably looking at someone in a psychotic break. Could be a butcher. Might be a hunter. Somebody who's very comfortable being around blood, but as you can see, he obviously doesn't have the skills of a surgeon.

Erin Strauss: So do we have a working theory?

Derek Morgan: Sure we do. Somebody really doesn't like women.


Penelope Garcia: Is it appropriate to ask whether I could talk you out of it?

Aaron Hotchner: Heard you got a bigger office.

Penelope Garcia: A swanky new map and everything… It's the Milwaukee file. J.J. wanted me to give it to you.

Aaron Hotchner: I'm not working it.

Penelope Garcia: I'm just following orders. They found a new body this morning. The others are headed straight to the scene.


Vic Wolynski: You the FBI?

Derek Morgan: Derek Morgan. Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau, and Section Chief Strauss.

Vic Wolynski: Vic Wolynski, Milwaukee PD.

Spencer Reid: You worked the Jeffrey Dahmer case.

Vic Wolynski: 16 years ago.

Spencer Reid: I've studied it.

Vic Wolynski: And you remember my name?

Jennifer Jareau: He remembers everything.

Derek Morgan: It’s what he does.

Erin Strauss: What can you tell us?

Vic Wolynski: Uh, local merchant noticed her a few hours ago. Uh, but considering he didn't see her when he first came to work, uh, we figure she was dumped there between 7:50 and 8:05. Same window as the others.

Derek Morgan: All the bodies were found in this area, right?

Vic Wolynski: Uh, Wauwatosa is an upper-middle-class suburb approximately 15 minutes from here. All the women were abducted from there in the afternoon and turned up here in the morning 2 days later.

Jennifer Jareau: All this foot traffic and no one saw anything.

Vic Wolynski: Well, he up, wraps the bodies, uh, loosely so they're not immediately recognizable. Eventually the, uh, wrapping comes and my guess is he, uh, has a van or a truck, something he can back up so he's shielded when he makes the drop.

Derek Morgan: No prints on whatever he wraps them in?

Vic Wolynski: There have been traces of paint and wood stain, but most of it's just common stuff you'd get at any hardware store.

Spencer Reid: He's trying to demean them, putting them out like trash.

Derek Morgan: This guy might work or live around here. Gets off on the reaction to his... Handiwork.

Jennifer Jareau: What can you tell us about the victim?

Vic Wolynski: She was taken from a supermarket. Her husband says that most days she would have been picking up her son at school, but he was spending the afternoon at a friend's.

Erin Strauss: This is your fifth victim, right?

Vic Wolynski: Yes.

Erin Strauss: You should have called us sooner.

Vic Wolynski: I thought we had a handle on it.

Erin Strauss: Apparently not.

Jennifer Jareau: Ma'am. Excuse me, sir.


Jennifer Jareau: We need to work with these detectives.

Erin Strauss: I'm sorry?

Jennifer Jareau: We don't generally criticize them. It just really doesn't get us anything.

Erin Strauss: Are you saying it wouldn't be helpful if he had contacted us sooner?

Jennifer Jareau: Well, of course. It's always, you know, the sooner the better.

Erin Strauss: Right… And Agent Jareau... Don't question me again.


Aaron Hotchner: Is Jack still napping?

Haley Hotchner: I thought this was over.

Aaron Hotchner: It is. I'm just curious… Hello? Hello?

Haley Hotchner: What did the Section Chief say?

Aaron Hotchner: She suggested that I transfer to a white collar crime taskforce.

Haley Hotchner: Would you have to travel?

Aaron Hotchner: No, I'd have a 9:00 to 5:00 life.

Haley Hotchner: Then it's a no-brainer.


Derek Morgan: Hey.

Aaron Hotchner: How's it going?

Derek Morgan: Well, Strauss just offended the lead detective 45 seconds into her first crime scene.

Aaron Hotchner: I'm not surprised.

Derek Morgan: This isn't about to get any better, is it?

Aaron Hotchner: I doubt it. Morgan, listen, I've been looking at the file. Milwaukee schools start at 8:10 and they get out at 3:10. Every abduction has taken place within 15 minutes of school getting out and each body was dumped within 15 minutes of the first bell. We could easily be looking at somebody who works in the school system.

Derek Morgan: Okay. Thanks, man.

Aaron Hotchner: Any idea how's he's getting control of these women? Is he blitzing them or coercing them?

Derek Morgan: So far we're coming up blank.

Aaron Hotchner: Okay. Keep me posted.


Claire Thompson: You scared me.

David Smith: I'm looking for my dad.

Claire Thompson: Are you lost?

David Smith: I'm not lost. I'm just not sure where I am.

Claire Thompson: Okay. Maybe I can help you?


Claire Thompson: Are you sure this is what your dad said?

David Smith: He said if anything happened, to meet him on the side because it wouldn't be so crowded.

Joe Smith: Hey. Hey. Hey, there you are. Hey guy, I was worried.

Claire Thompson: Hi.

Joe Smith: Hi.

David Smith: I'm sorry I tricked you. My dad's just shy.

Joe Smith: I want you to smile and ask if you can come home with us, or I'm gonna gut the boy like a deer.

Claire Thompson: Would you mind if I came home with you?

David Smith: I'd like that.

Joe Smith: Well, then.


Vic Wolynski: Hey. What do we know?

Cop: Woman's name is Claire Thompson. Husband tried to reach her on the cell phone. When she didn't pick up, he drove to the department store. Car's in the parking lot, but she's not inside.

Jennifer Jareau: Is that the husband?

Cop: Yeah.

Derek Morgan: J.J., take Strauss with you.

Cop: I had the department store uplink the security footage to your analyst in Quantico.

Derek Morgan: Perfect.

Vic Wolynski: My desk is over here.


Derek Morgan: Garcia, baby girl, please tell me something I want to hear.

Penelope Garcia: You're a statuesque god of sculpted chocolate thunder.

Derek Morgan: How about something I don't already know?

Penelope Garcia: I have a sweet tooth?

Derek Morgan: Did you located the missing girl on the security footage?

Penelope Garcia: On it. It's coming your way in 5,4,3,2...

Derek Morgan: I got it.

Penelope Garcia: Keep me on speaker, will you?

Spencer Reid: She doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar.

Derek Morgan: Look. Who's the kid?

Vic Wolynski: Does Claire Thompson have a son?

Jennifer Jareau: No. 2-year-old daughter.

Spencer Reid: It looks like the kid's lost.

Derek Morgan: Garcia, this all you got?

Penelope Garcia: That's it. They’d turned down a hallway without no security camera and we lose them.

Vic Wolynski: I'll get a list of missing kids, see if we can make out a resemblance to any of them.

Derek Morgan: Oh, damn.

Spencer Reid: What?

Derek Morgan: Something Hotch said all the abductions and disposals have been timed around school. We thought the unsub might work in the system. What if this guy's actually using his own son to lure his victims?


Derek Morgan: Detective Wolynski told us you're trying to single out trucks and vans. That's smart. The unsub is dumping his victims in the business district, so I'd agree with you-- he's probably not driving something that would stand out. He may even have some type of company logo on the side of his vehicle as well.

Spencer Reid: We know that he abducts the women in Wauwatosa and dumps their bodies somewhere in the third ward. Most unsubs keep their area of control-- where they kill their victims-- triangulated between the two points.

Derek Morgan: Which means that the unsub probably lives in Wauwatosa or the third ward. Somewhere in that area. And the people who live there know the unsub.

Spencer Reid: There's no sexual component to these crimes, which means it's more about the unsub making a point. He's cutting their hearts out.

Derek Morgan: It might just be that this is the sickest way the unsub knows to disfigure the women and... Throw them out like trash. Can’t we really know.

Spencer Reid: The two most important questions to ask ourselves are: what is this guy doing with these women for 48 hours? And why is he willing to use his own son to abduct them?

Derek Morgan: And if he is truly using his own son, then it's likely that he has what we call borderline personality disorder. Now, borderlines-- they think that all relationships revolve entirely around them. When they set their mind to something, absolute-- there is no grey area.

Spencer Reid: It would also manifest in a way that would be visible to people around the unsub. Intense bouts of anger and depression, problems drinking. He would also be highly sensitive to rejection.

Derek Morgan: And one last thing. It is not easy to crack clean into breastbone. You're dealing with a guy who works with his hands and he's used to hard labour. At the very least, he's not afraid to get dirty.


Joe Smith: Now, I'm gonna take that out of your mouth and you're gonna be really quiet. Like a doll. Okay? Oh, that's good. Let's go on upstairs. And you're gonna be really, really nice to the boy… Not like the little bitch we all know you are. You understand? Say it!

Claire Thompson: I understand.

Joe Smith: Lovely.


Aaron Hotchner: Haley? Okay, mac and cheese.

Haley Hotchner: Got it

Aaron Hotchner: Here you go. Good boy.

Haley Hotchner: Hello

Jack Hotchner: Mac and cheese.

Aaron Hotchner: Ah, it's the best.

Haley Hotchner: It's Morgan.

Aaron Hotchner: Thanks. Yeah, what's up?

Derek Morgan: You know I wouldn't be calling you unless I was desperate.

Aaron Hotchner: Still no Gideon?

Derek Morgan: No, not a word. Reid's starting to worry about him. We really need you out here, man.

Aaron Hotchner: Morgan, I've already put in for the transfer. It's a done deal.

Derek Morgan: No, you didn't. Not yet, anyway. It's not in the system, Hotch, not yet. Come on. You know this case. You could pitch in on just this one. We think he might be using his own kid to lure these women, man. He just picked up another one… Hotch.

Aaron Hotchner: I got to think.


Claire Thompson: What are you doing?

David Smith: Multiplication.

Claire Thompson: Multiplication… That's hard.

David Smith: It's extra credit. The rest of the class is still on long division.

Claire Thompson: Maybe I could help you.

David Smith: It's okay.

Claire Thompson: I'm really good at math.

Joe Smith: The boy... Has got to learn to do things by himself.

Claire Thompson: No, of course.

David Smith: But you can make me a sandwich.

Claire Thompson: Okay.

Joe Smith: Come on. Let's go clean up your room.


Claire Thompson: Help!


Haley Hotchner: What the hell are you doing?

Aaron Hotchner: Keep your voice down… Gideon didn't show in Milwaukee and the team needs me.

Haley Hotchner: I don't believe this.

Aaron Hotchner: Don't worry, it won't affect my transfer I've been working on an existing case.

Haley Hotchner: You're not working on this case.

Aaron Hotchner: I can't just switch off my loyalty, Haley.

Haley Hotchner: They suspended you for 2 weeks. Who are you being loyal to?

Aaron Hotchner: The team needs me.

Haley Hotchner: No, they need Gideon.

Aaron Hotchner: Do you know what this guy's doing to women in Milwaukee?

Haley Hotchner: I don't want to know.

Aaron Hotchner: He's using his son to lure them, he's holding them, and then he's cutting their hearts out.

Haley Hotchner: Aaron, stop! Don't make me the monster here. I feel sick about these women, but when this case is over, there will be another one and another one and another one. It is never going to stop.

Aaron Hotchner: This is who I am.

Haley Hotchner: No... This is what you do.

Aaron Hotchner: I'm trying to do the right thing, here and there, and I would really appreciate a little support.

Haley Hotchner: That's right. 'Cause you always need to be the hero.

Aaron Hotchner: Don't give me that.

Haley Hotchner: No. Obviously a happy life isn't enough for you… Aaron, I need you.

Aaron Hotchner: I'll be back... As soon as this case is over.

Haley Hotchner: Yeah, well, make sure you give your son a kiss before you leave.


Aaron Hotchner: Can I come in? The team needs us. They're working on a case in Milwaukee. Gideon hasn't shown up, and don't tell me you quit or I put in for a transfer.

Emily Prentiss: You put in for a transfer?

Aaron Hotchner: They're both still hung up in the system, so technically we're in dereliction of duty by not being there.

Emily Prentiss: I'm sorry, I can't go.

Aaron Hotchner: Right. Sorry I barged in.

Emily Prentiss: Wait. Wait. Can I ask-- why are you really here?

Aaron Hotchner: I told you… I think Strauss came to you and asked for dirt on me.

Emily Prentiss: Why would she do that?

Aaron Hotchner: I think if you have your eyes on top leadership at the FBI, you want to know who might stand in your way.

Emily Prentiss: And... What could I have told her?

Aaron Hotchner: That one of my agents might have murdered a suspect in cold blood. Or another might have a serious drug problem which I didn't report, and if Strauss had any evidence, my career would be over. I think she put you on our team and expected something in return and to your credit, you quit rather than whisper in her ear.

Emily Prentiss: I told you I hate politics.

Aaron Hotchner: Come to Milwaukee. I'll make you a deal if you’re ready bag isn't here packed, I won't bug you anymore. If it is, I want you on that plane with me. One more case.

Emily Prentiss: I already turned in my badge and my gun.

Aaron Hotchner: That's just hardware.


Vic Wolynski: I have triple patrol in the area and I've got every available unit recanvassing.

Derek Morgan: It's tough knowing they're out there and we're still a step behind.

Vic Wolynski: You know, it used to be a running joke that if you told people you were from Milwaukee, all they wanted to talk about was happy days reruns. And then Dahmer happens and they ask you about it as if it's the same thing as if it's entertainment but I was in that apartment.

Spencer Reid: Gideon, one of our bosses, says that there are things that attach to you that... You can never wash off.

Jennifer Jareau: All right it, is it possible we're looking at this the wrong way?

Erin Strauss: What do you mean?

Jennifer Jareau: Well, we're trying to zero in on the unsub. Now, you guys tell me, but... If he really is using his son, wouldn't the trauma manifest more clearly on the boy?

Erin Strauss: Can your analyst get a list of all the children in the area that we're targeting?

Derek Morgan: Garcia can get you whatever you want.

Penelope Garcia: Talk dirty to me.

Erin Strauss: I-- This is section chief Erin Strauss.

Penelope Garcia: Ma'am, I think it goes without saying that I was expecting it to be someone else.

Erin Strauss: I need a list of every grade school in the Third Ward and Wauwatosa.

Penelope Garcia: Yes, ma'am. The Third Ward has one public grade school, but there appears to be 4 private schools that draw from that area.

Erin Strauss: And Wauwatosa?

Penelope Garcia: That would be 9,ma'am.

Erin Strauss: And how many students?

Penelope Garcia: 3200.

Erin Strauss: Can you also get me a list of every guidance counsellor that deals directly with the student body in that area?

Penelope Garcia: Certainly, ma'am. And again, I'd like to a...

Erin Strauss: You need to present these counsellors with a profile of a troubled kid.


Jennifer Jareau: The boy we're looking for is possibly from a single-parent home.

Derek Morgan: He's sullen and withdrawn.

Spencer Reid: He may have been caught stealing things from his female teachers.

Derek Morgan: He's more than likely clinging to maternal figures in inappropriate settings-- hugging the female bus driver, the woman in the lunchroom.

Spencer Reid: His classmates might notice this inappropriate behaviour and tease him, which makes the boy incredibly angry.

Jennifer Jareau: That many.

Pam: I'm afraid so.

Jennifer Jareau: Well, thank you.


Joe Smith: How was school?

David Smith: Okay.

Joe Smith: It was just okay?

David Smith: Is the lady still at home?

Joe Smith: Yeah.

David Smith: Is she gonna leave?

Joe Smith: I don't know.

David Smith: I don't want her to.

Joe Smith: Sometimes things happen. Grown-up things.

David Smith: I don't want this one to go.

Joe Smith: But they-- they all leave. Okay?

David Smith: Maybe they all leave because of you.

Joe Smith: What? I know you're old enough to understand this. I will not always be around! They all leave. All of them. They leave, they leave, they leave. Do you understand me? It's all right. It's okay, all right? I'm just trying to teach you something.


Derek Morgan: All right, the boy doesn't look like he could be any older than 7. Let's work youngest to oldest. Start with the worst behaviour. Get the names of the parents, send them over to Garcia. She can cross-check for criminal records. This guy's dumping bodies between 7:30 and 8:00. That gives us... A little over 12 hours to make something hit. Let's get it done.

Spencer Reid: Look who's here.

Emily Prentiss: Hey. Where do we start? How fast can you get us up to speed?

Jennifer Jareau: How fast can you sit down?

Emily Prentiss: We're only here to help.

Erin Strauss: We'll deal with this later.


Spencer Reid: It's impossible. There's too many.

Derek Morgan: Keep looking, Reid. We still have an hour.

Aaron Hotchner: Thank you, by the way, for giving Garcia that file to give to me.

Jennifer Jareau: I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't see Garcia before I left.


Claire Thompson: Did you sleep well?

David Smith: Yeah.

Claire Thompson: Do you mind if I have some cereal?

David Smith: I guess not… He's gonna kill you, you know.


Aaron Hotchner: Are you all right?

Erin Strauss: I st--I stepped on her hair.

Aaron Hotchner: If you need a second, take a second. This is what it is. Just don't let the public see you break down.

Emily Prentiss: This is a different area from the other dump sites, isn't it?

Spencer Reid: He's getting smart. He knows where all of our manpower will be so he's changing locations.

Derek Morgan: How long before he changes when and where he abducts them?

Emily Prentiss: He does that, we're back at zero.

Bill Thompson: Claire?

Derek Morgan: No, no, no, no. We gotta keep him out of here.

Aaron Hotchner: Morgan says you're worried about Gideon.

Spencer Reid: I keep on calling him, he doesn't call back.

Aaron Hotchner: He's probably at his cabin. That's where he goes when he... Needs to get away. Reid, I need your head in this.

Spencer Reid: I know.


Aaron Hotchner: So what's around the dump site?

Vic Wolynski: Here's the old printing press of quad graphics, and the paving yard, and then the concrete factory where we found the body. None of them visible from the highway.

Emily Prentiss: You don't end up there by accident.

Aaron Hotchner: So we go back to the schools, we eliminate the third ward, and we target problem kids whose fathers have held blue-collar jobs over the last 10 years.

Spencer Reid: What if he's not a problem kid?

Derek Morgan: What?

Spencer Reid: Forget it. It's off the textbook profile.

Aaron Hotchner: What is it, Reid?

Spencer Reid: Sometimes when a parent is unstable, especially if the other one's out of the picture, you'll do anything to be the perfect child.

Emily Prentiss: Like help your father abduct women?

Spencer Reid: They're never late for school. Even with the abductions, the disposal of the bodies, it's always timed perfectly so the kid will be on time to school. I don't think the killer would care. I think the kid would.


Penelope Garcia: FBI. Technical analyst Penelope Garcia speaking.

Aaron Hotchner: Garcia, I need a list of parents from the Wauwatosa school district, eliminating any two-parent households or any fathers holding white collar jobs that aren't labour management.

Penelope Garcia: You'll see it flying over the transom momentarily.

Aaron Hotchner: And one more thing-- the glitches in the transfers and resignations stop now.

Penelope Garcia: Uh-- yes, sir.

Aaron Hotchner: And, Garcia...

Penelope Garcia: Yes?

Aaron Hotchner: Thank you.


Jennifer Jareau: He's a kid that's a model student.

Spencer Reid: Not just straight as, though. It's someone who tries to please in a way that the other teachers have probably talked about. Inventing extra-credit projects, volunteering to skip recess to help clean the classroom, stuff like that.

Pam: David Smith.

Spencer Reid: Do you know his father?

Pam: Oh, it's such a sad story. The teachers all talk about it. He was diagnosed with an inoperable tumour 6 months ago, and his wife left the two of them.

Jennifer Jareau: She just left?

Pam: Yeah. I don't know what's gonna happen to David.


David Smith: Thank you for driving me.

Vicki: You know, I can't just leave you here. I have to make sure your dad's home.

David Smith: I know.


Pam: I can't imagine David's father being someone you're looking for. He's very involved. He drops David off and picks him up every day.

Spencer Reid: Do you happen to know what kind of car he drives? A van, maybe?

Pam: I can't say. Something big. He makes hand-crafted furniture. I know he does deliveries… Miss Bennett.

Miss Bennett: Just continue working.

Spencer Reid: We're looking for David Smith.

Miss Bennett: You just missed him.

Jennifer Jareau: Do you know where he went?

Miss Bennett: He wasn't feeling well, so the nurse volunteered to drive him home to help out David's father.

Jennifer Jareau: Thank you.


Aaron Hotchner: The boy's alone in the family room.

Erin Strauss: Where are your other agents?

Derek Morgan: Covering the other side. They have an eye-line just in case somebody tries to sneak out the back.

Emily Prentiss: Is there any sign of the nurse or the dad?

Derek Morgan: No.


Joe Smith: Go ahead, you want to scream, scream. Go ahead and scream!

Vicki: The school knows that I'm here!

Joe Smith: Yes, yes. You dropped the boy off, I thanked you, and then you left. They'll find your car in the parking lot of the Mayfair mall.

Vicki: I was trying to help your son.


Vic Wolynski: So what are we doing here?

Erin Strauss: We call in S.W.A.T., secure the perimeter, and wait for him to come out.

Derek Morgan: Ma'am, he's holding a woman inside.

Erin Strauss: We don't know that for certain. We don't have probable cause.

Aaron Hotchner: She's right.

Erin Strauss: If he's got her, he waits 48 hours. He's not gonna kill her yet.

Derek Morgan: He's changed the pattern of the dump sites, and now he's changed how he abducts them. Do we really want to gamble that he's sticking to the rest of the model?

Vic Wolynski: So let's pound on the door.

Aaron Hotchner: Maybe he'll panic but he could spook just enough to kill her early.

Emily Prentiss: Let me go in alone. The boy's in the family room. He'll answer the door.

Erin Strauss: No.

Emily Prentiss: We need to get invited in that door. He's looking for female authority figures. If he lets me in, I can signal as soon as I see anything that gives us cause.

Erin Strauss: Technically, you're not even in the FBI.

Aaron Hotchner: All the better.

Erin Strauss: She's interfering with a federal investigation.

Emily Prentiss: Well, if I'm no longer in the FBI, then you have no authority over me. I'm just a civilian knocking on a little boy's door.

Derek Morgan: Prentiss.

Emily Prentiss: Thanks.

Aaron Hotchner: As soon as you have probable cause, give us a signal and get out of there.

Emily Prentiss: Okay.

Aaron Hotchner: Everybody knows what we need to make this arrest legal.


Emily Prentiss: Hi. Are you David? Your dad asked me to come by.

David Smith: He's busy.

Emily Prentiss: Would it be okay if I came in and waited?

David Smith: I guess.

Emily Prentiss: Thank you.

David Smith: My dad says it's unsafe to leave your door unlocked.

Emily Prentiss: Smart man.


Derek Morgan: Prentiss is in. We're waiting on her go.


Emily Prentiss: So... Where is your dad?

David Smith: He's working in there.

Emily Prentiss: Is he alone… Would it be okay if I just let him know I was waiting?

David Smith: He doesn't like me to go down there when he's working.

Emily Prentiss: Oh no, you don't have to. Um, I just gonna go and see if he's to busy. And we can both be really quiet, okay? Can you be quiet?


Joe Smith: Who is this? Where did she come from?

David Smith: She said she knew you.

Joe Smith: What?

David Smith: She said she knew you.

Joe Smith: All right, take this.

David Smith: I can't.

Joe Smith: Take it! It's okay. Look, it's ok. Just...

David Smith: No.

Joe Smith: Point it right here. This is their fault. You know, this is their fault. We're doing the right thing. All right? We're doing The right thing. Point it, point it.


Aaron Hotchner: Let's go!


Aaron Hotchner: Drop the weapon, son… Give me the gun… Here.

Joe Smith: David, that's okay. Do what they say.

Jennifer Jareau: Are you okay?

Emily Prentiss: Ah, I'll be fine.

Jennifer Jareau: I'll call an ambulance.

Vic Wolynski: You're dying, and this is what you want to leave your son?


Aaron Hotchner: How's your head?

Emily Prentiss: I'll live. Is it weird I'm glad to be back?

Aaron Hotchner: I'll make sure it stays official.


Joe Smith: I'll be dead before I ever stand trial.

Vic Wolynski: Good.

Joe Smith: You know, I never even told the boy to bring me this last one.


Erin Strauss: How's she doing?

Aaron Hotchner: She's gonna be okay.

Erin Strauss: You know, I can't officially approve of how this transpired, right?

Aaron Hotchner: No. The arrest was clean. It would be a mistake to break up this team.

Erin Strauss: None of you will ever move up the chain of command. You know that.

Aaron Hotchner: Why would I ever want to leave the B.A.U.

Derek Morgan: Hotch. You mean that? You're not gonna leave us?

Aaron Hotchner: I don't know. I gotta talk to Haley.


Aaron Hotchner: Haley?


Spencer Reid: Gideon? Gideon?

Jason Gideon: Spencer, I knew it would be you who came to the cabin to check on me. I'm sorry the explanation couldn't be better and I'm sorry it doesn't make more sense but I've already told you, I just don't understand any of it anymore.


Jason Gideon: Here you are.

Rose: You get enough to eat, honey?

Jason Gideon: Oh, yeah.

Rose: You traveling?

Jason Gideon: Yeah

Rose: Where you headed?

Jason Gideon: Nowhere in particular.

Rose: How will you know when you get there?

Jason Gideon: That's a good question... Rose. A very good question. Have a great day.


Jason Gideon: You too I guess I'm just looking for it again for the belief I had back in college… The belief I had when I first met Sarah and it all seemed so right… The belief in happy endings.

Kikavu ?

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16.09.2021 vers 11h

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diana62800  (19.04.2022 à 21:23)

Après Elle, Gideon part, c'est trop triste =( 

C'est mon personnage préféré et je suis toujours pas remise de ce qui se passe par la suite :( 


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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !